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How many credits do you have?


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My highest Level character is 35.


(I had to reroll from my ghost town server)


He has 230,000 credits +/-.


He'd probably have more, but the costs of repairs, training, etc. have eaten into his savings a bit. At one time, he had around 350,000 credits, but I haven't gone out farming in a while, so he isn't making a profit at the moment.

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250k across my 50 and the 30 I'm leveling up. I earn on the 50, but I mail it to the 30 where I've leveled my crafting to the point of being capable of crafting level 40 gear. Crafting is very expensive to level, but highly profitable later.
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about 4-5m spread over my characters. I don't do dailies. They are more boring than IRL work.

This include the 2mil I made selling aug pistol right after 1.2. I was the only seller for empire side, but now, the competitors started to sell, and prices are dropping.

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This is a serious example of the HAVE's and the HAVE-NOT's. LOL!


Well, I'm not as filthy rich as some of you guys. I got just over 7 Mil atm. (I had over 10 mil pre 1.2, but I spent some creds on the legacy stuff and other goodies. And I'd have more if they'd fix the dang GTN! :mad:)



Edited by SneakyMotha
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1.1 million across 8 characters - 490k is the highest I have on one. Most I've ever had on a character is 800k.


Got 400 in 3 crafting skills, only ever sold 4 items from them.

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About 6 million spread out over 2 accounts and 9 level 50s.


Made through a mix of crafting, selling those rakgule crystals and pvp income, never have done a daily and don't do FPs. I spend most of my money on top gear leveling up and have always had full purple lvl 49 gear on all toons, but don't have a speeder over lvl 25 on any of my chars, so...

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500k ish on my main, about 700-800k across all my toons.


IIRC I am the poorest guy in my guild. Why only the other day someone was qq'ing about droping below 5mil, making me qq because I have never had more than 900k on one char at anyone time.

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