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Open plea to Bioware


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As of 3:55 pm today on The Couragous server, there are 55 people, including myself, on the entire server.

There are 8 people on the fleet, 4 of them level 50, two of them healers. Impossible to form a group.

Anyone who says people are QQ'ing need to get a grip and stop drinking the koolaid.

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I can post whatever I want buddy, and no offense but I've talked to and just seen across all these boards the negative issues people are concerned with and they are valid I'm sorry you are too blinded by your own ignorance you can't see it. Want to know why mid June? A lot will probably check out The Secret World even if it's made by Funcom, because that's what MMO gamer junkies do.


This community is probably one of the worse things about this game, both on these forums and actually live. You're a living example of it, pat youself on your man ***** now.


Again MOST of the player base does not play on YOUR server or even POST in these forums. These forums are not really representative of the ENTIRE player base.


And .......*drum roll*


That's not a plea, that's a long winded complaint IMO.


And I disagree with you.



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remember a fair bit of that thinning out is due to the new servers for the oceanic players. their servers are all pretty full.. and let me ask you a question..where do you think those servers got those people to fill them?

it wasnt like the people in the oceanic regions were not playing the game before the transfers, they were on all of the other servers.. you know the ones that are suffering from less players after a massive server transfer..


gosh.. i wonder why our servers are lighter while the new servers are all full..


rocket science this is not..


Full servers?


I see 2 in Europe showing heavy population. 1 showing very heavy...thats out of 90.........

Asia...3 servers, all light.

NA...well, look for yourself.

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As of 3:55 pm today on The Couragous server, there are 55 people, including myself, on the entire server.

There are 8 people on the fleet, 4 of them level 50, two of them healers. Impossible to form a group.

Anyone who says people are QQ'ing need to get a grip and stop drinking the koolaid.


Why didn't you restart on another server already ?

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You aren't a developer either. Do you have any idea how these games are made and the length of time every little aspect of a game takes? This game has a quite a bit of problems I will agree with you to that extent. However, you have to realize these changes you are asking for do not come swiftly. All changes are purely codes, scripts, writing everything from scratch, this is a very difficult process. Furthermore, they have to test the changes, view how they will change other aspects of the game. It's a long process. No matter how big the team is, no matter how much money they have at their disposal.


And to all the people complaining that server transfer are too late coming mid-june, grow up. You can't expect things to come to you at your convenience. Would you rather they deploy this feature now, without extensive testing, so that your character is lost in a void, because something went wrong in the transfer they didn't foresee because they didn't test out the system? You may rant all you want, we are entitled to do so, but as least use some logic, I would rather wait months for a change that I want in game, than have it immediately and deal with the many consequences that will come out of untested content.


This would be a good argument except for the fact the system has been already written,Tested ,Tried and used. It only has to be moded to accomidate more users with mulitiple transfers. But with a base system already working and used its not development holding it back. Its the developers

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Full servers?


I see 2 in Europe showing heavy population. 1 showing very heavy...thats out of 90.........

Asia...3 servers, all light.

NA...well, look for yourself.

the reason why i said they are full is because they were complaining about log in cues earlier in the week..w hich means the oceanic servers..not eu servers.. were full or atleast nearly full


and those servers are new.. not the eu ones..and those players had to come from some server... hate the game all you want., but you can not discount those players came from other servers to fill the oceanic server transfers.

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You aren't a developer either. Do you have any idea how these games are made and the length of time every little aspect of a game takes? This game has a quite a bit of problems I will agree with you to that extent. However, you have to realize these changes you are asking for do not come swiftly. All changes are purely codes, scripts, writing everything from scratch, this is a very difficult process. Furthermore, they have to test the changes, view how they will change other aspects of the game. It's a long process. No matter how big the team is, no matter how much money they have at their disposal.


And to all the people complaining that server transfer are too late coming mid-june, grow up. You can't expect things to come to you at your convenience. Would you rather they deploy this feature now, without extensive testing, so that your character is lost in a void, because something went wrong in the transfer they didn't foresee because they didn't test out the system? You may rant all you want, we are entitled to do so, but as least use some logic, I would rather wait months for a change that I want in game, than have it immediately and deal with the many consequences that will come out of untested content.


i actually have used logic, and instead of giving us the legacy system in pieces, they should have just shelved that feature off completely including the last name until they had everything ready to what it would be in 1.3 and then deploy it. They could have shuffled their priorities around and the staff / devs working on the legacy system could have let's say worked on the tech need to get Ilum up and running again. Yes I'm not a developer, but I've read a lot of game design theory books, other books on game design, went to Animation for 3 years and wanted in the industry. So please get your head out of your ***. I've also been an avid gamer since Atari 2600 and the Burger Time days.

