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Open plea to Bioware


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I read these forums a lot and have come to a conclusion, why the hell do any of you guys play this game? I mean the threads start out fine most of the time, then it devolves into "you're an ***hat because of X". All any of you do is complain about this or that, or you're all doom and gloom, it's going to fail, they better do this or I'm going to unsub. You sound like my 7 year old nephew when he doesn't get the toy he wants for Christmas. I understand posting your concerns, and complaints, but good lord it's a video game that costs $15 a month, not universal health care, or the war in the middle east. Lighten up.










Our servers are DEAD. I just shut the game off after waiting a half an hour to queue for a warzone SOLO. All of the major raiding guilds have fallen apart, there's not enough people to do warzones with, all there is to do is level alts by yourself on barren planets. It's so frustrating, I'm sure you're happy and are having a good time on a server that actually has people to play with. That's all I want! And when we come and complain on these forums about having to wait another 2 months or whatever it's going to be for the transfers to happen, we hear it all,





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I have 2 level 50 toons, all companions at 10,000, both level 400 on all crafting they use and 34 Legacy.

So just throw that all away and start over because this company does not want to let us moved servers?

/me takes his ball and goes home...


Yeah, we're pretty invested in our legacy, and we don't want to wipe out all of the progress we've made since launch. We shouldn't have to. I just really don't want to start all over again and level another character now, or at least for a while. I've almost got my second 50 on my server, I don't want it to be a waste.

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1.2 went live, almost 100 people on the fleet, after a week: 19 in the morning and about 40-50 +- on peak times.


My guild is mostly on the fleet with 23 people online (out of which 4 are lower than 50). We take HALF the fleet, and still find the que unbareable to keep on fighting our own people.


Gives us X server pvp or make that fancy character transfers happen soon please.



Now I am not saying that I quit or anything, it's just annoying :/

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1.2 went live, almost 100 people on the fleet, after a week: 19 in the morning and about 40-50 +- on peak times.


My guild is mostly on the fleet with 23 people online (out of which 4 are lower than 50). We take HALF the fleet, and still find the que unbareable to keep on fighting our own people.


Gives us X server pvp or make that fancy character transfers happen soon please.



Now I am not saying that I quit or anything, it's just annoying :/


Kinda where i'm at, I love the game and won't "quit" per se but if Guild Wars 2 launches and I get a better experience then yah i'll do that more. Like the guy above said it's just super frustrating to invest all this time and now your servers dead.

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Our servers are DEAD. I just shut the game off after waiting a half an hour to queue for a warzone SOLO. All of the major raiding guilds have fallen apart, there's not enough people to do warzones with, all there is to do is level alts by yourself on barren planets. It's so frustrating, I'm sure you're happy and are having a good time on a server that actually has people to play with. That's all I want! And when we come and complain on these forums about having to wait another 2 months or whatever it's going to be for the transfers to happen, we hear it all,







You didn't answer my ? And I do get it, it sucks, I'm on a dead server. I've waited 45min. to get a heroic +4 group together. I haven't done an Operation in two weeks, because of lack of population. I can see the frustration, if I wasn't patient. I was trying to convey that complaining about it isn't going to make server transfers/mergers go along any faster, especially by threatening to unsub or get pissy on a forum. I'm still having a good time, which is what games are for right? If you're not, then play something else. Either way hope you feel better,

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1.2 went live, almost 100 people on the fleet, after a week: 19 in the morning and about 40-50 +- on peak times.


My guild is mostly on the fleet with 23 people online (out of which 4 are lower than 50). We take HALF the fleet, and still find the que unbareable to keep on fighting our own people.


Gives us X server pvp or make that fancy character transfers happen soon please.



Now I am not saying that I quit or anything, it's just annoying :/


Cross server for PVP is allready in the works and will be coming soon. I just wish they would do it also with PVE. I was on just a few days ago around noon on a Sat and there was 24 players in Fleet and in Hoth.....3..:p. I think the OP has some valid points.

Edited by Valkirus
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Seems that most of the doomsday prophets are pvpers. What is it about this group of players that makes them think they can blackmail the devs into developing the game to suit them? So you started on a pvp server and now its deserted? pvpers are notoriously fickle and will leave to the next "big thing" at the drop of a hat.



