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Everything in this game is to expensive.


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Really- you knew that people would tell you that to earn money, you have to have a profession?


You occupied Wall Street, didn't you?


It is remarkably funny how that one works out isn't it?

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The point is that they could have set up a system where there were more ways than "run the dailies" to earn credits.


You mean like a space combat system, or a crafting system that you don't even have to be logged into to use? Yeah- something like that would have been cool.

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In contrary to what the OP believes. The reason to have NPC "optional" features that costs a couple million is to ensure the prices on GTN stay low - curbing inflation. BW is actually hoping the OP without knowing.


The only way to curb inflation on GTN is to decrease money supply in the system. In game content rewards players with credits = printing money thus creating inflationary pressure in the market place (GTN). In order to suppress it so you will have to de-leverage the supply by having a NPC/ Non GTN method for the players to spend the credits in a way that eliminates the currency from the system entirely.


If you review the bioware report that was released prior to 1.2. They measure exactly the same thing


Credits rewarded in game / Credits spent (not traded on GTN) in game = inflation


Money making is a important aspect in most MMO's but I never find it being an issue in this game. Try playing FFXI where all i did was fish for 3 years in the game just to buy a robe.

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Typo: - Hoping > Helping


In contrary to what the OP believes. The reason to have NPC "optional" features that costs a couple million is to ensure the prices on GTN stay low - curbing inflation. BW is actually hoping the OP without knowing.


The only way to curb inflation on GTN is to decrease money supply in the system. In game content rewards players with credits = printing money thus creating inflationary pressure in the market place (GTN). In order to suppress it so you will have to de-leverage the supply by having a NPC/ Non GTN method for the players to spend the credits in a way that eliminates the currency from the system entirely.


If you review the bioware report that was released prior to 1.2. They measure exactly the same thing


Credits rewarded in game / Credits spent (not traded on GTN) in game = inflation


Money making is a important aspect in most MMO's but I never find it being an issue in this game. Try playing FFXI where all i did was fish for 3 years in the game just to buy a robe.

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If SWTOR turned exp into credits at max level, the price of expensive items would increase and we'd still have people complaining about the cost. Not to mention that you'd still be running around killing things for xp/money, meaning that the grind would still be there. Different grind, same tedium.


Unless, of course, they kept the prices the same, which would instead mean the prices on the GTN would skyrocket (of course, were money that easy to get, this would happen anyway) and there would be no reward for people willing to put in extra effort.


No thank you, I prefer a game where you have to earn the nicer things.


Alternatively though and as a former player of CoH/V the mentoring down or going the sidekick route to a higher level toon (usually a friend or super-group mate) was a great idea on their part. It was quite helpful in helping others level toons. This is one of those few rare things I wouldn't mind seeing added into the game.

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I haven't had any trouble with money.


Have you considered that it might be less expensive to get alternately-modded gear instead of constantly swapping mods in and out of the same gear?


Everything in this game is to expensive. It cost almost 2 mill to change out all your mods. Everything form learning a new skill to legacy items and speeder training is just outrageously priced. I can see why the credit sellers are spamming us every day. They must be making a fortune. I am mainly a pvp player on a pvp server and i cant afford to buy jack. The only good stuff I have I got with pvp coms cus I sure as S&^% cant afford to buy anything good. SWG, everquest and wow have a better economy than this game. Everything in this game has a credit price attached to it. for example in swg and everquest you could equip a appearance at no cost. this game almost 2 mill credits.
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You mean like a space combat system, or a crafting system that you don't even have to be logged into to use? Yeah- something like that would have been cool.


Space Combat IS dailies. Just because I'm doing them in a ship instead of on a planet doesn't mean they're not exactly as repetitive as the planetary dailies.


And I don't know where people claiming to make tons of money crafting are getting it. I've got every crafting profession except a cybertech, and NONE of them are capable of making a profit, much less enough that I would be able to afford insanely overpriced Legacy features. I'm lucky if my crafted gear sells for more than the mats cost.


The only consistent source of income I've found other than daily quests is selling the mission discoveries from my Slicer. And that's purely a random reward, not an "effort = reward" reward

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I haven't had any trouble with money.


Have you considered that it might be less expensive to get alternately-modded gear instead of constantly swapping mods in and out of the same gear?


The whole point of custom (orange) gear is to allow players to have the look for their character that they want. Getting different gear because it's two expensive to swap mods defeats the whole purpose of having moddable gear in the first place. They may as well just get rid of the whole concept of moddable gear and go with WoW-style purple "epix" if they are going to insist on making mod swapping prohibitively expensive.

