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FOTM Rerollers are destroying WZ Balance in <50 bracket.


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i was in a game with 7 snipers, 5 on my team (including me) and 2 on other team


Are snipers now FOTM?



Not at all. Snipers are the one class that will never be FOTM at least in PVP due to their mobility issue. They need to stand in one place to dps and arent very good at running down say ball carriers in Hutt Ball.


Also their damage is easily mitigated by just you know using LOS.

Edited by tehrealdealz
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After playing a Marauder since launch I find most of them laughably easy to deal with on my Powertech, Assassin and Marauder. It's only the 5-6 really good ones on the server that I have any issue with and they've all been playing since launch as well. I know everything they're going to do, what they want to do, how to deal with it, what they don't like... the fools that are re-rolling for the most part completely butcher and misplay the class which makes it even easier to destroy them.


Playing a Marauder (or any class in the game) isn't rocket science, you don't have to play it from launch to be good if you have basic MMO knowledge, seriously...

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gear brackets


matching gear ratings when queueing


needs cross server queues though to make it work.


its really dumb how BW has copied so many things from other MMO's but they dont copy some of the new added features of other MMO's why would use a design that has flaws that the other mmo made additions to fix it withouth incorporating the fixes too

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gear brackets


matching gear ratings when queueing


needs cross server queues though to make it work.


its really dumb how BW has copied so many things from other MMO's but they dont copy some of the new added features of other MMO's why would use a design that has flaws that the other mmo made additions to fix it withouth incorporating the fixes too

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I had a Marauder pre 1.2 and didn't enjoy playing him because of the twelve thousand defensive near gawd mode abilities.

It was too easy especially when you consider the massive damage spike they've always had in SWTOR..




OH ok.... sureeeeeeeeeeeeee

Much like I dont play my healing sorc because his uber healing... which truth be told I just liked how the Mara was more interactive with combat that used more than 5 buttons...


see what I did there? :rolleyes:

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Meh I don't mind,I just respecced my jugg into focus and wait to get jumped by 2-3 sentinals,pop enrage and my relic,use Obliterate and SMASH!Follow up with intimidating roar,force choke one of the targets and push him away,jump to him,get jumped by the other two sentinals,use warzone adrenal and SMASH! and atleast one is dead:D

Rinse and repeat,and if you go below 30% health,use endure pain and warzone medpack and your back upto 80% health :eek:

Edited by Aehgo
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Meh I don't mind,I just respecced my jugg into focus and wait to get jumped by 2-3 sentinals,pop enrage and my relic,use Obliterate and SMASH!Follow up with intimidating roar,force choke one of the targets and push him away,jump to him,get jumped by the other two sentinals,use warzone adrenal and SMASH! and atleast one is dead:D

Rinse and repeat,and if you go below 30% health,use endure pain and warzone medpack and your back upto 80% health :eek:


haha and then you woke up right?

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FOTM flocks to an AC because there's a tangible advantage that stood out amongst other ACs. Plain and simple.


Now people can continue to vilify FOTM, or take advantage of the situation, step back and realize that what gave these ACs such a noticeable advantage above others and bring it back into balance or adjust other ACs so the advantage is lessened.


It's really as simple as that, but strangely enough the developers won't do anything about it and we're all just verbally beating each other up on the forums. Can't do anything without a largely united sentiment, and an internet forum is just about as fractured a community as can be.

Edited by Obie_Wan
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I double queue premades with 4 marauders in each. When we finally get a warzone with all 8 of us on the same team, the game doesn't last longer than 2 minutes.


Yanno there is this Ocean Front property in Arizona I would LOVE to sell you!

Edited by Blloodbane
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IMHO, Sometimes people have valid complaints, other times it is just the downward spiral where anon forum posters are seeking to destroy the next class, for their own pleasure.


Once this next class is nerfed, the next round of co ordinated attacks on a class will begin and so on.




MMO's have spawned a whole new game, one in which PvP forums are used to suck the fun out a game until it drops to a low subscriber base. At that moment, the forum warriors move on.


Good luck.

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FOTM flocks to an AC because there's a tangible advantage that stood out amongst other ACs. Plain and simple.


Now people can continue to vilify FOTM, or take advantage of the situation, step back and realize that what gave these ACs such a noticeable advantage above others and bring it back into balance or adjust other ACs so the advantage is lessened.


It's really as simple as that, but strangely enough the developers won't do anything about it and we're all just verbally beating each other up on the forums. Can't do anything without a largely united sentiment, and an internet forum is just about as fractured a community as can be.


So wut your saying is that FOTM rerollers arent to blame? I disagree with you. A player goes out of his way to pick a class for the sole reason of being OP. Those are called FOTM rerollers and those are the players that get ZERO respect from any mmo community.

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So wut your saying is that FOTM rerollers arent to blame? I disagree with you. A player goes out of his way to pick a class for the sole reason of being OP. Those are called FOTM rerollers and those are the players that get ZERO respect from any mmo community.


You're fine to disagree me, that's your prerogative, you're obvious very passionate about this subject.

