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Impossible Sector and Drexel Sweep are overtuned


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As above, and the result is that it is not possible to complete all bonus missions at the intended levels with the best possible equipment at that time. Attempting to do so will either see you perish (Drexel Sweep) or miss the main objective (Impossible Sector).


I'd add Zosha Advance, but it's more or less acknowledged that this quest is bugged for some (or possibly all) people with photon torpedoes equipped.


Best of luck fixing this and the seemingly infinite list of bugs and improvements that are still required.

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I'd definitely agree that Drexel Sweep is a pain at level, really requiring the upgrade that makes you untargetable for ten seconds and level 4 upgrades or higher, plus the use of the movement keys to avoid fire.
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Couldn't pull off its mirror space mission Sullust Interception with level 5 upgrades...yeah LEVEL 5 two whole tiers above the "recommended" level 3 stuff. Wrote a ticket saying it was overtuned by far, the copypasta droid mistakenly copypasta'ed his email reply which had nothing to do with the mission asking to fill out the copypasta questions in the email (which was never sent either BTW) "What level were you?", "Mission Name?", "Server ID number? (W.T.H. is a server ID number?!)", "What was the name of the bad NPC that touched you?". Standard questions for regular missions that have nothing to do with space combat missions. And when I questioned this sillyness, my ticket was deleted.....



Wow SWTOR, you really go above and beyond with that old customer service now don'tcha? No wonder EA was voted Worst Company In America.

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idk what your talking about i can do and get all bonus missions in every space mission. It not overtuned, you just gotta know what your doing.


Agreed. I don't even have my ship fully pimped out and I can complete them all. Maybe these people don't know that they can move their ship with the WASD keys as well as the mouse???

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Couldn't pull off its mirror space mission Sullust Interception with level 5 upgrades...yeah LEVEL 5 two whole tiers above the "recommended" level 3 stuff.



I have to agree, I am now fully equiped with level 5 upgrades etc, and I barely make it through alive with just a fraction of an inch health and I still can not beat it due to not having enough to kill, because i have to turn on less damage to up shield to even survive long enough to make it to the end.


Edited to add: Yes I do move with wasd and my mouse.

Edited by Tallulahkat
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I have to agree, I am now fully equiped with level 5 upgrades etc, and I barely make it through alive with just a fraction of an inch health and I still can not beat it due to not having enough to kill, because i have to turn on less damage to up shield to even survive long enough to make it to the end.


Edited to add: Yes I do move with wasd and my mouse.


You can't kill ANYTHING with your guns if you have the power converter recharging your shield. You should use the shield recharge mode during the breaks in the waves of enemies and avoid being hit by them while shooting them down. Always power your guns back up when attacking. I toggle back and forth relentlessly.


By level 5 you mean all purples and all the ship mods that you can only buy with fleet comms?


I do these missions easily with only 3 purple ship parts and I still don't even have the #3 item that stops them from hitting me for 10 seconds.


Tips: Barrel roll. It helps you avoid being hit. WASD pattern of movement whiel firing at enemies - unless you are of course avoiding hitting asteroids whihc reduce shields by appx 60% from the impact alone. Switch to shield recharge mode during lulls in waves of enemies, strategic timing will keep your shields at 100% Use MISSILES when your shields are charging - DO NOT FIRE your guns at all while you charge your shields. This will slow down the shield charging process - at most I fire 8 missiles TOPS while my shields recharge to full..

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I'm assuming Drexel Sweep = Sullust Interception and I do agree that they are a bit overtuned for at level. I certainly didn't try to do it on my alt with all lvl 5 upgrades since I never bothered with space mission when I was leveling him up, so I didn't have any of the special upgrades from the fleet commendations.


I have completed it on a regular basis before, key being in using the invincibility shield and EMP during the run after you first pass the capital ship. That section is the worst part of the entire mission. Without the shield and EMP, you're looking at being down to 25% hp for the rest of the mission.


And I'm also assuming Zosha Advance = Cloud of Vondru. In that one, the really annoying part is targetting the goddamn shield generators when you have proton torpedoes especially when 1. your ship is moving and 2. the capital ship is also moving. There's a small window of time to use the proton torpedoes on each of the shield generators, making that space mission infinitely more stupid. That's mainly the reason why I've only done that space mission once. :t_rolleyes:

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impossible mission is a piece of cake when u got all crafted purple in your ship and learn the routine

i doing it every day without thinking much.

drexel i think is in lvl 30+, bit hard for its lvl, but when u learn the rooting here, just need a bit more attention


use wisely the weapon dmg and shield recharge ability


P.S. i get all bonus in impossible mission except the 4 big ships, always the 3rd has very sort appearance and cant manage to kill it

Edited by Kissakias
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Impossible Sector and Drexel Sweep... These are the two highest Republic space mission, right? One where you have to take out a cruiser over a planet, and the other where you have to take out a bunch of mines and then a freighter?


If those are the missions I'm thinking of, I'll agree that the missions are tough, but it just takes some practice. And some good parts. I have the highest-level player-crafted parts on my ship, and those help me a lot, as well as the right timing of the skills to switch power between shields or lasers.


The missions are far from impossible if you practice and have good ship parts. In the mission where you're supposed to take out the cruiser's turrets and shields, after some practice I have no problem taking out the shields, the turrets, the bonus fighter objective, and the bonus objective to destroy the bridge.

The mission with the mines took me more time to figure out, but I finally managed to pull it off. It just takes time to memorize the location of the Plug fighters .