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Rakata mods cost ~33k to remove. There are 5 moddable pieces in a set and 3 mods per piece. That's 3*5*33k = 495,000 GC to change all the mods over to a new set.


Running every daily nets about 250-300k depending on drops. That's 2 days to fully redesign your look.

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Everything in this game is to expensive. It cost almost 2 mill to change out all your mods. Everything form learning a new skill to legacy items and speeder training is just outrageously priced. I can see why the credit sellers are spamming us every day. They must be making a fortune. I am mainly a pvp player on a pvp server and i cant afford to buy jack. The only good stuff I have I got with pvp coms cus I sure as S&^% cant afford to buy anything good. SWG, everquest and wow have a better economy than this game. Everything in this game has a credit price attached to it. for example in swg and everquest you could equip a appearance at no cost. this game almost 2 mill credits.


There are other places to get credits friend, look into it.

Edited by Serbegorn
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Sweet, so all I have to do to make money is grind the same stuff for 3-4 hours every day, 7 days a week? Hey, after 3 weeks of that, I can buy a useless GTN terminal for my ship!


If you don't think the GTN is useful, why would you buy it? If you don't need to buy something useless, then there is no need to grind. Your logic is flawed.

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Rakata mods cost ~33k to remove. There are 5 moddable pieces in a set and 3 mods per piece. That's 3*5*33k = 495,000 GC to change all the mods over to a new set.


Running every daily nets about 250-300k depending on drops. That's 2 days to fully redesign your look.


Let's assume that we mod the weapons as well, which would be 693k. Hell, let's be crazy and mod some bracers and belts too! Even then that'd only amount to 825k (2 mod slots each for bracer/belt).


It doesn't go anywhere near the 2 million TC claimed.

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In contrary to what the OP believes. The reason to have NPC "optional" features that costs a couple million is to ensure the prices on GTN stay low - curbing inflation. BW is actually hoping the OP without knowing.


The only way to curb inflation on GTN is to decrease money supply in the system. In game content rewards players with credits = printing money thus creating inflationary pressure in the market place (GTN). In order to suppress it so you will have to de-leverage the supply by having a NPC/ Non GTN method for the players to spend the credits in a way that eliminates the currency from the system entirely.


If you review the bioware report that was released prior to 1.2. They measure exactly the same thing


Credits rewarded in game / Credits spent (not traded on GTN) in game = inflation


Money making is a important aspect in most MMO's but I never find it being an issue in this game. Try playing FFXI where all i did was fish for 3 years in the game just to buy a robe.


This is as close to an official statement as you will get.

Because in my opinion that is the most likely reason why there are that many and that expensive credit sinks in this game.


I remember watching the Guild Summit when BioWare showed just the tip of the iceberg of economic data they were tracking. Also, they did lower the PVE repair costs didn't they. This combined with the credit sinks and shifts in availability of certain items post-patch does hint at a balancing act rather than blind adjustments just to spite people.


I mean I would like reduced prices for some of the credit sink items as well - who wouldn't?! - I dont't think it's reasonable to just lower the prices at this point and be done with it.

Edited by djdee
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I don't know where people claiming to make tons of money crafting are getting it. I've got every crafting profession except a cybertech, and NONE of them are capable of making a profit, much less enough that I would be able to afford insanely overpriced Legacy features. I'm lucky if my crafted gear sells for more than the mats cost.


Medpacs for personal use are the extent of my crafting. The buckets of ducats I roll around in and light my space-cigarillos with every night comes from people who buy crafting materials off the GTN. Again, it's not hard. Get a gathering skill. Run a few missions. Put them up on the GTN. Go to bed, wake up rich.


I will provide an example. Check the GTN on your server. Look at what Genetic Anomoly is going for. Realize you get 4-12 of these per gathering mission. Net cost to you, ~500 credits and 4 minutes of your companions time.


There are items in every craft that can make you money like this. All you have to do is hold out your hands and let the credits pour into them.

Edited by Malecasta
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Before dailies existed we farmed mobs for hours. Try wrapping your head around that.


And you still can - it is still feasible to do so. Also BP - still feasible (even with the nerfs).

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Space Combat IS dailies. Just because I'm doing them in a ship instead of on a planet doesn't mean they're not exactly as repetitive as the planetary dailies.


And I don't know where people claiming to make tons of money crafting are getting it. I've got every crafting profession except a cybertech, and NONE of them are capable of making a profit, much less enough that I would be able to afford insanely overpriced Legacy features. I'm lucky if my crafted gear sells for more than the mats cost.