I stay disagree on the basis that I find it pointless for people to cry about FOTM rerollers, you can't change the players, but you can change the reasons why they reroll.


You insist on changing the player, it's something that can't be changed and are raging about it. Attempting to try to insult them on a public forum will only get you infractions and does yourself a disservice, and honestly the percentage of players who views the forums is frankly quite low. You're getting all emotionally riled up and frankly in the end you're only hurting your own health being pissed off.


Me? I think the game design can be changed if there's enough awareness and collective protests. I realize what attracts these players to these AC is because they recognized there's an advantage of some form that stands above what other ACs offers. I understand that you can't change a player, but you can change the game. Either the advantages are lessened, or other ACs are given competitive offerings.


You seem to be intent on attacking the players who reroll to these classes that have obvious advantages over others, and care less about addressing the source of the problem. I'd rather do something practical and more realistic by trying to support changes to the system.

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Just wanna say that atm FOTM rerollers (people rolling Marauders/Sentinels) are absolutely ruining the level 1-49 PVP bracket.


no, they arent.

i've had multiple matches over the last 2 days where there has been not a single warrior or knight on my team.

every time that has happened, we've won. convincingly.


i'd love to go up against a warrior/knight heavy team...because they are so weak at low levels its a free win for me.

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Possibly but the thing is even BAD marauders if theres enough of them can cause a WZ to become unbalanced. I dunno just would like BW to do something so we dont have to face a team of marauders every other WZ.

1v1 I can take on a mara, but when he comes back with his other 2 mara friends I go :C

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Mara's and Snipers have always been the easiest kills for me on my Sin on lower bracket. Most mara players are horrible. Only the few good ones will actually have a chance to kill me 1v1. Snipers have always and will always be easy kills. No mobility will always mean insta death vs a sin.


Operatives and Scoundrels have only ever been the real pain for me due to them having a few more tricks than my Sin. Mostly the heals, which I don't have unless Im specced in Dark or deep madness.

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I kinda say that about all the empire on shadow hand. They tend to win when A They outgear us and B when they outnumber us. we got ones who always come up as the game is ending and say man you guys suck we steam rolled you and use a lot of profanity in describing that. To that I report them to bioware like imurdady who I had to report 5 times in one day for it though of course nothing happened and inform them that they in fact had 8-10 *still getting over 8 in some games* versus 5-6 so maybe he should figure out what fair means. We also get people with under 300 expertise in our matches which further throws it off. Seriously they need a system that averages all stats out and puts everyone on an equal playing field. if their combined primary stat is 16k ours should be also. Granted when we only got 5 people its a big boost but come on bioware balance will keep the game around longer.
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I kinda say that about all the empire on shadow hand. They tend to win when A They outgear us and B when they outnumber us. we got ones who always come up as the game is ending and say man you guys suck we steam rolled you and use a lot of profanity in describing that. To that I report them to bioware like imurdady who I had to report 5 times in one day for it though of course nothing happened and inform them that they in fact had 8-10 *still getting over 8 in some games* versus 5-6 so maybe he should figure out what fair means. We also get people with under 300 expertise in our matches which further throws it off. Seriously they need a system that averages all stats out and puts everyone on an equal playing field. if their combined primary stat is 16k ours should be also. Granted when we only got 5 people its a big boost but come on bioware balance will keep the game around longer.


Dont really think thats an excuse though. If your noticing that your losing alot of matches because of team size or because of some of the players being undergeared, then do something about it. Do what I did which was form a guild with the best pvp players on your server. Use vent/skype in WZs. Gear grind together so your guild has the best gear. You have options. Choose to use them. That is all.

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You're fine to disagree me, that's your prerogative, you're obvious very passionate about this subject.

I stay disagree on the basis that I find it pointless for people to cry about FOTM rerollers, you can't change the players, but you can change the reasons why they reroll.


You insist on changing the player, it's something that can't be changed and are raging about it. Attempting to try to insult them on a public forum will only get you infractions and does yourself a disservice, and honestly the percentage of players who views the forums is frankly quite low. You're getting all emotionally riled up and frankly in the end you're only hurting your own health being pissed off.


Me? I think the game design can be changed if there's enough awareness and collective protests. I realize what attracts these players to these AC is because they recognized there's an advantage of some form that stands above what other ACs offers. I understand that you can't change a player, but you can change the game. Either the advantages are lessened, or other ACs are given competitive offerings.


You seem to be intent on attacking the players who reroll to these classes that have obvious advantages over others, and care less about addressing the source of the problem. I'd rather do something practical and more realistic by trying to support changes to the system.



I'm actually not passionate about it at all. In fact I couldnt be LESS passionate lol. I'm just concerned about the state of the game atm mostly PVP with these players instead of being loyal to the class they started with choosing to be a FOTM Reroller and all roll Maras/Sents. but hey whatever in the end its up to BW.

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So wut your saying is that FOTM rerollers arent to blame? I disagree with you. A player goes out of his way to pick a class for the sole reason of being OP. Those are called FOTM rerollers and those are the players that get ZERO respect from any mmo community.


so then where do you place the players whos class got nerfed into oblivion and want to stay competitive in pvp on your totem pole?

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