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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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1.2 and the rest of the "coming soon!" legacy features should have indeed been launch. There is really no other way to describe it.


I agree that Legacy should have been in at launch. From what the devs have said even they wanted it in at launch so there really is no way to argue it. The "Coming Soon!" features I don't think should have been in at launch but I would say that if the Legacy was released on Day 1 those Legacy additions should have been here by now. I also do feel like certain UI functions were oddly missing. Target-of-target, UI scaling (being able to actually customize was a bonus to me), mission items being clickable on the mission tracker, guild banks... I also felt that those are probably things that they should have hammered down on to get out the door. If not launch day it should have been 1.1 not 1.2 almost 4 months later.


What I do argue are the additions to the playspace. The new dailies on Corellia, Explosive Conflict, Lost Island, Novare Coast. Those really aren't things you can say should have been in at launch and they did represent a significant portion of that patch. They all represent a continuation of the story beyond the launch content, however light that may be. So if you're going to say that those should have been in at launch you'll probably say the same thing about the next 3 operations, the next 2 or 3 flashpoints, and however many other warzones they add between 1.2 and the end of the year. Those are the kind of claims that are annoying because no matter how much is added certain people feel like it's never enough. That it all should have been in on Day 1.


I would be willing to bet that many of those same people would defend other MMOs from such criticisms. I should probably hop on over to the Rift forums and tell everyone there that anything Trion added over the last year should have been in at launch.

Edited by Varteras
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1.2 and the rest of the "coming soon!" legacy features should have indeed been launch. There is really no other way to describe it.


Maybe, maybe not, bottom line, they weren't so why do people keep going on and on and on about ""should have been in at launch!!" ...


At this point, it doesn't matter, the game has launched, they weren't in at launch, is it some weird hope that if enough people chant the mantra "should have been in at launch" it will roll time back magically and it will be? They are getting put in now, that is what matters if you are still playing the game.

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


First, GW2 Quest Line is far more advance and interaction then pick up quest here turn quest in there. BUT GW2 Actually has Massive PVP. If want PVE, Agreed Stay with SWTOR. They will have a lot more PVE content then GW2. But for myself who is a PVPer I need constant action besides 3 or 4 same old wz that are dull and bland. I Swear WvW was the most fun i had since high days of DAoC.

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I agree that Legacy should have been in at launch. From what the devs have said even they wanted it in at launch so there really is no way to argue it. The "Coming Soon!" features I don't think should have been in at launch but I would say that if the Legacy was released on Day 1 those Legacy additions should have been here by now. I also do feel like certain UI functions were oddly missing. Target-of-target, UI scaling (being able to actually customize was a bonus to me), mission items being clickable on the mission tracker, guild banks... I also felt that those are probably things that they should have hammered down on to get out the door. If not launch day it should have been 1.1 not 1.2 almost 4 months later.


What I do argue are the additions to the playspace. The new dailies on Corellia, Explosive Conflict, Lost Island, Novare Coast. Those really aren't things you can say should have been in at launch and they did represent a significant portion of that patch. They all represent a continuation of the story beyond the launch content, however light that may be. So if you're going to say that those should have been in at launch you'll probably say the same thing about the next 3 operations, the next 2 or 3 flashpoints, and however many other warzones they add between 1.2 and the end of the year. Those are the kind of claims that are annoying because no matter how much is added certain people feel like it's never enough. That it all should have been in on Day 1.


I would be willing to bet that many of those same people would defend other MMOs from such criticisms. I should probably hop on over to the Rift forums and tell everyone there that anything Trion added over the last year should have been in at launch.


I think the fact that 1.2 launched with as much content as it did was even more of a testament to the fact that it was intended to be launch given the amount of content and features that were added in the limited timeframe. Creating the dailies, the WZ and the new PvE content in under 4 months is something that I just don't think they could have done. My guess is that most of it was already half finished by the Dec launch and was intended to be in originally.

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I think the fact that 1.2 launched with as much content as it did was even more of a testament to the fact that it was intended to be launch given the amount of content and features that were added in the limited timeframe. Creating the dailies, the WZ and the new PvE content in under 4 months is something that I just don't think they could have done. My guess is that most of it was already half finished by the Dec launch and was intended to be in originally.


Some of it absolutely was, the legacy system as well as the match to chest feature.


The new warzone, op and flashpoint is part of their ongoing content release schedule. They've been working on this new content for a while before release, they've told us this (or at least they told us that in beta). It's just like KuS. It came out in 1.1 but had been in development for months before release. It all comes back to the whole different teams work on different aspects of the game thing. If you want a game that continuously launches new content this fast, the developers have to be way ahead of the game. They've also told us that they have hundreds of hours of voice work recorded for future expansions from the main voice actors.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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As long as I see Bioware listening and responding to the issues in game and continue to put out "I'm sorry" shinys like free month and pets to apologies when they realize the goofed up, I'll stick with them till they get the track record set right. I can live with mistakes, it's the attitude that counts after making them.


This many times over

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"Level up quickly using PvP..." Therein lies the problem with this game. You can quickly level in PvP, and get gear that is near-Rakata, all the while skipping the 4-man flashpoint content. The result, players who try to run the flashpoints cannot find a team to run with.


Oh, I forgot, tanks can't get PvP gear to run Ops in--while everyone else can get healing or dps gear which will suffice and even exceed that which they get in 4-man FPs!


Also 1.2 crafting was supposed to be all the rage? Crafted items, for the most part, sit and rot on the GTN.


There are imbalances between overly-rewarding PvP, 4-man Flashpoints, and the utility/value of crafted items.


My suggestion to revitalize this game is:

1) Create a real LFG FP tool AND

2) Creative incentive to use the LFG tool, by awarding 1 Black Hole token per daily HM AND

3) Tone down the overly-rich rewarding of PvP AND

4) Re-balance crafting carefully by adding higher-level items that compete with PvP rewards and PvE drops.


