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Server population is dropping...


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Yeah... and I'm getting a new delivery between 9am and 6pm.... BW/EA community management being vague, no details on how it will work, which servers will be affected, how they'll deal with character name duplicates and waht not....


Vague vague vague... no real communication with the community.


Wow, your entire post could not be further from reality :eek: They've talked about EVERY ONE OF THOSE THINGS. Even the server names they haven't released yet, they've at least talked about it and WHY. :rolleyes:

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Yeah... and I'm getting a new delivery between 9am and 6pm.... BW/EA community management being vague, no details on how it will work, which servers will be affected, how they'll deal with character name duplicates and waht not....


Vague vague vague... no real communication with the community.



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The top 10 most populated servers are packed during peak hours.


I didn't join a server until December 26 2011. When I did so I limited myself to the top 25 most populated servers. Then west coast.. then Rp.... (well you get the idea).


YES, it's sad that if you were one of the first subscribers you probably got shafted - heck I'd call the odds 50/50. Thing is, server transfers and merges will help alleviate this problem. SWTOR lost 400k we all know that, but most mmos lose quite a few after the initial sub period is up. I expect it to be about 1.1 million in July and to stop bleeding around 900k in September (which would leave it with about 250% of SWG's sub peak).


The real issue is what happens when they have people on servers that go even more dead after transfers. Do they A) merge server (issue is shared names)? B) offer an incentive to transfer (what if they don't?) and C) accept the loss from operating that server?


What do you guys think?


Since you asked. I don't think they will have 20K active players at any given time come July 1, with about 250K active subscriptions. I wouldn't give this game 2 years at best before it closes it's doors.

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Tomb of Freddon Nadd is also dropping everyday . It really is sad to see a game like this fail . I wonder how WoW is doing atm


It seems to be doing ok....

Activision Blizzard most recently beat expected financial results for its fiscal first quarter, despite seeing revenues fall by more than 20 percent.


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Since you asked. I don't think they will have 20K active players at any given time come July 1, with about 250K active subscriptions. I wouldn't give this game 2 years at best before it closes it's doors.

Where did you get those 250k active subscriptions from??? I doubt the number is that low.

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I have been alone on my server (EU - Uthar Wynn) for two months now - is there any way how to get refund for the money I have paid? I was told that it is possible with call the support ... But when I did that (cancelled my secret code and only said my secret questions!!) it cost me more than monthly fee (from Czech republic). So again I am asking - Is there any way how to do refund besides calling support? Because beeing on server where I can NEVER do daily WZ quest or even weekly of flashpoint or multi-member quest or anything was not why I paid for it. Thank you.


Continuing from this topic which was closed: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=472345


Ulthar Wynn, yea that server is dead, i was curious to see how the actual view of a Light server was from torstatus.net and i saw that Ulthar Wynn scored one of the lowest, so i made a character on both sides on that server. What i found was shocking....


14 ppl total on imp side, 18 total on rep side...


I felt so sad, and thanked my server still has around 100 ppl on each side still (Bao-dur) yet we are still looking more and more ghost town on fleet (10-30 average on fleet)


But if you ask any BW developer, the game is thriving good i bet :(


This is the first game where the server population has been such a big impact of how much i feel like to actually play the game.


They really messed up big time putting out so many servers at launch and adding transfers this late.


I dont even care about the 1.3 "content" at this given time, all i care about is that my guild can succesfully transfer to a living server before its too late. Already lost lots of members..

Edited by Steele_dk
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Where did you get those 250k active subscriptions from??? I doubt the number is that low.


I think he is probably inferring it from the current amount of active players.


At any rate, I seriously doubt its that low as well, but it is probably a shade under a million.

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Where did you get those 250k active subscriptions from??? I doubt the number is that low.


I think he is trying to be optimistic. :D


When you are on a server which has maybe 10 players in the Fleet at prime time and 90+% of the servers are that way...it is not being too far off to say there are less than 250k active players.

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I think he is probably inferring it from the current amount of active players.


At any rate, I seriously doubt its that low as well, but it is probably a shade under a million.


1.3 million subs divide by 120 servers equals 10k per server,,,my *** there are that many with 5-11 people on fleet at prime time....

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1.3 million subs divide by 120 servers equals 10k per server,,,my *** there are that many with 5-11 people on fleet at prime time....


As far as I know, there are 200+ servers, 120 are the US only ones methinks.


Further, most MMOs never have over 10% of their population playing at any given time.


900k is my estimate. I wouldn't be surprised with 750k either.

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I think he is trying to be optimistic. :D


When you are on a server which has maybe 10 players in the Fleet at prime time and 90+% of the servers are that way...it is not being too far off to say there are less than 250k active players.


Yea, I was being optimistic that somehow they would be able to hold onto their current subscriptions of active players, which in no way can be over 250K. A lot of people in my guild have six month subs that are up in July, and have already bailed. We won't know the real numbers until the next quarterly report from EA, but by July we should be able to gauge the heath of the game as a whole.


If they pull something big off this summer, like get rid of the warhammer team and hire some people with some vision instead of 'matrix analyzers' then they might even pick up a few hundred thousand subs, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that count. Somebody upstairs still hasn't figured out the crap that's been shoveled their way by the product managers, and by the time they do this game will be in the toilet. Just IMHO.


This game has the best storylines. The voice acting is so good it makes ever other game look stupid for even trying it (just play a Nord in Guild Wars 2, LOL). And the companion system; how cool is that! But they fundamentally missed the mark. The released a game that needed a good year more of development time. Then they came out with 1.2 which was billed as the 'get people back into the game' patch, but that patch only drove people away! Did the learn anything? Doesn't look like it.


However, this could be EAs old junker car, that they endlessly pour money into... for those of you that are sticking it out I can only hope so.


