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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.


I'm pretty sure Rift determines their updates in advance too, they don't just randomly throw things on the servers and say "enjoy," but than, I don't play rift.

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Was there really a comparison in the number of patches between a game that has been out for a little over a year and a game that hasn't been out even half that? >>


What i really want to know is which one has more subscriptions...



Oh wait i already know... It's TOR

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


Graphics like WoW? Are you kidding me??!?!

I don't think you played it. Because I did play it over the weekend and the graphics are really good!!

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"James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:


First time playing an MMO? Honestly? And I really don't remember any "promises"


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Nope. Why do you feel the need for some validation in your decision?

Edited by MKIX
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The quote is in the OP. If you choose to ignore it, that's on you.


Oh, did you take that to mean that Game Updates would be month after month? Because that's not what he said... Content would be month after month, and the Rakghoul Plague Event is proof of that.

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C'mon guy give it a rest. Ultimatums are childish and pointless. If you don't like the game the way it is, leave. If you decide once something new to the game comes out and you think you'd enjoy it, come back. There's absolutely no need to post this in the forums, and you know it.
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Seems legit, the answer is yes. But only until I see the few things that I'm waiting for which should be in on 1.3 and you can be sure Ill resub faster than you can blink.


I dont PvP because half a pug is worse than a full pug. Leveling a new toon gets stagnant because sitting around in Fleet to try and group for content is just too archaic. As new tiers get introduced running HM's when you first hit 50 are going to be crucial to gear up. I havent even seen much of the FP's past Colicoid because no one wants to sit in Fleet while they are trying to level. Id be happy with a global chat channel, but apparently LFG is the way they want to go. Well that was promised to be in the works for the future back in Feb, if they cant have it out by May then Ill just unsub and wait. Not looking to leave for another game or anything like that, I just want to see a few features to help with the MMORPG experience for my money. BW will get there, but 5 months with declining concurrent sessions is starting to show. Plus allowing free Xfers to servers in other countries has not helped population which in turn is hurting the experience.

LOL, already reading bad reviews about GW2 good luck in finding your MMO but honestly SWTOR is fun for my guild and we are having a blast.
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Oh, did you take that to mean that Game Updates would be month after month? Because that's not what he said... Content would be month after month, and the Rakghoul Plague Event is proof of that.


Did I miss the event being labeled as 1.3 now?


Seems people are setting expectations lower and lower.

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That warzone is terrible. C'mon the original 3 are WAY better. ... they need to stop pumping out material like that.


Well this is what happened to WoW too.. the newer BG's were just terrible and boring and after all these years I still and only play WSG, AB and AV.

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Did I miss the event being labeled as 1.3 now?


Seems people are setting expectations lower and lower.


If JO meant Game Updates would be month to month, then I see your point. But he didn't mean Game Updates. Your wrong. Time to stop.

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Oh, did you take that to mean that Game Updates would be month after month? Because that's not what he said... Content would be month after month, and the Rakghoul Plague Event is proof of that.


As much as I hope this is true, we actually don't know for sure. After a couple months straight of new content/ big updates, i think THEN we can say this for sure. I really hope it's the case though. Maybe they'll just take ME3 and throw it in there.


Always thought game mashups would be an awesome idea. XD

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As much as I hope this is true, we actually don't know for sure. After a couple months straight of new content/ big updates, i think THEN we can say this for sure. I really hope it's the case though. Maybe they'll just take ME3 and throw it in there.


Always thought game mashups would be an awesome idea. XD


I do know for sure that he didn't mean Game Updates would be every month.

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You know this how? Please provide actual proof that contradicts his initial statement stating otherwise.


How about your proof? The quote you listed says that improvements will continue month after month, and they HAVE since december, not that full Game Updates (which, what constitutes a Game Update, or just an improvement?) would continue to be released month-by-month.


If 1.2.5 releases and adds 2 new ops and a flashpoint, will you still complain about the lack of 1.3?




Maybe you should just enjoy the fact that you're playing an MMO that DOES release significant new content rapidly.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?

Expect updates, but don't expect it to be 1.3 or the size of 1.2. They said 1.3 won't come around for many months, but they did say they will roll out updates adding more content, bug fixes, etc.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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You know this how? Please provide actual proof that contradicts his initial statement stating otherwise.


The proof is in the context of his dialogue that quote came from, which you conveniently left out. But I've seen you taking statements out of context all thread long, so I'm not surprised.

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Flashpoint Finder will be great, and is sorely needed ASAP. That doesn't mean the game isn't worth my $15 until then.


So obviously, I'll be sticking around, and I don't expect a significant number is disappointed enough with 1.2 to drop before 1.3.

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I like how his guild is "Unimpressed" By EC.


Yet they haven't killed anything in Hard mode, and just cleared Story a week ago.


You are asking for more content when you haven't even completed the current content.


Edit - you still haven't killed nightmare Soa lol.


Maybe you should focus more on the content you have rather than asking for more before you are even done with current stuff.

Edited by Iandayen
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I like how his guild is "Unimpressed" By EC.


Yet they haven't killed anything in Hard mode, and just cleared Story a week ago.


You are asking for more content when you haven't even completed the current content.


Figured something like this was the case.

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Yet another "Give me more give me more or my entire guild will quit" thread. Man I can't wait for GW2 to come out so we don't have to deal with these "people" anymore.


sadly, my guild all quit exept for me and 2 others, and are off beta hopping right after 1.2 -.-

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