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[Legacy] Extra Exp For Alts (Focus On Class Story)


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Dear devs,


I very much enjoy levelling alts in this game, getting to experience the different story that each brings with it. I hope one day to be able to further this on my current server when you increase the maximum number of character slots per server.


However, what I do not necessarily enjoy as much is having to redo all the non-class quests for exp.


I would like to suggest that at a certain legacy level (or even spread out over many tiers with increasing legacy levels) with a credit cost attached that players be able to buy exp boosts for their characters... or perhaps just newly created ones / ones below a certain level.


I would not like to propose too much in the way of detail here, but just the barebones that a certain amount of previous time in the game (hence the legacy levels) could enable players to create new characters and enjoy them that much more by being able to focus solely on the class quests and maybe a few heroics.


I'm sure that some people will feel that this should not be here and will say that each character should have to make it the hard way to level 50, but with a high enough legacy requirement, that player will have already put an insane amount of effort into that account and just wish to roll new alts for fun, rather than being put off by the grind of the non-story quests.


I hope this post finds people well.


Kind regards


Edited by llesna
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Dear devs,


I very much enjoy levelling alts in this game, getting to experience the different story that each brings with it. I hope one day to be able to further this on my current server when you increase the maximum number of character slots per server.


However, what I do not necessarily enjoy as much is having to redo all the non-class quests for exp.


I would like to suggest that at a certain legacy level (or even spread out over many tiers with increasing legacy levels) with a credit cost attached that players be able to buy exp boosts for their characters... or perhaps just newly created ones / ones below a certain level.


I would not like to propose too much in the way of detail here, but just the barebones that a certain amount of previous time in the game (hence the legacy levels) could enable players to create new characters and enjoy them that much more by being able to focus solely on the class quests and maybe a few heroics.


I'm sure that some people will feel that this should not be here and will say that each character should have to make it the hard way to level 50, but with a high enough legacy requirement, that player will have already put an insane amount of effort into that account and just wish to roll new alts for fun, rather than being put off by the grind of the non-story quests.


I hope this post finds people well.


Kind regards


This is coming in 1.3. In your legacy menu and check under coming soon and you'll see the xp boosts.

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This is coming in 1.3. In your legacy menu and check under coming soon and you'll see the xp boosts.

If you looked at them the specific bonuses for EXP are: Space Missions, Warzones, and Flashpoints, which all divert very much from your story... (Unless of course your story is you went through every nameable flashpoint five or so times)


He's talking about EXP bonuses from quest rewards, which I doubt Bioware will ever do.

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If you looked at them the specific bonuses for EXP are: Space Missions, Warzones, and Flashpoints, which all divert very much from your story... (Unless of course your story is you went through every nameable flashpoint five or so times)


He's talking about EXP bonuses from quest rewards, which I doubt Bioware will ever do.


This is indeed what I was hoping for.


I'm aware it will likely never happen, or that it won't happen in the foreseeable future, but I would like for future alts to be able to get massive exp bonuses from their story quests (perhaps just the story quests?) so that I could level up faster and more enjoyable on those.


It's not a small ask in any case as there would be the issue of gearing up and of a lack of currency potentially for those alts, but given a high enough legacy requirement, it could be pretty much taken from granted that you'd have higher level characters to funnel credits to them.


In any case, anything that helps speed up the game for future alts (as I'm happy doing all the quests now on all my eight characters) will make me happy, even if it's just the exp boosts listed :)

Edited by llesna
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