EA has the rights to one of the best intellectual properties in gaming, that being the Star Wars brand, and the blew it. I know it, if you don't then I can't imagine what makes one so delusional.

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As far as I know, there are 200+ servers, 120 are the US only ones methinks.


Further, most MMOs never have over 10% of their population playing at any given time.


900k is my estimate. I wouldn't be surprised with 750k either.



Let's reverse this I usually see on most servers about 100 people online . Let's pay every hour those 100log and 100 new ones log on .... That's 2400 different people on per server per day....so that puts active us player base at

About 300k......again..this is theory


We know the above scenario isn't happening...there is no way this game gas 300k active

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Let's reverse this I usually see on most servers about 100 people online . Let's pay every hour those 100log and 100 new ones log on .... That's 2400 different people on per server per day....so that puts active us player base at

About 300k......again..this is theory


We know the above scenario isn't happening...there is no way this game gas 300k active


In Theory is this 300k per USA or Worldwide?

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Do yourself a favor and head to one of the following.

PvP Fatman

PvE Jedi Covenant east coast or Drooga's Pleasure Barge west coast

RP-PvP Ajunta Pall

RP The most populated has been The Ebon Hawk or Lord Adraas both east coast.

Might as well have 5-7 well populated servers than tid bits here and there.

Unfortunately rerolling is your best option right now.


I wonder how many servers they plan to shut down? They need to scrap at least 80% of the US servers to make pops viable/vibrant.

I rerolled on Drooga's (given I am a west coaster PvEr) and I have to say the change has made all the difference. I have been logging in again regularly. Having folks to play with in an MMO is paramount and my play time, as of late, reflects that sentiment.

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Do yourself a favor and head to one of the following.

PvP Fatman

PvE Jedi Covenant east coast or Drooga's Pleasure Barge west coast

RP-PvP Ajunta Pall

RP I the most populated has been The Ebon Hawk or Lord Adraas both east coast.

Might as well have 5-7 well populated servers than tid bits here and there.

Unfortunately rerolling is your best option right now.


I wonder how many servers they plan to shut down? They need to scrap at least 80% of the US servers to make pops viable/vibrant.

I rerolled on Drooga's (given I am a west coaster PvEr) and I have to say the change has made all the difference. I have been logging in again regularly. Having folks to play with in an MMO is paramount and my play time, as of late, reflects that sentiment.


You're really still advising people to re-roll after the masses of crying people that re-rolled and wont be able to consolidate their characters have been whining for days?


Listen, we get it, you want more people to be miserable and waste their time just like you did, because, well, misery loves company, but at this point, re-rolling on a higher pop server is just about as wasteful a move as you can make.


We realize that having people in a MMO is paramount to enjoyment of the game, but so is character progression, community, and friends. Not all of us wanted to run off to a high population server the moment that things slimmed down, and thats precisely why our patience is being rewarded by likely being part of this first wave of *free* transfers. So please, the "re-roll now it's your only choice" spiel is a bit old and busted at this point, and certainly not helpful now. Why bother?

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Let's reverse this I usually see on most servers about 100 people online . Let's pay every hour those 100log and 100 new ones log on .... That's 2400 different people on per server per day....so that puts active us player base at

About 300k......again..this is theory


We know the above scenario isn't happening...there is no way this game gas 300k active


2500 x 200 is 500,000 (2400 x 200 is 480,000)


I mean, we'll see. I just think a ton of people are still subbed and waiting for transfers. No number would really surprise me at this point. But really, this is Star Wars, you could poop in a box, call it "Bantha Poodoo" slap a Star Wars label on it and it would sell.

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You're really still advising people to re-roll after the masses of crying people that re-rolled and wont be able to consolidate their characters have been whining for days?


Listen, we get it, you want more people to be miserable and waste their time just like you did, because, well, misery loves company, but at this point, re-rolling on a higher pop server is just about as wasteful a move as you can make.


We realize that having people in a MMO is paramount to enjoyment of the game, but so is character progression, community, and friends. Not all of us wanted to run off to a high population server the moment that things slimmed down, and thats precisely why our patience is being rewarded by likely being part of this first wave of *free* transfers. So please, the "re-roll now it's your only choice" spiel is a bit old and busted at this point, and certainly not helpful now. Why bother?


Merely a suggestion and a sound one at that.

Character progression means nothing without a community to play with. Communities can be rebuilt via rerolling. All "friends" should reroll to the same server to ensure continued enjoyment with each other.

The notion that this "free server transfer" is going to solve the major pop issue is old and tired and needs to cease immediately. Server merging/consolidation is the only real fix to this population debacle, but that is not coming anytime soon. As such many of us are offering up a functional alternative.

Funny how those who don't see the writing on the wall rail against ideas that will likely assist in recreating communities.

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Merely a suggestion and a sound one at that.

Character progression means nothing without a community to play with. Communities can be rebuilt via rerolling. All "friends" should reroll to the same server to ensure continued enjoyment with each other.

The notion that this "free server transfer" is going to solve the major pop issue is old and tired and needs to cease immediately. Server merging/consolidation is the only real fix to this population debacle, but that is not coming anytime soon. As such many of us are offering up a functional alternative.

Funny how those who don't see the writing on the wall rail against ideas that will likely assist in recreating communities.


If you read the community new article, I think you will find that what Bioware is proposing will consolidate servers. I think those on dead servers that transfer, for free, will find themselves in a much better community situation with pvp pops and everything.


For me, losing my characters when I transferred to a higher population server was a big deal. If I had the option of waiting a week to get a population fix I would have gladly waited. Obviously, I did not have that option and had to weigh access to content and community against sacrificing all of the progress I had made. Your asking people to give up on their progress for no real gain.

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