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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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Cross server LFG functionality.


Currently my nightly gaming session goes something like this:


1. Log on to SWTOR

2. Do Black Hole dailies (because I actually find them fun)

3. LFG for 1.5-2 hours, find a group maybe once or twice a week.

4. Log off frustrated.

5. Log into Rift. Find group in less than 2 minutes.

6. Wish I was in a group in SWTOR while playing in my Rift group.

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either bring the crystal vendor back, or add his inventory to the preorder vendor

Guild mass mail.

cross faction chat.

drop the cost of legacy stuff or make it free at a certain legacy level.

Make the pvp commendations simple

make the raid commendations SIMPLE



I have limited playtime so time sinks are no good for me.

Have I mentioned making the commendations SIMPLE

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My guess, his overpopulated side of choice zerging down the opposition so he can claim to be a skilled PvPer. This seems to be what World PvP devolves into in a 2 faction game.


Instanced PvP is balanced at least numbers wise; it's why world PvPers hate it, I think.


No instance PvP gets dull after a while, and class balance issues especially shows a lot more in War Zones. We play these games for the MMO aspect, Diablo 2 has 8 man groups, so should I just go play that?


Open world PvP isn't always fair, and I actually like a challenge and being outnumbered to fight back and win.

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Cybertech having the ability to craft droid pets and COMPANIONS.


They should be able to make them. They can make all the parts, but they can't put it together?



I want little floaty probe droids, and protocol units, and r2d2 type droids. I want ALL OF THE DROIDS.

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My guess, his overpopulated side of choice zerging down the opposition so he can claim to be a skilled PvPer. This seems to be what World PvP devolves into in a 2 faction game.


Instanced PvP is balanced at least numbers wise; it's why world PvPers hate it, I think.


Well back when the populations were high there were different instances of the same planet. It's possible that world PvP could be balanced numbers wise because it could split up who goes where. Remember when you transfer instances it gives a half our cool down so you couldn't constantly go to the "grass is greener" side.

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Freakin server merge would solve nearly all the problems people have with this game.


I would probably continue to play the rest of my free month if I weren't standing in Fleet by myself.


For me to give them my money they would have to fix the merc which they broke in 1.2c and haven't done anything about since.

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They would have to Pay me a monthly sub to make me play for another 3 months, seriously, I am not joking.


The game is still a Beta, it's an unfinished product, charging people a monthly sub to "playtest" the game amounts to nothing more than theft, lol


Ooops nearly forgot to add -


In my opinion.



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Extending Character Customization, adding in ways to customize characters after their original make, other MMo's have done it, plus add in a few more species... I would love to be a Kaleesh.. course the voice would be rather odd now wouldnt it?
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Nothing. I'm not even logging in for the free month they thew at us to try to get us to come back after the 1.2 patch. I sure as hell wouldn't pay for 3.


I'll probably get Diablo 3 and play that for a while, then move on to something else.


TOR had it's chance at greatness and failed miserably from wasting resources on voice-acting during production and from not doing ANYTHING to address glaring problems in the first month of release.


EA blew it with this one. It always sucks to see something with potential get flushed down the can because the people in charge screw it up, then make it worse by not listening to the customers.

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Merge servers

Fix the color gear bug due to your character's skin color. I'm tired of gear not matching correctly. I was hoping the unifying color thing would fix it, but it's made worst.

LFG system

Class Balance

rated warzones.

Edited by Knockerz
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Those talking about more action to stop the QQ need to sit back and take a look around. The vocal group will always be the one with a problem or issue, as those who are content and happy have nothing really to talk about.


But when that voice starts becoming a roar and begins to take over all discussion as it has for weeks now, there are serious underlying issues. It is a genuine problem and needs addressing.


No one should be telling another to "go ahead and quit if you don't like it" - That is a lost player, a lost number, lost $$$, which means less content/patches/etc for you to enjoy down the line.

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I was staying anyway. I'm hooked. I'd like more story lines for the 50's, some new planets and daily quests.


What do you think about some randomization in the quests? Ala Diablo/Torchlight.

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A development team that wants to take risks at some innovative game-play with Dynamic events and world interaction and also steps away from the "safe, traditional" way to make a MMO.


Of course.


It's too late for that and that's a shame.

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