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How would the Republic military respond to a Reaper invasion?


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There is actual material out there that quantifies some of this and it contradicts your guesswork. The Bounty Hunter Wars Book 2 clarifies that the energy release from a turbolaser is at least a gigaton. That is 1,000 megatons or 1 million kilotons. The capital ships that destroyed Sovereign in Mass Effect 1 were firing weapons that maxed out at 3 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb (13-18 kt). That is according to this website. At the maximum, that means that Sovereign was destroyed by weapons that only yielded 54 kilotons.


Are you not starting to see how far apart these galaxies are in terms of tech? Mass Effect has capital ships that can kill Sovereign by firing 54 kiloton weapons at him and Star Wars capital ships fire 1 million kilotons with every single shot.


Both you and Angelous are factually incorrect with many of your statements. Angelous claims that Star Wars deflector shields would not be effective against Reaper weapons and that is completely absurd. Deflector shields on capital ships generally include both ray shields as well as particle shields. Source. They are effective at defending against both energy and physical attacks and since we know that the weapons in Mass Effect are thousands of times weaker than those in the Star Wars galaxy (15,000 to 20,000 times weaker to be exact) it is completely irrational to believe that the cannons from a Reaper could even dent the shields of a Star Wars battleship.


I could go on and find sources disproving that the ships in Mass Effect are as fast as you both claim as well, but I think everyone reading this thread is starting to get how wide the gap in technology is here.


3. I read your posts. I read Angelous's posts as well. Neither of you has provided anything factual to back up your claims. You have not provided a single source that even suggests that Mass Effect technology is anywhere close to as advanced as what we see in Star Wars.


You complained about my tone, but you used phrases such as "clearly this is beyond your train of thought" and "please actually read before typing." If anything, you are the one using an arrogant and dismissive tone with those who disagree with you even though they are factually correct and you are not.


And just one shot from any given ion cannon should take out even the strogest Reaper :tran_grin:

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Methods of dealing with an ancient sentient species able to use tactical weapons of extinction, are the exact reason they would fail. In the starwars universe there are species that fit that description.


In example, the existence of the star forge should clue us into the level of force based artifices. Multi-dimensional existence is the basis for concepts that relate to a flow of destiny, that moves through states of altered time to produces free will. If the force has a will of its own, maybe the concept of causality in Mass Effect, will find its own resolution by letting destiny take shape.


The level of ability is not really comparable to a universe where a jedi could throw a black hole at them by a change in the gravitational constant of the universe.

Edited by Knightless
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The Star Wars galaxy is leagues ahead of the Mass Effect universe. With technology such as the Sun Crusher, with its' invincible armor to the Death Stars planet disintegrating weapon, the Reapers cannot take the entire galaxy head on.


Their only chance would be indoctrinating the galaxy and turning their enemies on each other, but even then I don't know if that would work.


Indoctrination could either be easily defeated by the jedi, or could be their downfall. The Kiliks seem to be similar to the Reapers in the fact they both can affect the motives of an individual. Both seem to take a relatively long exposure time to change someones mind, and they also seem similar in the fact that they can cause individuals to "share" thoughts. Alema Rar (I think her name is) seemed to be driven insane like an indoctrinated individual like in Mass Effect, so a jedi could be suseptible to such a technique.


On the other hand, indoctrination could also be easily defeated by the Jedi. It seems when indoctrination occurs, individuals seem to become stressed. For the faster, forced indoctrinations, they seem to go insane, so I can easily see a Jedi quickly picking up on that. Even those slowly indoctrinated such as Saren and the Illusive Man, while they seemed rational at first glance, they both seemed to have became quite stressed when having their motives questioned. I can easily see force sensitives being able to pick up on these emotional cues, so they could also easily pick out indoctrinated individuals.


The hardest hurdle for Star Wars would be discovering the Reapers as a threat though. If they were somehow able to indoctrinate high ranking officials without setting off any alarms, I could see them wreaking some havoc on planets, but I just couldn't see them winning out against the galaxy unless they were able to control force sensitives, but even then it would be iffy.

Edited by Supahhappy
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Pro for Lasers: Blasters can fire for extended periods of time with a respectable rate of fire before needing to be reloaded with a new power pack.

Con for Lasers: Blasters are not very powerful in the grand scheme of things. Would take concentrated firepower to dent a Reaper's shields/armor.





I'll probably get banned for referencing that other "show" ;), but seriously, a single photon torpedo would probably blow up Sovereign ;). That isn't a joke: considering the lack of Shields an OS star ship could theoretically beam standard 25 isoton yield photon torpedo right next to the ME drives of each Reaper vehicle in a matter of minutes. And that isn't even "cutting edge" technology in that universe.


Okay, now onto the SW Universe. I also think SW comes out ahead. I think the scale of the ME universe is much smaller than SW, and the technology far more basic. No FTL capability (beyond the Mass Relays they don't even understand). The only point I think the ME universe could go toe-to-toe would be the ground combat capabilities. I think the average soldier in the ME universe is probably superior to SW (e.g. biotics, omni-tools, etc.), but quite frankly I don't see it getting to that point.


One Star Forge could probably outproduce the entire Reaper fleet in a year, with better quality ships.


By the end of ME3 the combined fleets are able to go head-to-head with the Reapers without being slaughtered for an extended period of time. That fleet is awfully small compared to either the Republic or Imperial Fleets.


- Arcada

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The Chancellor would go to the Jedi Council, point at the Reapers and say "go".


Jedi, I choose you






jedi, use lightsaber attack




*Jedi uses lightsaber attack* [it was supper effective]


*reaper was defeated*


{wow, that jedi is really strong. i cannot believe i lost}


(the chancellor gains OVER 9000 credits)

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