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Original storyline/server cut down


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Dear Bioware I was a Beta tester during the summer and I noticed that since update 1.1 you have removed large sections of our characters storymode. Along with many side quests that used to be on korriban hutta dromand kaas and ord mantell ect. I was wondering if you could re-enstate these quests and possibly give us more story line based quests and slow down leveling so it is the way you initially enteded this mmo to be a movie which we are a part of. For example I remember during Beta before Blood killed Braden and the alien dude leaving you and Mako alone. You first learn that Braden has been taken someone to the great hunt before and was let down and the alien dude had his own reason for joining the group. Which left you felt a sense of bonding with these characters and made it seem more real. I remember before that you had to go through three quests with the team before you come back and when you got back to see their dead bodies you had no idea it was going to happen and felt a little shocked that was amazing storyline telling and just helped make the story more alive. However since the release of 1.1 that build up was taken out. It is your Game you designed those quests to be there and you shouldnt have taken them out but we do not know why you chose to do so. I suggest that you should reinstate these missing quests objectives and you will find more people will come back because you change the focus from just leveling to understaning and participating in a story which you guys are great at doing trust in yourselves and if you spent the money and you created the idea don't mess with it i'm sure not everyone believes that the quests are pointless. Next about the servers we understand its not just 2 clicks of a button and our server issues are fixed any programmer or computer designer knows that. However sometime soon if you can drop it to the minimum amout of PvE PvP servers east and west coast as you can have you will see a boom of people to return. This is because me and my friend play together and for the past 2 months on the pvp server Sword Of Ajunta Paul we have only seen 4 other players that is not good numbers but if you contain us on very few servers then the experience is that much better and it does feel like a community. Thus why i switched to Fatman in order to enjoy playtime with other players. Its just some things you have probably heard a million times but it is a critical issue and time is not on your side for this one.
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Dear Bioware I was a Beta tester during the summer and I noticed that since update 1.1 you have removed large sections of our characters storymode.


For example I remember during Beta before Blood killed Braden and the alien dude leaving you and Mako alone. You first learn that Braden has been taken someone to the great hunt before and was let down and the alien dude had his own reason for joining the group. Which left you felt a sense of bonding with these characters and made it seem more real. I remember before that you had to go through three quests with the team before you come back and when you got back to see their dead bodies you had no idea it was going to happen and felt a little shocked that was amazing storyline telling and just helped make the story more alive. However since the release of 1.1 that build up was taken out.

I played a BH in beta weekend 1, I made one right after release, and I made one shortly after 1.2 went live. I don't really know what you're talking about here. As far as I can tell, Bioware has not removed any of the BH story on Hutta. It seems the same as it was before release and before 1.1.

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I can't remember too well cuz its been a while since Beta but a lot has changed with the story its not as in dept as it was before for the starting area if you were in Beta you should know that it took you worst case scenario 6 hours of play time to get to ten 4-5 hours if everything goes the way you want. All i'm really saying though is that because the level cap is 50 that sort of slow leveling and deep story could be called for.
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I was in beta as well. Nothing's been removed from the class storylines.


The rewards were increased in the starting zones so that you would attain level 10 earlier, with the intent you be anywhere between level 10-12 before leaving the planet. No content was removed, though.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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