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Because you talked to "alot more people" and they all selected a deadline of "mid-june" ???.


This. Gotta love when people have exaggerate their experiences in complaints. It's part of the entitlement syndrome.

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Cross server for PVP is allready in the works and will be coming soon. I just wish they would do it also with PVE. I was on just a few days ago around noon on a Sat and there was 24 players in Fleet and in Hoth.....3..:p. I think the OP has some valid points.


i think they might ad that in 1.4 or whatever with the cross server pvp

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our server which is Helm of Graush was the highest populated server in U.S.A at start and for the first month. Graush, Malek, and Fatman


Yes I remember, I'm still on Helm of Graush and it's taken a nose dive since then now always light at the most Standard, but I stopped checking.

Edited by Mailek
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i actually have used logic, and instead of giving us the legacy system in pieces, they should have just shelved that feature off completely including the last name until they had everything ready to what it would be in 1.3 and then deploy it. They could have shuffled their priorities around and the staff / devs working on the legacy system could have let's say worked on the tech need to get Ilum up and running again. Yes I'm not a developer, but I've read a lot of game design theory books, other books on game design, went to Animation for 3 years and wanted in the industry. So please get your head out of your ***. I've also been an avid gamer since Atari 2600 and the Burger Time days.


Get my head out of my ***? Responses like this are what fuel others to discredit your opinions, I didn't use any offensive language and wrote a response to you as polite as possible. I didn't disregard your opinion, I agreed but tried to make a point on aspects I didn't agree about. So what if you played the Atari, okay, you're in your mid 40s still playing games, congrats. So because you were born first than me your opinion is more valid?


Sure the Legacy system should have been included in the beginning, but did you ever stop to think that maybe it isn't Bioware's fault? They're a gaming developer owned by EA Games. EA is notorious for rushing games to make a quick buck. All the creatives are stunted due to the fat cat at the top of the chain.

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As someone active since October 2008 (changed my forum account), tested in Beta, and played witih CE from day one, I agree with everything you've said.







I also own the CE version. My son has the digital edition. I've asked him to unsubscribe since he seldom if any plays. I feel its a waste of money. With that said, I have three 50s, one 48, two 43s. The guild I started on a pvp server imperial side is getting traction now. We have 69 toons in it and a few 50s now. We are all adults or mature young adults. No smack talkers and no bs. If you are interested check us out online http://www.heiankongzhi.com.



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I think that's because they can't PVP, when que times are 30 minutes + I understand their frustrations. I do both and usually just que up and run dailies. On Tarro Blood que times took a **** the past week & a half. It's been 20 minutes to pop sometimes during peak times which is terrible.


So blaming a community for complaining because they can't play is um just hatin. There's a good reason why most are upset, just look at the server listings across the board reading "Light" at 8pm any night outside Fatman and a few others.


Its a community that demands that the devs drop everything to fix their perceived need immediately. Its a community that plays till they are bored and if not immediately catered to runs of to the next game like an 8 year old add kid on a sugar rush. Can the devs afford to cater to a crowd that has no concept of patience while losing people that will stay long term? The devs have the actual numbers of how many pve or pvp players there are and will have to make a decision based on that.

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1.2 went live, almost 100 people on the fleet, after a week: 19 in the morning and about 40-50 +- on peak times.


My guild is mostly on the fleet with 23 people online (out of which 4 are lower than 50). We take HALF the fleet, and still find the que unbareable to keep on fighting our own people.


Gives us X server pvp or make that fancy character transfers happen soon please.



Now I am not saying that I quit or anything, it's just annoying :/


But, but 1.2 brought players back to the game - I read it on these forums.


Seriously, I was planning on leaving watching the 1.2 trainwreck approach the station. I just wanted to see if really was that bad. When they gave me 30 days "free" and billed me for 90 more on the same day, it was just a matter of time. Today, I got the crash to perpetual loading screen and pulled the plug. The beta played better for me than any version the last 2 months.


I enjoyed the game, but the servers are ghost towns, the community is nonexistent, and the developers spend their time crushing gameplay instead of problems. What is there for to look forward to?

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