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Trooper healing 101


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Reroll something else because at leve 70+ valor with full BM and a bit of War Hero's its not even worth your time. Someone here please tell me they enjoy healing still in a PVP WZ against people who target you on a daily basis. You are more than useless when you are cc'ed or stun locked. Enjoy BW solid 1.2 heal nerf that made the class a punching bag.
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I feel your pain, logging in to 1.2 on my medic was a rude awakening. But it gets better. Teams help. Pugs can be misery. But, overall I think pvp healing is more intense now, and thus more fun. It's more important for there to be healers and for the healers to be protected. Before 1.2 I could keep myself and a tank friend alive against like 4 people indefinitely. Now I can do it for a little while but it's a losing battle - it should be. Healing is more tactical, more appreciated but unfortunately also more frustrating. Hope they give us some utility that makes us more useful rather than just buffing if nerfing this or that class. Dispels that actually dispell something would be nice.
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Another thread whining about the healing?

There are plenty of Combat Medics that are doing just fine and enjoy healing still.

If you spent some time adjusting your play-style instead of writing your daily whine thread about not being able to tank the entire other team while healing yourself and your whole team, you'd probably be doing fine as well.

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Another thread whining about the healing?

There are plenty of Combat Medics that are doing just fine and enjoy healing still.

If you spent some time adjusting your play-style instead of writing your daily whine thread about not being able to tank the entire other team while healing yourself and your whole team, you'd probably be doing fine as well.


^^^ this is so true.


My CM has a regular group, my guard is outstanding and we get the job done. Less whining on these boards.

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cm healing is good, ammo mng is fine, with 3 pcs left to full bm i still get over 200 k heal with std ammo rechsrge. Good rotation and good view of the game keeps you on the feet. I use all of my healing abilities, use hs while moving out of aoe.


Havocs kolto bomb!

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Another thread whining about the healing?

There are plenty of Combat Medics that are doing just fine and enjoy healing still.

If you spent some time adjusting your play-style instead of writing your daily whine thread about not being able to tank the entire other team while healing yourself and your whole team, you'd probably be doing fine as well.


try actaully playing on a server that isnt pve. Try plaing against premade after premade. You just dont understand that throwing out one heal to a person doesnt mean you are actually doing something useful. I can still break 400k healing but that only ever happens in a really bad WZ that haas new undergeared players and a poor team makeup. What play style do I need to adjust too by the way? Is it the well I died again play style. I cant do crap anymore when I have two dps on me. Before at least I could kite heal and then toss a few heals out to my party members. NOw I cant cast **** because of being cc'ed or having my advanced medical probe on cool down and then having my medical probe locked out for 3 seconds. This combo is insta death for Commando healers. Maybe my insta heal will crit for 2k and then followed by the super duper kolto bomb, that should save me. Seriously I want to know your play style because if you think this is totally fine then your doing something wrong

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cm healing is good, ammo mng is fine, with 3 pcs left to full bm i still get over 200 k heal with std ammo rechsrge. Good rotation and good view of the game keeps you on the feet. I use all of my healing abilities, use hs while moving out of aoe.


Havocs kolto bomb!


200k is laughable by the way no offense but I have seen non pvp gear wearing commandos put up those numbers. If you are doing 200k in a WZ then alot of people are dying. Well they would on my server anyway. On average I take 240k in damage per WZ the most was the other night when i was just focused constantly. My max that night was 457k in damage recieved. People now know we are a rag doll and a free kill. There is nothing hard about bringing down a Medic these days. Something that should of never changed. As a healer I should be hard to kill because I am good at what I do, now it doesnt matter what rotation I use or if I try to false cast or if I kite it still means my team dies and with it any hope of winning.

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cm healing is good, ammo mng is fine, with 3 pcs left to full bm i still get over 200 k heal with std ammo rechsrge. Good rotation and good view of the game keeps you on the feet. I use all of my healing abilities, use hs while moving out of aoe.