Edited by Mailek
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This would be a good argument except for the fact the system has been already written,Tested ,Tried and used. It only has to be moded to accomidate more users with mulitiple transfers. But with a base system already working and used its not development holding it back. Its the developers


If you are talking about Asia/Oceanic transfers, they said it was done manually.

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i actually have used logic, and instead of giving us the legacy system in pieces, they should have just shelved that feature off completely including the last name until they had everything ready to what it would be in 1.3 and then deploy it. They could have shuffled their priorities around and the staff / devs working on the legacy system could have let's say worked on the tech need to get Ilum up and running again. Yes I'm not a developer, but I've read a lot of game design theory books, other books on game design, went to Animation for 3 years and wanted in the industry. So please get your head out of your ***.


Shuffling people into new development while they are in the middle of something is one of the worst thing a project manager can do.

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Having bought the CE day one it was available. And now after 4.5 month into the game I think I could've done witht the standard-version aswell... not going to resubscribe due to the total fail that was 1.2.


Seriously guys and gals. SWTOR is not what it could've been. It's far from it actually and there's no indications whatsoever that BW/EA is changing anything drastically within the next few month. They simply don't listen to their customers and try to keep their investors happy instead, by offering with 30 days of free gametime for every player so that they can present bigger subscription-numbers on their next QFR.


World-PvP is non-existant and they don't have any ideas about it to fix it. Basically they abandoned it alltogether as it looks like.


Ranked warzones were trashed one day prior to 1.2 and they claim that we get 30 days because of that, when this isn't the truth. They just want to fix their QFR with that stunt as they see that only 30% of players are left and don't renewed their subscription.


Sound-bugs, itmes from mails vanishing constantly, bugged quests, bugged flashpoints, wasteland servers, etc, etc, etc... the list is very long... too long actually.


People can say what they want, but that doesn't make SWTOR any better then it is. Even the big forums like mmorpg.com are allready asking when SWTOR is going to be F2P and that shows.


1.5 month left until my sub runs out and I allready don't bother login in anymore as there's nothing to do in the game. 4 chars at LvL50 all Rakata/BH equipped... all in 4 month... what a waste of my money.

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Shuffling people into new development while they are in the middle of something is one of the worst thing a project manager can do.


Doing nothing but dragging a player base through the mud is also a bad decision. I was saying they should have shelved that in the first place, so it wouldn't be middle of development, gimme a break. When there are obvious red flags, you should act on it.

Edited by Mailek
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Why didn't you restart on another server already ?


Not everyone has 40+ hours a week to devote to leveling up your old toon on a new server just because the company who made this game did a big booboo at pre launch. Is that really fair to your player base?

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I think the dirty little secret is the Engine just wasn't optimized to handle real MMO traffic at launch so they thinned the herd with too many servers. The Devs themselves now state they can handle twice the traffic what 4 months after launch? C'mon now.


They need server merges like now, not a month from now. Now. Seriously Tarro Blood is bleeding bad, if something isn't done before Guild Wars 2 launches this game will be in some trouble.


Don't get me wrong, I love the game. But there's nothing massive about this experience when playing Republic on Tarro Blood... and sadly our server isn't even on the lower end of Server pops :/

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The 5 other friends I joined with all quit within 2 months at mid-30s or below. I stuck it out solo to get two toons to level 50. Typically in the evenings I see less than 20 on Correllia, around 15 on Voss, and not enough people on the Imperial fleet to make a single raid force on wow or EQ. I can now solo grind gear, get blistered as a fresh 50 in pvp, or find a guild that will carry me a bit while I gear up and they stave off the inevitable collapse. None of these are appealing, really.


I'm on Mask of Nihilus, and the population has been dripping away little by little since January. I don't see what could be done to recover at this point. The buzz is gone and the players have moved on. I +1 the OP.

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Doing nothing but dragging a player base through the mud is also a bad decision. I was saying they should have shelved that in the first place, so it wouldn't be middle of development, gimme a break. When there are obvious red flags, you should act on it.


Works for you too, the red flags that population is/was dropping were there, you could have done like me or some others and change of servers at that time (like 3 months ago).


