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My server is dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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In Texas summer started in April weatherwise.


But according to the calendar it's the 20th of June.

We're starting to get summer-like weather in Denmark, but according to the calender it starts in about 4 weeks.

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Im playing on Uthar Wynn and right now 34 Republic players on the server... obviously no warzones, I really hope transfers ASAP as long I wont be able to be sitting at fleet waiting for wz day after day until "early summer"
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No it does not. I live in Denmark. It starts in June. This is so rich. :rolleyes:


I have no idea when summer starts in Denmark, could google it and would expect 20-21 june too as here in spain and all EU countries i know, but i really dont care, SWTOR Development HQ is on Austin, Texas, summer there starts 20th June, period.


Early summer= 20th June to 20th July <---- unless delay we will have first phase of PROMOTIONAL transfers here

Mid summer = 20th July to 20th August

Late summer = 20th August to 20th September

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No it does not. I live in Denmark. It starts in June. This is so rich. :rolleyes:


That might be relevant if Bioware were headquartered in Denmark. As much as you chide the Swedes for being obstinate, you're sure having a fun time with it. :p

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That might be relevant if Bioware were headquartered in Denmark. As much as you chide the Swedes for being obstinate, you're sure having a fun time with it. :p

:D It must be the Swedish blood in my veins.


I have no idea when summer starts in Denmark, could google it and would expect 20-21 june too

You'd be disappointed, I am sure..

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That might be relevant if Bioware were headquartered in Denmark.


Very true!


Bioware are North America based. specifically the SWTOR team is in Austin. So generally accpeted American context for when summer officially starts applies, not Danish.


Danish in the US is a pastry. :p

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This is just another case of:


Customer: WE WANT ______. DO IT NOW.

Bioware: Okay! *does it*


Bioware: Okay, we'll test next time.

Customer: WE WANT ______. DO IT NOW.

Bioware: But you wanted us to test--

Customer: >:o >:o >:o NOW.

Bioware: Okay! *does it*

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Very true!


Bioware are North America based. specifically the SWTOR team is in Austin. So generally accpeted American context for when summer officially starts applies, not Danish.


Danish in the US is a pastry. :p

We call it "Wienerbrød", which obviously is a reference to Austria. I dunno how they feel about that. :rolleyes: Regardless, everything I said in this thread is correct since I do not use the American calender - early summer, to me, starts the 1st of June. I honestly had no idea that the US summer started at an illogical time such as the 20/21st. :D

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We call it "Wienerbrød", which obviously is a reference to Austria. I dunno how they feel about that. :rolleyes:


Gah, now I have a craving for kringle and the nearest Danish bakery is 30 minutes away.

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This is just another case of:


Customer: WE WANT ______. DO IT NOW.

Bioware: Okay! *does it*


Bioware: Okay, we'll test next time.

Customer: WE WANT ______. DO IT NOW.

Bioware: But you wanted us to test--

Customer: >:o >:o >:o NOW.

Bioware: Okay! *does it*


This is actually an issue of a good amount of the community saying, "your game has a fundamental issue." When I say "fundamental" with emphasis, I mean it. This is currently an MMO without the MM part. The people that say "roll an alt and enjoy the story" are saying "play it as a single player game, and all is gravy". Many people wish to simply play this as KOTOR3, which is fine. However, it's not what I got this game for.

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Regardless, it's still a case of the playerbase never knowing what they want. If Bioware does something immediately and it's buggy, people ***** about it. If they spend the time to ensure that they're ready to do massive character transfers or something, people *****. Fundamental or not, testing this before implementing it is important.


I mean, if I can't finish a new quest because it bugs out, it doesn't, say, delete my character. If Bioware's automated service bugs out and goes down in the middle of a transfer, you DO lose your character.

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This is actually an issue of a good amount of the community saying, "your game has a fundamental issue." When I say "fundamental" with emphasis, I mean it. This is currently an MMO without the MM part. The people that say "roll an alt and enjoy the story" are saying "play it as a single player game, and all is gravy". Many people wish to simply play this as KOTOR3, which is fine. However, it's not what I got this game for.

Well... I actually think an LFG channel would help a lot, maybe a same-server LFG tool too, not matter how "dead" a server is then the primary problem is not the lack of people, but the lack of tools to communicate UNLESS you wish to stay at the fleet and spam.