Havocs kolto bomb!


If you think anywhere near 200k is good...then you have no clue about PVP healing now compared to what it was. Going from 500-600k healing to half that on average in a warzone with 1 patch is a joke.

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I have to agree with the OP. Obviously we are talking about level 50 PvP on PvP servers where people play just to PvP.


PvE healing is fine.


In PvP against opposition that have half a clue CM's are nullified for most of the Warzone.


Heres how my Warzones go:


1. Cast heal of team mate or drop Koto Bomb.

2. Immediately attract at least one Marauder/Jug.

3. Now try and kite them while stopping their 3-4K hits from smashing me.

4. Realise that they just interrupted my AMP/MP.

5. Now at half health, drop another koto bomb.

6. Realise the koto bomb only proced for 2k and he just hit me for 3.5k. Now at less than half health.

7. Try and AMP/MP again, he uses force push or some other skill that interrupts me again.

8. Continue running and weaving amongst whatever terrain or players I can while trying to get another heal off.

9. Use my personal medpac as and then hit Infusion.

10. Click the respawn button.


Now I respawn and as soon as I get back to the battle, another Marauder/Jug targets me and I go back to step one.


I have no tools available to me to allow me to stay alive in this scenario. If my team mates have me on Guard, the time from start of engagement to death is extended a little.


People say my teams mates should help me out. I agree. The problem is that because the Marauder/Jug hits me so bloody hard I can't just stand there and take it, so I start trying to kite them while healing. Which means my teams mates that are getting smashed are not getting healing.


Change the above scenario to a ranged class that can interrupt you from distance and it just becomes a joke.


BW, Combat Medics need some tools to help them stay alive long enough to be somewhat effective.


My personal view is that pure healers should not be able to be easily soloed by most other classes and that to take them out they need to be focused. Now I am, not saying boost healing, Im just saying that a single healer should be able to keep themselves alive. If that means they are taken out of the action because they are keeping themselves up, thats fine.


Currently most empire classes can solo destroy a combat medic. Its only a matter of time seconds on how long it takes them.


Solo healers should need to be focused to be easily destroyed, otherwise whats the point. Currently I can't see the point being a CM as they are seen as easy pickings for the solo medal and also easy to take out of the fight and therefore sway it in your favour.

Edited by FrogSkin
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Another thread whining about the healing?

There are plenty of Combat Medics that are doing just fine and enjoy healing still.

If you spent some time adjusting your play-style instead of writing your daily whine thread about not being able to tank the entire other team while healing yourself and your whole team, you'd probably be doing fine as well.


Really? Im the only one I've seen in 250+ WZs since 1.2....maybe its just the server, ya thats it....maybe the 5 other CMs in guild got hit with a really nasty 6week flu at the same time....lol @ this.


And this really does about sum it up:


Heres how my Warzones go:


1. Cast heal of team mate or drop Koto Bomb.

2. Immediately attract at least one Marauder/Jug.

3. Now try and kite them while stopping their 3-4K hits from smashing me.

4. Realise that they just interrupted my AMP/MP.

5. Now at half health, drop another koto bomb.

6. Realise the koto bomb only proced for 2k and he just hit me for 3.5k. Now at less than half health.

7. Try and AMP/MP again, he uses force push or some other skill that interrupts me again.

8. Continue running and weaving amongst whatever terrain or players I can while trying to get another heal off.

9. Use my personal medpac as and then hit Infusion.

10. Click the respawn button.


*** is the fun in that? lol.

Edited by Bluetickone
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I have to agree with the OP. Obviously we are talking about level 50 PvP on PvP servers where people play just to PvP.


PvE healing is fine.


In PvP against opposition that have half a clue CM's are nullified for most of the Warzone.


