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Merges, Cross Server or Death


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With a big enough pool - either through merging or cross-server - the Rateds can play at their varying levels, PUGS will play PUGS, ideally at similar levels of gear and coordination, and Premades will play Premades. Does anyone NOT see this as solving the problem, and why would BW not implement this? Right now, the only way to get a win for the dailies is to wait until the two guilds that form premades to get bored and go raiding. One enterprising fellow subscribes to their website to know when they raid, and waits until then to queue. I saw a thread polling us about win rate. Its funny, people are quoting 90% and that just shouldn't happen in a balanced pool.


Anyway, it partially answers my question. Yes, there is a problem, they might fix it in the summer. Can I suspend my account until then?


Better fortune to us all - even the Operatives.

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Yes OP, a few weeks ago, you would see newer people you hadn't seen before or guys that very casually pvp in matches. Now, there are literally 20 or so people on each side that queue regularly. I'm really surprised this is happening on the imp so that leads me to believe they have lost more, at least numerically if not proportionally, than the reps have.


Moral of the story, it's getting super old fighting with and against the same group over and over and over. With such a small base there's no way to keep geared preforms from annihilating pugs(if they implemented a system that matched gear levels we'd have 5 maybe per day). I can tell how a match is going to go as soon as I see the other team. Cross server needs to come ASAP, the servers are just too small and that 'new car' smell of the game is fading fast. I'd also like to pick specific wz's as well but cross server is just nonnegotiable at this point.


Cross server should be their tip top utmost priority as it relates to PVP. It should be ahead of ranked, class balance, etc. because 1) how can you really have anything "ranked" that's meaningful with such low server pops and 2) if more people get frustrated and leave the game/just stop pvping then ranked are pointless anyway.

Edited by CodyLundeen
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If the game leads are stupid enough to think they have 60 more days before cross server queues or server merges or transfers...... They are kidding themselves.


My server (West coast PvP) had 9 people in fleet Saturday and Sunday afternnon. Less than 10... not enough lvl 50's to pop WZ.


You sorry pretend to be DEV's think you got 2 months to dick around? How many millions in potential revenue is management going to let you squander before they hire a competent manegement team that fires all of you and makes the hard changes now before all is lost.


This game will set the whip lash record for ramping up to two million subs then crashing to 10% of that number.


Why can't you clowns make a command decision?

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Server transfers are not the solution. Sure it might help half the people on a low pop server, but other (abandoned) half will simply quit. It will destroy their (BW's) business model.


We need x-server queues for PvP and x-server group finders for PvE immediately. My server is one of the higher population servers and the number of players on the fleet has plummeted in the last week. I'd estimate average population is down 50%. During primetime hours there might be a single lev 50 wz match going on. During off peak hours it is worse. BW initially said that it wouldn't introduce x-server wz queues because it wanted to preserve a sense of community within a server. That was the right decision then. But the situation has changed. Now the sense of community on the server is being destroyed anyway by unsubscriptions.

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Dead servers are a big deal. I wonder if BWs sluggish reaction to this problem has more to do with public relations than it does with the lack of code support.


"omgz trololol swtor just merged servers f2p yet dog1?1" - The entire internet.

Edited by Blasphemerr
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