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FOTM Rerollers are destroying WZ Balance in <50 bracket.


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Just wanna say that atm FOTM rerollers (people rolling Marauders/Sentinels) are absolutely ruining the level 1-49 PVP bracket. Now this isnt a QQ thread I understand that those two ACs are completely overpowered atm but I mean come on man when the opposite team has 6-7 Marauders/Sentinels in their group I really think some kind of action needs to be taken by BioWare to keep a certain amount of classes from being thrown into one WZ. Kind of like a cap or some kind of limit say like no more than 2-3. This or put some kind of LOCK on a class until say that player has had a level 50 for 3-6 months before they can create another toon. Honestly, something HAS to be done by bioware because if this continues, the only pvp in this game thats fun level 1-49 wzs will be absolutely ruined so please help us out.
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How about they balance classes instead of making random changes in a patch?


Don't blame people for rolling an OP class, blame Bioware for making the class this way. Look at all the threads where the Mara players insist the class is not OP and everyone that rolls a new one sucks. Clearly you can beat the sucky FOTM players right?


At least when you roll an FOTM you can beat down the crappy players that think they're good for having rolled it already.

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How about they balance classes instead of making random changes in a patch?


Don't blame people for rolling an OP class, blame Bioware for making the class this way. Look at all the threads where the Mara players insist the class is not OP and everyone that rolls a new one sucks. Clearly you can beat the sucky FOTM players right?


At least when you roll an FOTM you can beat down the crappy players that think they're good for having rolled it already.


Possibly but the thing is even BAD marauders if theres enough of them can cause a WZ to become unbalanced. I dunno just would like BW to do something so we dont have to face a team of marauders every other WZ.

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After playing a Marauder since launch I find most of them laughably easy to deal with on my Powertech, Assassin and Marauder. It's only the 5-6 really good ones on the server that I have any issue with and they've all been playing since launch as well. I know everything they're going to do, what they want to do, how to deal with it, what they don't like... the fools that are re-rolling for the most part completely butcher and misplay the class which makes it even easier to destroy them.


I would speculate that nearly 100% of the Marauder QQ is either:


a) Crying from bad players, who cry about everything it's just Marauders time (sorcs are OP, PT is OP, op's are OP, healing is 100% broken, biochem is op, gear is op, gear is too hard to get, stealth is OP, lightning is OP but not telekinetic throw, sprint is OP, lightsabers are OP, resolve is broken, Huttball is a terrible WZ, fantasy unicorn goats are OP...)


b) Crying from bad Sorcerers/Sages that think they should be able to sit there and facetank 3 melee at once.

Edited by getdownsb
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i recently played a civil war match where the imp team was mostly inqs and ops, vs a repub team of mostly jedi knights.


the repub team lost, and had only 2 kills for the entire match, niether of those killing blows were performed by a knight.


people dont reroll FotM because they want to win.

they roll FotM because they are bad and cant win without something/someone to carry them.

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funny i am a sentinal and i am not overpowered only time i can take someone down is if i burn all my cool downs and i have someone helping me if anything the sith soc and imp op are over powered everything i do pvp its one of them at top for most damage
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Just wanna say that atm FOTM rerollers (people rolling Marauders/Sentinels) are absolutely ruining the level 1-49 PVP bracket. Now this isnt a QQ thread I understand that those two ACs are completely overpowered atm but I mean come on man when the opposite team has 6-7 Marauders/Sentinels in their group I really think some kind of action needs to be taken by BioWare to keep a certain amount of classes from being thrown into one WZ. Kind of like a cap or some kind of limit say like no more than 2-3. This or put some kind of LOCK on a class until say that player has had a level 50 for 3-6 months before they can create another toon. Honestly, something HAS to be done by bioware because if this continues, the only pvp in this game thats fun level 1-49 wzs will be absolutely ruined so please help us out.


There is no such thing as 1-49 WZs.

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And here I thought nearly any 40-49 class in those noob warzones was OP compaired to 10s and 20s. Glad its only sent/mara, I was gettin worried.


Don't worry they will change it to a new excuse tomorrow. If your goal is to belittle and annoy people, you can always just contradict yourself and pretend you never said something different before!

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First off Marauders have been and still are actually very weak in 1-49 WZs. They neither have their "god mode" abilities yet nor do they have the gear for their "godlike scaling". a +15% damage increase to ravage won't change that.


Secondly 99% of these new marauders flooding the 1-49 WZs are actually people just like the OP who believe that by rolling to a new class will suddenly make them be better at PVP. Instead of improving their ability to play their current class they would rather remake a new character and spend 1-2 months to level and gear them up because of current popular opinions.


Just let the kids have their fun until they realize they just spent 2 months to roll a class that is either


A. Balanced and just as powerful as their original class, and they wasted their time.




B. Overpowered and will be nerfed by the time they get the gear to do well, and they wasted their time.


The grass is always greener on the other side, and this will hopefully teach some a valuable life lesson. Or they will just complain on the forums instead of learning.

Edited by Seravis
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Funny thing is most marauders are free kills since they don't seem to have any idea how to manage their cooldowns, and often outright forget about them.


I know you can sometimes get burst while running low on hp and sometimes miss out on popping undying rage but really, this is not what is happening. Also, going through entire fights getting beat on without popping cloak of pain? What's the deal with these people. =P

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put some kind of LOCK on a class until say that player has had a level 50 for 3-6 months before they can create another toon..


Are you HIGH? Are you seriously telling me that you think BioWare should put restrictions on what alts I can make because you don't want to get your *** handed to you in PvP? What a crock of utter bull****. What about players that derive most of their entertainment out of PvE? I for one, don't do a lot of PvP, it just isn't really my thing. I just hit lvl 50 on my first toon, a Sorc, and you know what the first thing I went and did this week was: rolled 2 new toons to start playing through more 1-49 PvE content. Don't restrict the rest of us to your style of gameplay because you're tired of losing. Sure there may be some room for more class balance, but that doesn't mean that we should restrict what kind of fun everyone else can have in the meantime.

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I originally thought the same as the OP here. But, I have noticed lately that while occasionally a Mara will pwn my lvl 47 Jug, it's only once in a while, which leads me to believe that I may have overestimated their power due to a few very good players, instead of an overpowered class.


Unfortunately the same cannot be said for Agents. They were and still are dominating Warzones. I posted a couple weeks ago that Mara and Agent need nerfs. I still believe that agents seriously need a nerf. As I said before, almost every warzone is made up of 6-7 agents, who almost always do the most total damage of any class in the match. Now I'm not against the ide of some classes being more DPS than others, but agents just dominate warzone matches where it's dark side vs dark side. It's sickening when an agent less than half my level has all the skills he needs to kill my tank. Nerf-time!

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