Heres how my Warzones go:


1. Cast heal of team mate or drop Koto Bomb.

2. Immediately attract at least one Marauder/Jug.

3. Now try and kite them while stopping their 3-4K hits from smashing me.

4. Realise that they just interrupted my AMP/MP.

5. Now at half health, drop another koto bomb.

6. Realise the koto bomb only proced for 2k and he just hit me for 3.5k. Now at less than half health.

7. Try and AMP/MP again, he uses force push or some other skill that interrupts me again.

8. Continue running and weaving amongst whatever terrain or players I can while trying to get another heal off.

9. Use my personal medpac as and then hit Infusion.

10. Click the respawn button.


Now I respawn and as soon as I get back to the battle, another Marauder/Jug targets me and I go back to step one.


I have no tools available to me to allow me to stay alive in this scenario..


Ok, seriously? You didn't mention any of your skills that are available for winning the scenario you described. If that's how you play it, the result will be as you described. CM has a lot of tools to suvive and prevent a lot of what you mentioned. We lack an interrupt, which drives me crazy, but we have other tools to stay alive. Improvise, adapt, overcome. We got nerfed... We'll get unnerfed at some point. In the meantime, suck it up or reroll. As for me, I'm stucking it out..

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Ok, seriously? You didn't mention any of your skills that are available for winning the scenario you described. If that's how you play it, the result will be as you described. CM has a lot of tools to suvive and prevent a lot of what you mentioned. We lack an interrupt, which drives me crazy, but we have other tools to stay alive. Improvise, adapt, overcome. We got nerfed... We'll get unnerfed at some point. In the meantime, suck it up or reroll. As for me, I'm stucking it out..


You missing the point. Even blowing my cool downs, knocking them back, using cryo grenade, dose *********** all but give you an extra 20 -30 seconds.


Would you like to list the tools that allow you to survive and provide healing support while a Maruader/Jug are beating on you. I dont mean multiples, just one. After they thank you for the knock back so they can use force leap again and stunning they either use there cc breaker.


Im really interested in these magical skills that will change the result of what I mentioned and help me stay alive and provide healing support.

Edited by FrogSkin
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Ok, seriously? You didn't mention any of your skills that are available for winning the scenario you described. If that's how you play it, the result will be as you described. CM has a lot of tools to suvive and prevent a lot of what you mentioned. We lack an interrupt, which drives me crazy, but we have other tools to stay alive. Improvise, adapt, overcome. We got nerfed... We'll get unnerfed at some point. In the meantime, suck it up or reroll. As for me, I'm stucking it out..


What skills are you talking about? See we still have to stand and cast. The skills you talk about are the Oh Shi# skills that have major cooldowns. I am sorry but as a single target healer who cant even keep a single target up there is something massively wrong with the game in the aspect of pvp. This is something that alot of commandos talked about pre 1.2 but BW didnt listen because they wanted to change the scope of pvp. All in all getting slaughtered on a daily basis is not fun, I died often pre 1.2 but now its just plain silly. Even with guard I die alot more now then i did, the worst part is I cant throw my guard a heal because I have to focus on myself. Thus they now get two free kills.

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I used to love my commando, now it feels like a losing war. Get one dps on you and you fight a one sided fight where you struggle to do anything, so sad to be so dependant on having a tank nearby to viable while dps classes dont have the same need for a healer to shadow them.
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i consistently get over 10 medals in assault spec.


when i switch to healing, i'm lucky to get 5.

plain and simple, i do better when i'm not healing, even with the new system of calculating medals.


i could be altruistic and stay healing 'for the good of the team' if i actually won more WZs that way, but i seem to win more specced assault.



and that said, i can top total kills for a WZ and still not top total damage, and that's pretty disheartening.

what's also disheartening is, as specced combat medic, i can't even top total heals, but see a sage get 75k damage and still get way more total healing than me.



and of course, this could all do a lot with how i play them, but i spent about 90% of my time leveling in WZs pre-50 in combat medic and only recently switched to assault (from gunnery that i used the last 10% of leveling and post-50 WZs)

Edited by oaceen
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What skills are you talking about? See we still have to stand and cast. The skills you talk about are the Oh Shi# skills that have major cooldowns. I am sorry but as a single target healer who cant even keep a single target up there is something massively wrong with the game in the aspect of pvp. This is something that alot of commandos talked about pre 1.2 but BW didnt listen because they wanted to change the scope of pvp. All in all getting slaughtered on a daily basis is not fun, I died often pre 1.2 but now its just plain silly. Even with guard I die alot more now then i did, the worst part is I cant throw my guard a heal because I have to focus on myself. Thus they now get two free kills.


