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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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Server transfers, merges, something. I can barely play on my light server, I have 5 50's spread across both factions and a high legacy level. I'm supposed to give it all up and roll somewhere else in the 1-2 months until transfers are available? I'm just on free time now, to be honest I wouldn't be subbed otherwise. When the free time is up I will not be renewing until it's available.
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Freakin server merge would solve nearly all the problems people have with this game.


This, a million times. Then they can move onto more creative things.


I think their animations could be vastly improved too.

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Kinda, I'm already subbed up for another 6. Just sick to death of duplicate QQ threads, day after day after day.


You have to admit that a 6 month sub to a game which is still effectively in beta stage, can feel a bit sickening. I think you project this onto others.

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I would love to see solo queue ranked Wz´s, it doesnt need to come out next week but it is what I am intrested most in any MMO. Did love it at vanilla wow!


Id also like to have more graphic settings, I am running with 100fps and there is still space for improvements - especially draw distance of foliage.


Those things dont make me quit or keep playing tho, the game is very good so far.



But as soon LFG tools like at wow, DPS meters find their way into the game - I will most likely stop, as they destroyed wow and I am just too old for those "kid tools" :p

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I would love to see solo queue ranked Wz´s, it doesnt need to come out next week but it is what I am intrested most in any MMO. Did love it at vanilla wow!


Id also like to have more graphic settings, I am running with 100fps and there is still space for improvements - especially draw distance of foliage.


Those things dont make me quit or keep playing tho, the game is very good so far.



But as soon LFG tools like at wow, DPS meters find their way into the game - I will most likely stop, as they destroyed wow and I am just too old for those "kid tools" :p


I think that DPS meters are on their way, as the game now produces a combat log, which it wasn't at release.

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Dunno.. maybe if they gave me a shed load of cash or maybe paid for me to have three months holiday and then paid me to play... Er .. a flash new car maybe... Gotta be some incentive like money I would guess. Otherwise the sub runs out soon and that will be that. Can't think of another reason to keep playing really. Sorry for that. When I filled in that box to give my reason for un-subbing I basically said it was cus the game was boring. Don't think there has been any changes in the game that would remedy this so I doubt anything could make me play again.
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Title says it all.


If Bioware said they intended to release a new mission that builds on the choices of prior missions every couple of weeks I would be super jazzed and they'd definitely keep me hooked and ready to commit to another three month sub.


To expound on my idea:


Take for example they added a mission after the result of the Voss Diplomacy. The decision you make there is meant to be a pretty big deal. A response mission that built on your prior decisions would be awesome.


So your turn. Name just one thing that would keep you hooked for another season.


My brand new "Chiss Sith Warrior"! Pure ******....

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SGRA (alongside more character slots, as the two go hand-in-hand for me).


I would have said bug fixes, but I expect those as a matter of course anyway. I just hope that Bioware devs can start fixing bugs without creating new ones with each patch.

Edited by llesna
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Even though things will be added, there isn't anything out there that HAS to be added to the game to keep me going. They've already got me and I enjoy the game immensely.
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i love the game and my sub is active and will keep that way/


but i would like to see rated WZ and a possible arena going life a LFG and servers merge for help people in really low populate servers. that is my wish list, but once again i will try to be around another 3 months at least


oh wait i almost forgot, please make hoods be able to put down, and stop making horrible gear like the new sage/operative black hole ones hehe.

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Server merges, like many have said. There are also several bugs that I am still dealing with now that have been in since launch. Some are minor (like ashara's lightsabers always being drawn) and some are quite problematic. Sudden and inexplicable frame rate loss. New species would be nice, really don't like nearly every race pretty much being a different colored human.


Also wouldn't mind not seeing some of the people on this forum who call others entitled because they want a product they pay for to actually work right. That or they call them whiners or QQers.

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Appearance Tab.


I can't stand the look of my characters once they hit 50. I am stuck farming out 2 tiers of PvE gear and 2 tiers of PvP gear before I can really customize my look without losing my set bonuses.


Mod Gear customization is great for customizing my gears stats but it is a COMPLETE joke for customizing my characters appearance.


Appearance Tab(s) cut out all the backtracking Bioware has to do with making a modifiable copy of all armor and skin types, lessens my burden of having to constantly take out 35 plus mods if I want to change my appearance (from Tatooine to Hoth), and gives me access to a lot of nice white models that will never be made into orange mod items.


Bioware is trying to reinvent the wheel for no other purpose but to try and be different. Combining the orange mod system and appearance system does nothing but complicate the two functions without any benefit to the player or the developer.


Stop being bullheaded and trying to force a broken system to work.

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I have no plans on leaving; but if I say I'll stay for months if I get an Infected Vector customization, what are the chances I'll actually get one?


I'll even trade 15 un-used other infected customizations! ;_;

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I will keep playing regardless but I would like to see some more incentives to explore, and some chat bubbles would be nice!


The LFD finder is going to be a massive improvement in 1.3 as it can be very hard to find a group at the moment and server merges are NEEDED. It's ridiculous that there's over 200 servers for this game, even WoW doesn't have that many!

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i would pay to not have people ask questions like this on the forum. Its getting tiring...


Its $15 a month...if you cant afford it...get a freakin job...is it really going to kill you to keep your sub and not act like a spoiled American on the forums?(Yes i am American too)



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