The only consistent source of income I've found other than daily quests is selling the mission discoveries from my Slicer. And that's purely a random reward, not an "effort = reward" reward



Cybertech is good.. people with alts want to quickly buy mods/armoring as they level up. Can actually mark them up a good amount. Greens are cheap to make and people will buy them to fill out a set to there level when they run out of planet comms. I put out a range of armorings and mods at various levels for less than 10k of work (manually gather most of the resources) and wake up the next day with hundreds of thousands of credits sitting in my mailbox.

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The whole point of custom (orange) gear is to allow players to have the look for their character that they want. Getting different gear because it's two expensive to swap mods defeats the whole purpose of having moddable gear in the first place. They may as well just get rid of the whole concept of moddable gear and go with WoW-style purple "epix" if they are going to insist on making mod swapping prohibitively expensive.


It doesn't defeat the purpose at all. You can get two of the same piece of orange gear, and fill the slots with different mods, thus maintaining your look, yet allowing you to customize your stats based on need at that time. For instance, I have some gear that is visually identical, yet some is intended to give as much health as possible, while my other set is intended to give me as much damage potential as possible.


I just don't see this as a valid complaint. It's just too easy to maintain your visual appearance and still customize stats.

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Still couldn't find a valid reason for ingame work.


You see, if I wanted more work than my job I'd do extra hours where at least they are paying real currency to exploit my proletariat ***. Damn surplus value.


But dailies are just plain surreal if you think of it. I believe that if I told the young boy having fun in an arcade back in the 80's that gaming would evolve to a point where you work ingame, he would laugh at me.

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Still couldn't find a valid reason for ingame work.


You see, if I wanted more work than my job I'd do extra hours where at least they are paying real currency to exploit my proletariat ***. Damn surplus value.


But dailies are just plain surreal if you think of it. I believe that if I told the young boy having fun in an arcade back in the 80's that gaming would evolve to a point where you work ingame, he would laugh at me.


So don't do dailies? I don't even know what they are and I make tons of credits.

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So don't do dailies? I don't even know what they are and I make tons of credits.


Crafting is still work, and even though I like how I can exploit my companions (Foucault could explain this sadism of mine) as slaves I am curiously losing money doing so.


Theoretically I should make money by making the value of the work employed in the production of something artificially zero. Adam Smith would be pissed off.



My point is: Games should be about fun. I just want to roll alts and look good. However rolling alts means doing the same bloody planet quests all over again a thousand times (there should be a way to avoid this), and looking good means spending a dough I do not have nor want to work for.


That is fun for me, I should be able to do that not hampering the cred-grinder guy. These two options can and should work together.

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Crafting is still work, and even though I like how I can exploit my companions (Foucault could explain this sadism of mine) as slaves I am curiously losing money doing so.


Theoretically I should make money by making the value of the work employed in the production of something artificially zero. Adam Smith would be pissed off.


I don't craft either. Also, what, you just want gobs of money for nothing? It's already too easy.

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Still couldn't find a valid reason for ingame work.


You see, if I wanted more work than my job I'd do extra hours where at least they are paying real currency to exploit my proletariat ***. Damn surplus value.


But dailies are just plain surreal if you think of it. I believe that if I told the young boy having fun in an arcade back in the 80's that gaming would evolve to a point where you work ingame, he would laugh at me.


IS anyone else seeing the hilarity in this???


Crafting is still work, and even though I like how I can exploit my companions (Foucault could explain this sadism of mine) as slaves I am curiously losing money doing so.


Theoretically I should make money by making the value of the work employed in the production of something artificially zero. Adam Smith would be pissed off.



My point is: Games should be about fun. I just want to roll alts and look good. However rolling alts means doing the same bloody planet quests all over again a thousand times (there should be a way to avoid this), and looking good means spending a dough I do not have nor want to work for.


That is fun for me, I should be able to do that not hampering the cred-grinder guy. These two options can and should work together.


And this?


Particularly this


and looking good means spending a dough I do not have nor want to work for
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This is a game, not work. I do work for money, not for fun. No decent game should require anything that could be considered "work." MMOs have devolved to such a state where it is accepted and even praised for the amount of tedious work they require in order to gain rewards, and this is why they constantly fail.


Someone doesn't know the point of games.


The point of a game is to have fun. You are given challenges and expected to meet those challenges and so gain a reward. No, it is not fun when a game becomes all work and no play. But likewise, it is not fun to have everything handed to you without some kind of challenge. Therefor, you're going to have to do SOME work in order to meet those challenges and get your reward.

Edited by Brosephiine
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