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POST HERE - People who are having PvE problems with Juggernaut


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Though I'm only level 18, one thing I've noticed when it comes to soloing an elite NPC with a companion (Vette, in my case) is that it helps to throw Saber Ward up almost immediately after starting the fight. I'm talking Force Charge in, maybe do a Force Scream or Smash, then throw up Saber Ward.


That seems to give me enough protection to get the NPC's hp down lower than mine which tends to guarantee success by the time Saber Ward expires. If I find myself in an "oh ****" moment, though, I still have Call on the Force. After I use that, I always throw Saber Ward up again.


Really, the CD on Saber Ward isn't long enough to warrant using it sparingly. And if Call on the Force is off CD using Saber Ward at the beginning of the fight gives you the possibility of using it twice.

Edited by mojotele
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Right now I'm lvl 31, using Jaesa as a companion. Pretty much since i left Dromund Kaas I have been doing quests higher level than me, because I level up too slowly. I run out of quests before I should move on. The gap between me and my quests gets higher, now I'm doing quests 4 levels above me.


It's challenging but manageable. In a way i appreciate it, because it makes me feel like I earn all the praise I get. It's nice having to struggle a bit. But it's a hassle. Every time at the end of a quest when there is an elite and a few normal, or a strong mob and some normals (basically anything more than one mob), i have to kill as much as I can, die, go again, die, and go again. Killing elites takes all my cooldowns, and even then I barely make it. I always use my companion as a damage sink, and taunt when she gets low on HP. Even with all my cooldowns and a medpack I can't hold an elite long enough to kill it without companion help.


I am having trouble finding enough quests. I don't do group content like heroics and flashpoints, I don't enjoy playing in groups with random people (traumas from World of Warcraft..). This could be what is causing the gap, but there should be a viable alternative for those who do not feel like playing with random people!


I can't motivate myself into grinding random mobs for XP endlessly to catch up with my quests. It's way too boring, and there is no RP-way to justify it. After all, I am playing to have fun. Grinding is not fun.


Any tips for a juggernaut in desperate need of more quests?

Edited by Vegost
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Right now I'm lvl 31, using Jaesa as a companion. Pretty much since i left Dromund Kaas I have been doing quests higher level than me, because I level up too slowly. I run out of quests before I should move on. The gap between me and my quests gets higher, now I'm doing quests 4 levels above me.


You should not be running out of quests. I've skipped every heroic (not enough people my level to party with) and nearly every bonus series and still am at level.

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There are space battles that give you tons of xp. That may help you catch up.


Did you do both Balmorra and Nar Shadda. If not you may have missed a whole planet.


Did both of those. Probably I've missed some quests somewhere, now I'm flying back to older planets to look again. ^^

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Been following this thread with some interest, tho the forum wouldn't let me post until today.


I honestly couldn't see how anyone struggled with either holding aggro or survivability as an immortal Jugg until today, when I hit Tatooine ( at level 23, so a tiny bit early). However, on Tatooine I found myself struggling quite badly in the early stages, until I ditched my existing gear and blew the majority of my speeder savings gearing myself up a bit. Then, it became a walk in the park...


Seems to me that whenever you have a situation where half the players think that a class can't do it's job, and the other half can't understand why they think that, it's most likely down to gearing. Jugg has very few damage skills or abilities until choke and push open up, which means we are horribly gear-dependent in the early game - you're holding AOE aggro based on your smash damage; you're building aggro based on your sunder, retal and VS damage, and all of these require a damn good saber to do the job.


A jugg simply cannot afford to be using items more than 3-4 levels below his character level, particularly the lightsaber. If you have a custom saber, then your first 3 items from every commendation vendor should be upgrades to it. Likewise for custom armour; all my commendations basically sink into a pair of boots, a chest, a lightsaber and and pair of gloves; and I throw a lot of money at modifications too. That keeps my health high, my armour up, and my strength (and so aggro) through the roof.


Defense is also somethign you can't live without, and should be stacked mercilessly. Higher defence = more retaliations = more aggro generation (plus the buff from the skill tree). Plus the obvious advantage that you're not getting hurt so much.