It's not that I have some hidden skills that you don't, or that I'm debating the fact that our survivability and healing output were nerfed pretty (an in my oppinion needlessly) hard. I agree that things are different, but I feel like I am able to contribute more now (because healing is more important than before) than I was prior to 1.2. It is pretty tough to survive against a decent marauder/sentinel, and we die way faster, but I still think that playing a CM is viable. I used to be able to regularly heal for about 30% more than I do now, which does suck a lot of <vulgar innuendo>, but people still appreciate the heals I throw out. I still got an invite from a respected group of pvpers to join their rated team, even though I never, ever top the healing numbers anymore (unless there are only CMs healing.) I know it sucks getting nerfed this hard, and I even switched to dps for a minute there, but I'm still able to turn the tides in a WZ, which, after all, is why people like healing, right? I might not top any charts till the nerfbat swings another way, but my healing will MATTER damnit!

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Heres how my Warzones go:


1. Cast heal of team mate or drop Koto Bomb.

2. Immediately attract at least one Marauder/Jug.

3. Now try and kite them while stopping their 3-4K hits from smashing me.

4. Realise that they just interrupted my AMP/MP.

5. Now at half health, drop another koto bomb.

6. Realise the koto bomb only proced for 2k and he just hit me for 3.5k. Now at less than half health.

7. Try and AMP/MP again, he uses force push or some other skill that interrupts me again.

8. Continue running and weaving amongst whatever terrain or players I can while trying to get another heal off.

9. Use my personal medpac as and then hit Infusion.

10. Click the respawn button.




The worst part of your example, isnt' the tactics or nerfs, its a perfect example of a player playing alone - not part of a team. That is exactly what should happen! the system is working - per your example >> a CM without any guard or cross heals or any help from his team SHOULD DIE from a DPSer... what would make you think you are an unkillable machine?? I can't even imagine a game where an equal DPS could not take out an unprotected solo healer.


it's you & your teams fault for letting this happen.


Are you the only healer? then there is NO excuse to not have a guard on you. They should be absorbing half of those 3-4k hits and and peeling target focus away from you. this is a fail on you for not looking if you had guard, making sure you stayed in guard range and not making your guard aware you are in danger.


If there are more than one healer - where is the cross heals? keeping other healers up is priority number one!

Edited by Syricide
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The worst part of your example, isnt' the tactics or nerfs, its a perfect example of a player playing alone - not part of a team. That is exactly what should happen! the system is working - per your example >> a CM without any guard or cross heals or any help from his team SHOULD DIE from a DPSer... what would make you think you are an unkillable machine?? I can't even imagine a game where an equal DPS could not take out an unprotected solo healer.


it's you & your teams fault for letting this happen.


Are you the only healer? then there is NO excuse to not have a guard on you. They should be absorbing half of those 3-4k hits and and peeling target focus away from you. this is a fail on you for not looking if you had guard, making sure you stayed in guard range and not making your guard aware you are in danger.


If there are more than one healer - where is the cross heals? keeping other healers up is priority number one!


Your argument that the healer should be butchered without help is completely ridiculous. Why should the dps, who is ALSO alone, get a free kill in this scenario? He's alone too. Unsupported. Yet he can expect to mop the floor with this other character.

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Your argument that the healer should be butchered without help is completely ridiculous. Why should the dps, who is ALSO alone, get a free kill in this scenario? He's alone too. Unsupported. Yet he can expect to mop the floor with this other character.
Makes sense to me.