That said, I do not think there is a way to fix the lower levels at all. The group quests on the planets are a waste and would be better as slightly more challenging solo quests. Dungeons will be... alright with a tool. The same-server tool at least worked really well in Rift to my experience, both high and low level.

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I think, at this point, people are willing to take the risk. It's up and running in the Pacific, we need it here like a fat kid needs a diet. As long as there's a recovery system in place, it really needs to be #1 priority of the developers.
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I think, at this point, people are willing to take the risk. It's up and running in the Pacific, we need it here like a fat kid needs a diet. As long as there's a recovery system in place, it really needs to be #1 priority of the developers.

But will it really help without the tools to back it up? Transfers are not the sole fix for this problem.

Edited by Sotof
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no matter how "dead" a server is then the primary problem is not the lack of people.


Actually, that is very much at the core of the issue. If you have 5 level 50's on one side, you're limited to flashpoints. If you have 8, you can scrape up ONE warzone team. These dead servers really and truly do lack the players to field these sorts of numbers in many cases. If half want to PvP and half want to PvE, then you might as well just turn on a movie and tuck into bed, because your gaming night is over.

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Actually, that is very much at the core of the issue. If you have 5 level 50's on one side, you're limited to flashpoints. If you have 8, you can scrape up ONE warzone team. These dead servers really and truly do lack the players to field these sorts of numbers in many cases. If half want to PvP and half want to PvE, then you might as well just turn on a movie and tuck into bed, because your gaming night is over.

5 50's? It's that bad on your server? On Sanctum we've got at least 20 when I am on, and I log at off hours. And that's just on the fleet. Regardless I don't think it will help you to get an increase in players when you also lack proper tools to organize them.


On our server, we run a level 50 cross-zone chat channel, so lack of communication isn't the issue.

Yeah but an official channel would attract those that do not read boards and so on, increasing the the pool of players available.

Edited by Sotof
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You're being naive. The tech is there. The only reason they are holding it back is to wait for summer breaks to start so they can see how much of the population comes back to properly decide which servers need the free transfer, otherwise they'll be in the exact same situation as they are now.


Nope. You're being naive. :rolleyes:

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I understand the need to make sure the transfer process goes as smoothly as possible and I'm a pretty patient person however I'm starting to get... fidgety.


I'm getting tired of playing on a dead server. When I log in mid-day there's about 40-60 people on my entire server. During primetime (5-10pm EST) theres max of 100-200 people on my server. And it doesn't get much higher on weekends maybe around 250-300 during primetime on Saturdays only.


I'm currently working on my 4th 50 and not because I really want to but because I have nothing else to do. I've seen people posting about not getting a warzone for 30min? Wow 30min? I'll take that queue time in a hearbeat. I've waited hours between queues and one or two times days. And that's just the 10-49 bracket. You know how many queues I've gotten on my level 50s? Zero.


So yeah I know you guys over there are doing your best to fix the problem and to do it in a timely manner and I personally think you've been doing a decent job up to this point but it's pretty clear from the forums and honestly this post alone that maybe some overtime is in order on this one. At the very least we deserve a more precise time frame and more information... Early Summer and free transfers for certain servers to other servers is a bit vague. How are you dealing with people with multiple 50s? Will their gear transfer? Social/Valor/Credits/Bank Contents? We don't even know anything.


I think we are just starving for information mostly. Just feed us something and I think the majority of us will be happy for now.

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We don't actually advertise our channel through the boards. We whisper each and every one of the 50's on the server and tell them about the channel and how to get to it.


I think you misunderstand me entirely though. It sounds like you want us to be welcoming new players into our dead server. That can't be further from the truth. It's a trap! We want to be more like these guys so we don't feel like these guys

Edited by Powderhorn
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You really want them to rush on this? It is pretty important that they get this feature right. You do not want to make a transfer and find out your character is missing somewhere and cannot play it.


This is not a feature you want bugs in, so yes it should be delayed as much as possible so it is RIGHT.


The tech is ALREADY HERE as evidence by the recent transfers. Like the OP says, there is ZERO reason for BW to delay this. All they are doing is just losing more subs.

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