Here's a some tips (assuming these are the missions you're talking about)...

In the mission with the cruiser above the planet...

-Set power to laser cannons at the start of the mission

-Take out as many fighters as you can before the cruiser appears

-Once the cruiser appears, if you have proton torpedoes, use them to take out two shields and the bridge (you should have time, if not, you'll have more time throughout the mission to do it)

-Between waves of fighters, switch power to shields to quickly recharge them

-As you wait for the cruiser to come back into range, switch power to lasers and take out as many fighters and frigate turrets as you can, while moving around and dodging fire

-Continually switch back to focusing power to shields between fighter waves

-Once the cruiser is in range, take out another shield, and when you pass over, start firing at the turrets (with power to lasers) with your lasers and missiles

-Recharge your shield

-Switch back power to lasers, take out more fighters, turrets

-Lastly, fire your entire payload of missiles at the last shield generator, it will take about five missiles to destroy it

-Finish any turrets and fighters you have left

-Mission complete


In the mission with the mines...

-Ignore the general starfighters and focus your efforts on your primary targets: the mines, the Plug fighters, and the cruisers/freighters

-Make use of your skill to switch between power to shields and power to lasers just as I mentioned above

-Use your skill to damage enemies around you when you're in the middle of the mine field, using this skill once can take out 80+ mines at once if timed right

-When the freighter where you need to take out the engines appears (bonus objective), switch power to lasers and take out the engines with your lasers and missiles

-Continue with the mission, take out the Plug fighters with your powered lasers, mines with your lasers and area damage skill

-On the next freighter (bonus objective) take out the last engine

-By now you should have all completed the bonus objective to take out the freighter engines as well as your primary objective to destroy the mines, and you should have taken out three Plug fighters. Keep power to your shields throughout the remainder of the mission until the cruiser appears (where you need to take out the engines and cargo bay, or whatever it is)

-Switch power back to lasers. First, take out the last Plug fighter. It's hard to see as it's very tiny, but it will be highlighted. Use missiles and powered lasers to take it out (this last Plug took me a while to finally spot)

-If you have time, unload your payload of missiles onto the cruiser and you should, hopefully, but able to take out at least one engine

-Switch power back to shields to recharge

-Once the cruiser is in range again, switch power back to lasers, take out as much on the cruiser as you can with your lasers and missiles

-By now, hopefully, you'll only have one thing left to take out on the cruiser. Recharge your shields, then on your third and final pass, switch power back to lasers, and take out the last part with missiles and lasers

-Mission complete

Edited by Blue_Leader
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"Oh its easy! I do it blindfolded! You just suck!"


I'm not the best at playing games anymore after two strokes. I'm glad you can get your jollies by laughing at those of us who were happily playing this one little aspect of the game, only to have the difficulty ramped up beyond our capablities IN A MINI GAME!


So ridicule me for not having your skill, for me wanting to enjoy one small part of a game that has zero impact on others but being incapable of doing so. I was once at a level I could do really hard stuff too, and something beyond my control happened...in my mid twenties. The math centers of my brain were hardest hit but having to relearn how to walk wasn't that much fun either.


Just think, it might happen to you someday. You won't be laughing quite so hard then eh? But then, I'm sure someone won't mock you, telling you to get on his level. I'm sure people will have evolved by then.

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I said they're overtuned, not impossible guys. You work your fingers until they're numb for 5+ minutes, and you only get 2 daily commendations?


Know all the tips and I don't need to learn to play, just think that for what level they are (Drexel Sweep is a ship level 3 mission btw), they are asking a lot out of the player in terms of micromanagement for little reward.


If they carry the whole experience further into the game as level caps are raised and more items are gained, or they shove it into an ops as a component, I dare say there's going to be a mass QQ'ing if they scale up the difficulty based on these missions.


At the moment it seems as though the best way to play through all missions is to do so with photon torpedoes unequipped, as main objectives instantly become easier (such as in Zosha Advance).

Edited by DaftVaduhhh
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I know Sullust interception is really though with store default grade 3 upgrades, tried it failed pretty hard, then got the upgrade that gives your ship more fire rate (I think it is level 41 or 39) and that made it doable with my level 41 agent, the same thing for the minelayer mission.


Missions are challenging (as they should be IMO) but they are not impossible

Edited by Andronicos
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In Impossible Sector I struggled for ages to get all the heavy fighters for the bonus mission - I could only seem to get three until I noticed that near the final frieghter towards the end of the mission there is another heavy fighter (maybe two) that can be taken down. There are alot of other fighters about so its difficult at first to work out where it is but the final one is there.
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  • 1 month later...
"Oh its easy! I do it blindfolded! You just suck!"


I'm not the best at playing games anymore after two strokes. I'm glad you can get your jollies by laughing at those of us who were happily playing this one little aspect of the game, only to have the difficulty ramped up beyond our capablities IN A MINI GAME!


So ridicule me for not having your skill, for me wanting to enjoy one small part of a game that has zero impact on others but being incapable of doing so. I was once at a level I could do really hard stuff too, and something beyond my control happened...in my mid twenties. The math centers of my brain were hardest hit but having to relearn how to walk wasn't that much fun either.


Just think, it might happen to you someday. You won't be laughing quite so hard then eh? But then, I'm sure someone won't mock you, telling you to get on his level. I'm sure people will have evolved by then.



I used to think the same then I watched this...



Use the WASD keys as suggested and all the space missions are fun and achievable.

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