You play a support role. Why should you win 1v1 against a DPS class?

With nothing to support, a support character should fail.

Having a healer is also not a guaranteed win. If you get outplayed and out CCd, the other team will win. TOR is one of the better MMOs for PvP and it really comes down to awareness and control. If you lose an even match, its usually because you're outgeared or outplayed.

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Your argument that the healer should be butchered without help is completely ridiculous. Why should the dps, who is ALSO alone, get a free kill in this scenario? He's alone too. Unsupported. Yet he can expect to mop the floor with this other character.


Rarely will one, unsupported, DPS mop the floor with me. It happens with skilled players, but I think we can agree the vast majority aren't skilled players.


Typically, post 1.2, 1 DPS is a nuisance and they will eventually give up and try for something else. 2 DPS I have to think more about survival, and typically use some CDs, but I can survive if my team peels them. 3 = dead. There are exceptions of course, but that seems to be a fair run-down of my experience.

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Your argument that the healer should be butchered without help is completely ridiculous. Why should the dps, who is ALSO alone, get a free kill in this scenario? He's alone too. Unsupported. Yet he can expect to mop the floor with this other character.


play the scenario out from above; iwhat else did you expect him to be be able to do; sit there and keep self-healing all day and never die?

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Makes sense to me.


You play a support role. Why should you win 1v1 against a DPS class?

With nothing to support, a support character should fail.

Having a healer is also not a guaranteed win. If you get outplayed and out CCd, the other team will win. TOR is one of the better MMOs for PvP and it really comes down to awareness and control. If you lose an even match, its usually because you're outgeared or outplayed.


As a healer, I hate to admit it, but I kind of agree with you. However, it shouldn't be a given that 1v1, dpsVheals, the dps wins. I don't think it's that way now though, because I can roll a dps if they are not playing right. I think people just need to adjust to the new shorter ttk and heal more tactically. I was pissed as hell when I played my first WZ after 1.2, but it got better as people relearned how to help the healers out.


What still upsets me is how much lower on average CMs are vs other classes in regard to overall healing done. But I can put out , say 300k, and I'll know that my 300k prevented a lot of deaths, but it's still depressing to see other classes with twice that regularly.

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As a healer, I hate to admit it, but I kind of agree with you. However, it shouldn't be a given that 1v1, dpsVheals, the dps wins. I don't think it's that way now though, because I can roll a dps if they are not playing right. I think people just need to adjust to the new shorter ttk and heal more tactically. I was pissed as hell when I played my first WZ after 1.2, but it got better as people relearned how to help the healers out.


What still upsets me is how much lower on average CMs are vs other classes in regard to overall healing done. But I can put out , say 300k, and I'll know that my 300k prevented a lot of deaths, but it's still depressing to see other classes with twice that regularly.

Single target burst heal is usually going to be lower overall healing output vs mass HoTs. It is, however, better for keeping up focus fired targets.

At the end of the day, those numbers are just a pat on the back at the end of a WZ. If you're effective and keeping your team in the fight, you will overall have better rewards from winning WZs.

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Single target burst heal is usually going to be lower overall healing output vs mass HoTs. It is, however, better for keeping up focus fired targets.

At the end of the day, those numbers are just a pat on the back at the end of a WZ. If you're effective and keeping your team in the fight, you will overall have better rewards from winning WZs.


True words.

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Rarely will one, unsupported, DPS mop the floor with me. It happens with skilled players, but I think we can agree the vast majority aren't skilled players.


Typically, post 1.2, 1 DPS is a nuisance and they will eventually give up and try for something else. 2 DPS I have to think more about survival, and typically use some CDs, but I can survive if my team peels them. 3 = dead. There are exceptions of course, but that seems to be a fair run-down of my experience.


pretty much this.


ops healers are infinitely better than cms though, for sure.

Edited by MrMeowington
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