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Anyone else order from Wal-Mart.com for their CE edition?


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I am wondering how many other ordered through walmart.com for their CE edition. I placed mine on 7-29-2011 and got that notorious email a month ago about it being cancelled and found out it was a system error.


Well, come to find out that walmart should not be dealt with by Bioware anymore because my order did end up getting cancelled as of yesterday! I am not happy with this at all!


I found out through my second customer service representative on walmart.com that apparently the copy I ordered was not available!!!!! So I've been sitting here for 5 months thinking I had my copy secured for the Collector's Edition only to find out that was a lie!


Now I can't even get through phone support through Bioware to talk with customer service about this issue?!?!?!?! This is not a good start especially when I love the game and my wife even wants to play it.


So if you ordered through walmart.com for your CE copy, you might want to double check your account to see that it has been shipped or approved. I was also told by the walmart representative that they aren't even shipping them until the 20th!

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Both my roommate and I ordered on Sept. 28th and it's been an adventure of worry and confusion.


A week and a half ago, my order status changed to processing and a hold was on my bank account for the cost of the collector's edition. I, like everyone else, got that dreaded cancellation email that turned out to be a "system glitch" according to Wal-Mart. Everyday I kept checking and checking for it to change to "shipped".


As time went on, I read the forums, saw all the massive problems everyone was having and I became paranoid and nervous. I got even more nervous when I checked my bank account to see if the money was still on hold. I found out that the hold was gone and the money credit back. For me that was the breaking point.


I tried to just play it cool until last night when I just couldn't take it anymore. I emailed Walmart.com and got an automated response to my question, that had nothing to do with what I asked.


Low and behold I woke this morning to see my order status now says shipped and the package is in my state, waiting for delivery on Monday.


The weird thing though is even though my order shipped, Walmart hasn't taken the money out. This whole thing has been so nerve wracking ( I know, first world problems) I really don't think I want to order from Walmart.com ever again.

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Between stores taking pre-orders for more than what was available, stores giving out pre-order codes that were already redeemed, and the mess they seem to be having in EU countries with missing CD-Key leaflets, this whole CE thing seems to have become a total fiasco.


I know the pre-order codes issue with Best Buy wasn't CE only, but still...

Edited by Seigyoku
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I got a email I think today or maybe it was yesterday saying that my walmart CE order is shipping. Checked and my order has shipped.

I was hoping that I wouldnt have enough money on my card so they would cancel my order because I already got one from amazon.

I guess I can sell my other CE. How about $300 for my CE unopened. :)

Seriously though, I will probably return my other CE back to walmart and get my money back.

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