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Open plea to Bioware


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And just leave everyone else you've friended on the server? This is a horrid cop out for Bioware, I love the company and hate what's happening to this game due to poor herding of players.


The majority of players are stuck with population issues. Your answer is unacceptable to the consumer and need a real resolution.


While I agree they could have handled things better, you could have, with your friends, change of server and spent the last 3 months on a populated server instead of on a dying one.

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funny i havent noticed a huge drop in tarro blood server pop. but I know alot of those people left to join the oceanic servers so thats pretty much where i think alot of our players went


Okay well your post doesn't make much sense... no drop but a lot left. k, are you a IMP or PUB? We have heavy IMP #'s on Tarro, usually out numbered 3 to 1.


Single planets after Corusant the #'s are embarrassing PUB side. 10 to 20 per planet tops usually.

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Because I have loyalty to people I played weeks with at launch. That and it's been a slow burn for Tarro Blood, it didn't get bad till Mass Effect 3 launched. Now we're 40 on fleet at peak on a week day.


Making excuses for this isn't a resolution for something basic that can address it.


Lock out top 25% servers, open transfers from bottom 25% servers to the 50% in between and then force merge the bottom 25% there after minimizing impact to the majority of players with mergers.


Rinse repeat until every server is healthy. That's a solution.


that will work unless there is a bucnh of people with same names legacy names that sort..but other than the logistics of dealing with naming it would work ya. and the majority of the server swapping can be done behind the scenes and the average player will likely barely notice the change.

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the reason why i said they are full is because they were complaining about log in cues earlier in the week..w hich means the oceanic servers..not eu servers.. were full or atleast nearly full


and those servers are new.. not the eu ones..and those players had to come from some server... hate the game all you want., but you can not discount those players came from other servers to fill the oceanic server transfers.


We had queues back in December. Hours in length for some servers. My point is there are far too many servers for the player base now. The Oceanic group of servers has been set up with the current load of player in mind. Having a full server is great for the MMO aspect of SWTOR (although queues will be frustrating).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they launched the Oceanic server group with ......3 new servers?


hate the game all you want.


Don't get me wrong, I like SWTOR
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All that time/beta testing/talking to people and you did it in just 89 posts....Yea. I'm gonna go with no.


The above is just a whine. They are working on it, if you don't like the time table they have planned, you can always unsub and then come back.


Seems that most of the doomsday prophets are pvpers. What is it about this group of players that makes them think they can blackmail the devs into developing the game to suit them? So you started on a pvp server and now its deserted? pvpers are notoriously fickle and will leave to the next "big thing" at the drop of a hat.

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Why didn't you restart on another server already ?


I'm in the same boat; although my server's listed as the 7th most popular for EU, we struggle to get 100 a night on fleet and every other planet is empty, pushing 15 even at peak. Only playing with 2 friends from time to time, who both want to stay on the server, so no incentive to switch.


However, I have 8 characters which I've invested a large amount of time in (nearly every day since pre-launch), all with capped Valor ranks for their levels except for my 50, 1.1m credits across them, Legacy Level 24, three 400 Crafting Skills and a large amount of Gahering/Mission Skills, and a full bank of resources and rares including purple crystals and full Battlelord sets.


The idea of starting a new character from scratch with nothing to show for the time invested, without the saved resources or support of my crafters, just to play on a populated server...it's a high price to pay...

Edited by JarenWelen
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While I agree they could have handled things better, you could have, with your friends, change of server and spent the last 3 months on a populated server instead of on a dying one.


Like I said, it didn't get bad until March and we were already heavily invested. At that point I'd rather just go full time Guild Wars 2. Which if nothing is done when it launches may happen to my chagrin.


Again copping out "just move" isn't acceptable after pouring 100+ hours into characters.

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Because I have loyalty to people I played weeks with at launch. That and it's been a slow burn for Tarro Blood, it didn't get bad till Mass Effect 3 launched. Now we're 40 on fleet at peak on a week day.


Making excuses for this isn't a resolution for something basic that can address it.