I'll also admit that we suffer from a bit of a tree problem, in that the initial immortal skills are much less useful at low level than the equivilent vengance skills. The accuracy debuff on Smash does not compare to +30% damage from it, and getting an extra point of rage from sundering is not as useful as applying two stacks at a time. Later on, of course, once Smash is no longer your main go-to AOE aggro device and you're in defensive form with retaliations for 1 rage a go, it balances out; but the problem is you're just better off sinking your first 5-7 points into vengence. You have 4 points before you even get Soresu form, and level 13 tanking does not really require accuracy debuffs or extra rage generation. However, since 31/10/0 appears to be the best tanking build anyway, buying into the veng tree early doesn't hurt and is frankly a much better approach.

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ran into my first problem as a Jugg today. The last battle in the story. Tried My negeance spec I leveled with the entire time, failed couldn't do enough damage fast enough, and couldn't take the damage output. Switched to Immortal. Still could deal damage fast enough. The fight lasted longer but ended at about the same xp. Every fight I blow all my cooldowns, bounce aggro between myself and companions. Tried it with a tank companion, a healing companion, and a dps companion. the lowest I got him was 25% and that was with vengeance and Vette along with heavy kiting. I've been told it was easily soloable for Immortal but I just can't see it.
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I'll also admit that we suffer from a bit of a tree problem, in that the initial immortal skills are much less useful at low level than the equivilent vengance skills. The accuracy debuff on Smash does not compare to +30% damage from it, and getting an extra point of rage from sundering is not as useful as applying two stacks at a time. Later on, of course, once Smash is no longer your main go-to AOE aggro device and you're in defensive form with retaliations for 1 rage a go, it balances out; but the problem is you're just better off sinking your first 5-7 points into vengence. You have 4 points before you even get Soresu form, and level 13 tanking does not really require accuracy debuffs or extra rage generation. However, since 31/10/0 appears to be the best tanking build anyway, buying into the veng tree early doesn't hurt and is frankly a much better approach.


This is what i am experiencing myself. Respecced from fully immortal to vengeance/immortal für 2 stacks of sunder and 30% smash buff. aoe tanking works abit better now, never had too much problems with solo pve.

Edited by Hyyuga
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hmm i have no problem lvling, no problem at all. im fully speced into immortal and im lvl 45 now. i used vette all the way until my first melee dps companion, and i have to say she can solo a silver star with no help from me, yes she is at 5% health but she can hold her own in a fight.... at 35+ you start to get mods on your armor and weapons, that increase your def. rating shiled chance and shield absorbsion, and man it makes a huge differnce....

I still die and i die often, but the first 25 lvl i lvl with my irl m8 "my own little" pocket healer so i never had to think abourt my health after a fight,

and to pull a Goldstar with only 25% health can get you killed but most times i kill it before i get killed



normal packs of mobs i dont use any cds


on Silverstar, i use either force choke or backhand not both. and not 3 min. cds


on Goldstar mobs i use force choke, backhand and force push and no 3 min, cds unless i start to take a heavy beating. on later lvls you dont use your 3 min. cds


2 Silverstar, is like a Goldstar you tank one of them and your companion tank the other, if you tank both of them you need to burn one or two, 3 min cds.


more then 1 Goldstar..... let us say like 1 Goldstar and two normal mobs, or 1 Goldstar and 1 Silverstar or 2 Goldstar, or 2 Goldstar and 1 normal pack.

I use Forcehoke, Force push, Backhand, and all my cd's and yes Saberward then the 20 min cd that heals you and refresh your Saber ward then my sabre ward again then the other 3 min. cd and last enduring pain. and a medpack, but belive me you can survive. these pulls on later lvls.


just allways start out to kill the lesser mobs and work your way up ladder, and dont worrie if you companion tanks a Goldstar for 10 sec. just taunt it of her/him when your companinons are at 50% health.

Edited by Xanxari
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I can't dps. I can't even do half the single target dps other classes do. Please fix my class. We need skills with huge hits. I'm lvl 28 and my largest hit so far is 400, and that's with a skill on a cooldown! Bounty hunters can do more dps just by spamming 2 buttons. Also, we need mortal strike and execute for pvp. Edited by kryptiklol
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A jugg simply cannot afford to be using items more than 3-4 levels below his character level, particularly the lightsaber. If you have a custom saber, then your first 3 items from every commendation vendor should be upgrades to it. Likewise for custom armour; all my commendations basically sink into a pair of boots, a chest, a lightsaber and and pair of gloves; and I throw a lot of money at modifications too. That keeps my health high, my armour up, and my strength (and so aggro) through the roof.


This, basically. I have a feeling that a lot of people experiencing problems are ignoring their gear. At lvl 22-23 + you cant expect to just use your quest rewards and random greens and not have a hard time with certain mobs.