These kind of balance problems, for the most part, did not exist in the other big MMO, which I played for years. I never had one complaint.


If SWTOR is not fixed soon, I will quit.

Edited by Mustelidaen
Left out 1 point
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hahahah what? OP seriously people like you are exactly what's wrong in the MMO industry. This sense of entitlement must come with the new generations I guess, the CoD kiddie crowd. Funny thing is even when you're given horrible content you'll gobble it up and say MOAR, FASTER. Just look at dragon soul.
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First, GW2 Quest Line is far more advance and interaction then pick up quest here turn quest in there. BUT GW2 Actually has Massive PVP. If want PVE, Agreed Stay with SWTOR. They will have a lot more PVE content then GW2. But for myself who is a PVPer I need constant action besides 3 or 4 same old wz that are dull and bland. I Swear WvW was the most fun i had since high days of DAoC.


I dont know what game you were playing but it wasnt GW2. The quests are exactly the same as any other mmo. Go do this come back. Just simply a rehash of what everyone else has done. As far as PVP ya if you like sitting banging on a door and call that pvp then I dont know what to tell you. You will be in GW2 when it launches complaining about something too. Some people just are not happy unless they are complaining. Ask my wife.

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I think the fact that 1.2 launched with as much content as it did was even more of a testament to the fact that it was intended to be launch given the amount of content and features that were added in the limited timeframe. Creating the dailies, the WZ and the new PvE content in under 4 months is something that I just don't think they could have done. My guess is that most of it was already half finished by the Dec launch and was intended to be in originally.


Just because they were working on it before launch... doesn't mean that it absolutely, unquestionably had to be there upon release. Features are cut before launch in non-MMO games too, only to have them reappear in the form of DLC (or not at all). You can't put everything you wanted, 100% into a game because there are always time constraints.

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I got that number from EA's last report.


You're taking the forum's word for this? They said that within 3 months, it would be F2P.


When the Republic fleet goes from an average of 100+ to 10, I don't care what EA's numbers show...the game is in trouble.

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Well I disagree about it being "whining". The numbers don't lie and the games down on subs enough for lay offs at EA. I think Bioware is FINALLY listening and doing a scramble at the last minute. That's good if they learn a lesson and the game moves forward. You can't rely on the track record of an old Juggernaut MMO these days to be the staple of when you get things right.


and how the **** would a cry baby tween even know what the hell is going on inside EA's doors your pathetic!

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I do not understand all these petulant "I'm Quitting!" threads. What's the point? Who cares? It's a game. Pay and play, or don't pay and don't play. Outside of you immediate circle, nobody cares.
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To the person who says they are laying off people at EA you are 100% wrong. EA has even said by year end they will be UP employees not down. I dont know how this rumor got started but it is 100% false.
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Bioware: Okay, according to the forums, we are in a predicament. If we take our time and do these big patches right, then people complain that new content "is taking too long", and if we try churning it out, then it will be buggy and people will be complaining that we are doing cruddy jobs with the patches. We try giving RPers a cookie, and a money sink for the rich players, and people complain that it's all "fluff" DESPITE us adding a brand new Warzone, a new flashpoint and a new operation, which we have tried to make more difficult than the last ones may I add. Sure, we may be doing well in terms of the game itself, but these forums are just depressing...


Blizzard: Join the club. "We want pandas! Where are the pandas? Come on Blizzard give us pandas? You keep making concept art for pandas but it never goes through into the game!"... So we give them pandas. "*** is with you Blizzard! What's with the pandas? Where the heck did you get such a stupid idea Blizzard!"

Edited by Guildrum
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Just because they were working on it before launch... doesn't mean that it absolutely, unquestionably had to be there upon release. Features are cut before launch in non-MMO games too, only to have them reappear in the form of DLC (or not at all). You can't put everything you wanted, 100% into a game because there are always time constraints.


Not saying I don't agree with that statement, but I really find it hard to believe that 1.0 was what they intended to launch with from the get go when it didn't have even the faux combat parser and UI customization, regardless of the rest of the stuff.


My point was, 1.0 was pushed early, 1.2 was more like what they wanted, and I think that the sheer amount of content that came with 1.2 helps indicate that given the short timeframe between 1.0 and 1.2.

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I dont know what game you were playing but it wasnt GW2. The quests are exactly the same as any other mmo. Go do this come back. Just simply a rehash of what everyone else has done. As far as PVP ya if you like sitting banging on a door and call that pvp then I dont know what to tell you. You will be in GW2 when it launches complaining about something too. Some people just are not happy unless they are complaining. Ask my wife.


The key would be, they probably haven't played it yet. GW2's community alone will be enough to keep most people away from it.

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When the Republic fleet goes from an average of 100+ to 10, I don't care what EA's numbers show...the game is in trouble.


Your server is in trouble. Has nothing to do with the game. Do people really think their anecdotal evidence spans the entire game?


If you don't care what their numbers show, just quit. You obviously only see what you want to see, numbers be damned.

Edited by Jederix
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Was there ever a time when online forum threats of quitting a game unless the devolpers meet your demands ever actually got anything done?


i am pretty sure that was the first thing that the terrorist in the die hard movies wanted but was rejected so he decided to take over the bank instead..

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i am pretty sure that was the first thing that the terrorist in the die hard movies wanted but was rejected so he decided to take over the bank instead..

Was probably a disenfranchised RP'r. :t_tongue:

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Was probably a disenfranchised RP'r. :t_tongue:


I think it was more like a disgruntled Raider... Jussayin'. Most die-hard RPers don't know how take down the boss at the end of the bank.


(Bad joke, I know. I tried.)

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