They made that much servers because it was needed at launch, sure they failed to handle the next part but you could have done it and you didn't.

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Not everyone has 40+ hours a week to devote to leveling up your old toon on a new server just because the company who made this game did a big booboo at pre launch. Is that really fair to your player base?


I'm Legacy level 34, hell no i'm not re-rolling. Seriously Bioware needs to shelve whatever the hell else they are doing and get US / Euro transfers then mergers there after going ASAP.


We're losing good people on Tarro Blood Daily because of the population slowly dying.

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Works for you too, the red flags that population is/was dropping were there, you could have done like me or some others and change of servers at that time (like 3 months ago).


They made that much servers because it was needed at launch, sure they failed to handle the next part but you could have done it and you didn't.


No they failed to stand their ground at launch (and on the eve of one of the most important holidays in NA), and they listened to those whiners who didn't want to wait 45 mins to get in during Christmas holidays. They could have just increased the server load which they eventually did, but not after they cracked and opened up too much.

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You cracked at launch and opened up way too many servers for all those QQers threatening to quit (which by now have probably already due to the population spread out way too thin across the board).


^Quoting messed up. :eek:


I agree with most of what you said, but the above part is not on the players.


Pre-purchases should have had a set number of servers designated for them ONLY at launch.


Pre-launch guild program should have taken all those guilds (allied and adversary) and filled up those servers to 50-60% of whatever the server cap is, then pre-order non-guilded players next fill in those same servers with 15-25%. Still leaving 25% open for later character creations by anyone.


Instead they opened up way too many servers and probably put about 2% or so of the pre-orders on every server, so even though Bioware did cave to the qq's, they could have done something like the above and we would not be in the state we are now.


We would probably still have 10 or so very healthy servers at least, instead of just a few.


Just my opinion though.

Edited by WookieePower
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I'm Legacy level 34, hell no i'm not re-rolling. Seriously Bioware needs to shelve whatever the hell else they are doing and get US / Euro transfers then mergers there after going ASAP.


We're losing good people on Tarro Blood Daily because of the population slowly dying.


Well, you used a lot of time to get to Legacy lvl 34, why didn't you re-rolled before ?

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Works for you too, the red flags that population is/was dropping were there, you could have done like me or some others and change of servers at that time (like 3 months ago).


They made that much servers because it was needed at launch, sure they failed to handle the next part but you could have done it and you didn't.


And just leave everyone else you've friended on the server? This is a horrid cop out for Bioware, I love the company and hate what's happening to this game due to poor herding of players.


The majority of players are stuck with population issues. Your answer is unacceptable to the consumer and need a real resolution.

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I'm Legacy level 34, hell no i'm not re-rolling. Seriously Bioware needs to shelve whatever the hell else they are doing and get US / Euro transfers then mergers there after going ASAP.


We're losing good people on Tarro Blood Daily because of the population slowly dying.


funny i havent noticed a huge drop in tarro blood server pop. but I know alot of those people left to join the oceanic servers so thats pretty much where i think alot of our players went

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remember a fair bit of that thinning out is due to the new servers for the oceanic players. their servers are all pretty full.. and let me ask you a question..where do you think those servers got those people to fill them?

it wasnt like the people in the oceanic regions were not playing the game before the transfers, they were on all of the other servers.. you know the ones that are suffering from less players after a massive server transfer..


gosh.. i wonder why our servers are lighter while the new servers are all full..


rocket science this is not..


We have always been at war with Oceania...

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No they failed to stand their ground at launch (and on the eve of one of the most important holidays in NA), and they listened to those whiners who didn't want to wait 45 mins to get in during Christmas holidays. They could have just increased the server load which they eventually did, but not after they cracked and opened up too much.


If you think, that's waht happend, fine, don't really care.


I still don't know why you didn't change of server after the first month when the population started to drop.

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Well, you used a lot of time to get to Legacy lvl 34, why didn't you re-rolled before ?


Because I have loyalty to people I played weeks with at launch. That and it's been a slow burn for Tarro Blood, it didn't get bad till Mass Effect 3 launched. Now we're 40 on fleet at peak on a week day.


Making excuses for this isn't a resolution for something basic that can address it.


Lock out top 25% servers, open transfers from bottom 25% servers to the 50% in between and then force merge the bottom 25% there after minimizing impact to the majority of players with mergers.


Rinse repeat until every server is healthy. That's a solution.

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