Lock out top 25% servers, open transfers from bottom 25% servers to the 50% in between and then force merge the bottom 25% there after minimizing impact to the majority of players with mergers.


Rinse repeat until every server is healthy. That's a solution.


As mentionned about the oceanic transfers, it was done manually, so the basic and easy solution doesn't exist yet.

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We had queues back in December. Hours in length for some servers. My point is there are far too many servers for the player base now. The Oceanic group of servers has been set up with the current load of player in mind. Having a full server is great for the MMO aspect of SWTOR (although queues will be frustrating).


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they launched the Oceanic server group with ......3 new servers?


ya three new servers which got the majority of the transfers.. thats a huge influx of players gone from the other servers.. and the queues in december were because they had the max server pops set to low then opened so many new servers.. they ****ed it up for sure.. but the big problem is they opened more servers (the oceanic) and allowed people to transfer out to them, thinning our player base,


personally i dont see why mergers would be a bad thing. the issue is the logistical nightmare they will cause the bioware team, and then the complaining people will do:P

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With so many good games launching or launching soon, it's going to be hard to stay playing SWTOR. I absolutely love this game, but 1.2 wasn't anything near what I had hoped. Many are leaving, I think, because of it. 2 weeks ago, my server had 100 people at Fleet during prime time and pvp queues were just a couple minutes. Today, 10 people are on the Fleet during prime time and pvp queues are 45 minutes +


I have re-rolled to a high population server to help alleviate this pain. However, almost my entire guild has left for Tera.


SWTOR had so much potential, but I honestly think that they're doing to little, too late.

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Seems that most of the doomsday prophets are pvpers. What is it about this group of players that makes them think they can blackmail the devs into developing the game to suit them? So you started on a pvp server and now its deserted? pvpers are notoriously fickle and will leave to the next "big thing" at the drop of a hat.


I think that's because they can't PVP, when que times are 30 minutes + I understand their frustrations. I do both and usually just que up and run dailies. On Tarro Blood que times took a **** the past week & a half. It's been 20 minutes to pop sometimes during peak times which is terrible.


So blaming a community for complaining because they can't play is um just hatin. There's a good reason why most are upset, just look at the server listings across the board reading "Light" at 8pm any night outside Fatman and a few others.

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And your post and response are ironic. I am sure you won't get that but ....


You are correct, you can post anything you want and, judging by the responses so far, no one is taking anything in your post seriously, hence why I was trying to help you sound more credible, but your attacking response does not help your case, better luck next time =)


HAHA boy were you wrong..

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With so many good games launching or launching soon, it's going to be hard to stay playing SWTOR. I absolutely love this game, but 1.2 wasn't anything near what I had hoped. Many are leaving, I think, because of it. 2 weeks ago, my server had 100 people at Fleet during prime time and pvp queues were just a couple minutes. Today, 10 people are on the Fleet during prime time and pvp queues are 45 minutes +


I have re-rolled to a high population server to help alleviate this pain. However, almost my entire guild has left for Tera.


SWTOR had so much potential, but I honestly think that they're doing to little, too late.


i still blame the players for leaving to early.. if people were willing to stick around then it wouldnt have caused the exodus that we have... people have no patience anymore and it is sad

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personally i dont see why mergers would be a bad thing. the issue is the logistical nightmare they will cause the bioware team, and then the complaining people will do:P


Merging isn't a bad thing and tranfers aren't either but it's not something they will program in 5min,

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You aren't a developer either. Do you have any idea how these games are made and the length of time every little aspect of a game takes? This game has a quite a bit of problems I will agree with you to that extent. However, you have to realize these changes you are asking for do not come swiftly. All changes are purely codes, scripts, writing everything from scratch, this is a very difficult process. Furthermore, they have to test the changes, view how they will change other aspects of the game. It's a long process. No matter how big the team is, no matter how much money they have at their disposal.