Relatively small upgrades makes a big difference at these levels. You should have 2 orange (Tyrant) pieces - chest and legs - available when you hit 20. Max them out with Endurance mods, get 3-4 blue pieces for the rest of the armor slots and ofc max out your Lightsaber.


Do this and then upgrade your stuff every 4-5 levels while leveling and you will be OK as far as leveling content goes, go with random greens and you will struggle.

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I can't dps. I can't even do half the single target dps other classes do. Please fix my class. We need skills with huge hits. I'm lvl 28 and my largest hit so far is 400, and that's with a skill on a cooldown! Bounty hunters can do more dps just by spamming 2 buttons. Also, we need mortal strike and execute for pvp.


this is mah troll face

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I know I have subpar gear because I have been taking commendations, leveling, and running FPs that maybe drop 1 or 2 upgrades(Mando Raiders/Athiss for lower level guildies) but I have no problem a) with DPS or lack there of and b) holding aggro one single target or more than one target.



My current build after hitting 30 last night.


It's no where near what I want end game as I have other ideas but I have not respecced and am toying with ideas of other talents while I level.


The key to tanking multiple enemies is having the DPS not be stupid and attack enemies you're not tanking or have no threat on. I constantly see this in pug flashpoints and don't even bother trying to pull off them once they realize they made a mistake.


Some quest mobs and heroic areas I can tank and kill 2 elites, sometimes without popping CDs and using Vette, other times popping CDs and Vetter surviving, other times having Vette open with dps, let the mob beat on her till shes almost dead, then taunt off her and keep the mob on me and kill it(Champions).


There's definitely more than one way to skin a cat in this game and it seems how WoW had the solo advantage of having a pet to trade hate with, everyone has that advantage in here. I'm really enjoying my time tanking.

Edited by Hustletron
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Currently level 37.


Not sure of how a lot of you are having difficulties. I'm full tank spec using Vette/Jeasa at all times. Never use heal/tank companion if you are tank spec, you'll need their dps to quest at a decent pace. Use your stuns / slows to get those high damage proc abilities off cooldown.


Holding threat has been fine in heroic quests and flashpoints thus far, and I don't feel squishy at all. Keep your procs up when tanking (Scream, Smash, Revenge).

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If anyone reads this far...


Just a quick tactics blerb.


As a Jugg you have a ranged AoE Snare and a ranged taunt.


If you have a ranged companion (like Vette) you can repeatedly snare melee mobs and just kite them while your ranged companion kills them. Taunt and Scream as necessary...


No problems killing anything as a Jugg with Vette as a companion up to level 30.

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I just turned 28 and I generally have no issues. My only problem is AOE threat. There are just not enough skills to single each mob and keep threat on them all in a group of 4 sometimes. Im getting better at it though but I do wish we had some wider AOE skills earlier on.




I'm Vengeance, not Immortal, but there are no threat-building talents I could have taken anyway.


There should be no cooldown on Smash. It's already limited by Rage, there is no need to have two gates on it.

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I can't dps. I can't even do half the single target dps other classes do. Please fix my class. We need skills with huge hits. I'm lvl 28 and my largest hit so far is 400, and that's with a skill on a cooldown! Bounty hunters can do more dps just by spamming 2 buttons. Also, we need mortal strike and execute for pvp.


How are people comparing their dps to other classes? Is there a secret damage meter I haven't seen yet?

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If anyone reads this far...


Just a quick tactics blerb.


As a Jugg you have a ranged AoE Snare and a ranged taunt.


If you have a ranged companion (like Vette) you can repeatedly snare melee mobs and just kite them while your ranged companion kills them. Taunt and Scream as necessary...


No problems killing anything as a Jugg with Vette as a companion up to level 30.


You do not have a range AoE snare. You have a PbAoE snare that snares in a 5 meter radius around you.

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Technically, maybe. But (being only level 19) when I read your post I thought, "Cool...eventually I get a ranged snare."


The word "ranged" has a distinct connotation.


That's fair. And the point is that it out ranges most melee attacks.


This tactic won't worked for ranged champions/elites

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Ranged aoe typically means you can cast it at a greater range than yourself. PBAoE (Point blank AoE) is what our snare is.


You're right. The point wasn't about the semantics of what ranged means but rather to describe a tactic in which melee elites/champions can be indefinitely kited by juggernauts.


Your corrections are appreciated. =)

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