And to all the people complaining that server transfer are too late coming mid-june, grow up. You can't expect things to come to you at your convenience. Would you rather they deploy this feature now, without extensive testing, so that your character is lost in a void, because something went wrong in the transfer they didn't foresee because they didn't test out the system? You may rant all you want, we are entitled to do so, but as least use some logic, I would rather wait months for a change that I want in game, than have it immediately and deal with the many consequences that will come out of untested content.


you're correct about the coding part at beginning. hell, look at the fail coding they did with the small fix they did right after 1.2, somehow broke 1.2. it was funny as all hell

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It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that bioware could give two ***** about their playerbase. I'm just here until something better comes a long. I'll end up putting bw in the same category as funcom: the stay the **** away from category.
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And it's not that I dislike the game...none of us really do...we're just getting to the point of utter frustration.

PvP is non-existent, the sound being bugged for 3 weeks now is driving players MAD, the lockouts prevent us from helping others in Ops, there's ZERO tools to foster a community, WZ's suck, the nerfs suck the new GTN bug...UGH! The list is seriously endless right now. ALL of the things Bioware has managed to **edit** up and they seem to have NO concern over any of it.


I'm just getting tired of it all. I HATE so many other sword and fairy games...but I can't take THIS much longer. I'm a customer - we're ALL customers. We deserve to be treated as such...not like children.


HAHA didnt they say they fixed the sound bug 3 times??

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Again MOST of the player base does not play on YOUR server or even POST in these forums. These forums are not really representative of the ENTIRE player base.


And .......*drum roll*






its the same thing on most Server's. the forums have a funny way of proving it bud

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I agree with the OP. My subscription ends in late June (thanks to the free 30 days) and I see no reason to keep subscribing. There's never enough people on to find a group for endgame PvE and WZ queues take WAY too long. I haven't logged in since the Rakghoul Event.
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Works for you too, the red flags that population is/was dropping were there, you could have done like me or some others and change of servers at that time (like 3 months ago).


They made that much servers because it was needed at launch, sure they failed to handle the next part but you could have done it and you didn't.


our server which is Helm of Graush was the highest populated server in U.S.A at start and for the first month. Graush, Malek, and Fatman

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As for the OPs June comment, I told a friend of mine that beta tested with me that unless they really improve something, like space, customization and add more open world explore areas (not saying PVP because I don't pvp) that I could see TOR F2P by next April with Paid Expansions and Micro Transactions. He now has all but stopped playing and finally agrees with me.


Many will leave if something major isn't' done by June and even more will leave after that, what you will have left eventually will be those that held onto SWG till the very end like myself.

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I just hate the stigmas that people around here get.


If you like the game, you are a fanboi.

if you don't like the game, you are a hater or a troll.


Are there some of each? Sure. But there are plenty more people who simply like it, or don't.


In my case, I just don't like it. Its not a terrible game, but its just not what I want and doesn't have what I'm looking for in an MMO. I'm glad people like it (it means the money spent on this wasn't a complete waste) and I hope they enjoy it for years to come.


That said, I don't blame the OP for trying to get his concerns addressed especially since some of them are completely valid.

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Why didn't you restart on another server already ?


I have 2 level 50 toons, all companions at 10,000, both level 400 on all crafting they use and 34 Legacy.

So just throw that all away and start over because this company does not want to let us moved servers?

/me takes his ball and goes home...

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I love this game, I just want an MMO experience with it. You can't truly get that as a PUB on Tarro Blood right now as with the MAJORITY of servers. To simply say "move" isn't a valid resolution at this point.


They need transfers starting like next week. The sling shot of people coming and going after the Rakghoul event almost makes you realize how bad it is now to boot.


Not to mention Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 upon us... and of Course we've already lost ppl to Tera or whatever.

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I read these forums a lot and have come to a conclusion, why the hell do any of you guys play this game? I mean the threads start out fine most of the time, then it devolves into "you're an ***hat because of X". All any of you do is complain about this or that, or you're all doom and gloom, it's going to fail, they better do this or I'm going to unsub. You sound like my 7 year old nephew when he doesn't get the toy he wants for Christmas. I understand posting your concerns, and complaints, but good lord it's a video game that costs $15 a month, not universal health care, or the war in the middle east. Lighten up.
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