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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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A patch that included a new warzone, operation and flashpoint is essentially just fluff?


What's your expectation for a patch that isn't your definition of fluff?


Just to back up the OP here, WoW's last patch (4.3) added a raid that was twice the size of EC, and 3 new dungeons... So from a PvE perspective, he has some ground to stand on with his concern.


On a side note, I will stick around, but I do hope for more gameplay content to be added in the next patch. What the game really needs is a really large (Ulduar-like) raid tier, that will hold the players attention for more than a few weeks.

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Because comparing two current-gen MMO's is completely valid towards facilitating conversation? Particularly when it involves discussing the downsides of one.


Apparently telling people to "go away", however, is more productive towards improving / defending this game.


Truly shameful.


Let's compare two games that are already out, shall we?


Well, that knocks GW2 out of it.

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The Beta weekend is still on-going.


Also what could you possibly not like about GW2 PvP? Especially compared to the abomination that's currently Swtor.


I think SW:TOR PvP is fine.




People complaining about warzones are simply not that good in them. In massive open world fights, it takes way less skill. You can just mash 3-4 buttons and accomplish something.

Maybe that's the quality of the average gamer that calls himself a pvper now?


Lazy, 5 button pushing baddie?


I'm not anywhere near a world beater in PvP, but I appreciate it for what it is - a skill test. Throw expertise out of the equation and then you'd just have PvEers doing raids and then owning PvP.


Expertise, just like it's equivilant in WoW, is outstanding. It's earned by PvPing. stop rolling into warzones with your columni gears, your 200 expertise, and QQing about getting smoked by a melee class you're too stupid to understand how to kite (because really, that's all the pvp forums are, if you look at them).

Reality is, you brought a knife to a gun fight. Take your lumps, get your gear, and stop complaining.


We all had to do it. You don't get expertise grandfathered in on new characters.


Bioware's even spoon fed you expertise gear. Costs next to nothing for a full set, like 300k?

Edited by islander
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nope, no intention of unsubbing. i have even done an heroic yet so ive a long way to go. im an altaholic more than someone who does heroics and 8/16 mans or take pvp seriously.

i play for fun and this game is fun.

as long as bioware keep an eye on banning people using addons/hacks/moneysellers and all the other stuff that killed other games ... thats fine by me

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Played GW2 today. Its really really bad. The voice acting is horrible the graphics sub par. It looks just like WoW. Also cash shop is extensive. So ya not worried about GW2. Its a huge disappointment even to me and I had no real high expectations.


I got to try the closed beta a little over a month ago: said nearly the same exact thing and got nothing but flamings for it. I really hate to say it, but a few good 'I told you so.'s are in order...


It honestly didn't hit me to just how enjoyable a fully voiced game ( and all those little cut-scenes with NPC's while picking up quests) was until I went back to a game not having them. But it is what it is; yet another high-fantasy MMO, which quite frankly I've gotten my fill of.




I read a little ways back, someone complaining about their 'high end' computer running on fleet with only 10-15 fps. I really hate to say this, but you're doing something wrong. Its probably something like service configuration (especially if running Win7). There is a thread on the general boards... buried many pages in: that has a "things you can disable, or prevent from running to drastically speed up your system." guide.


I recently applied most of the steps of this guide: (avoiding the ones that just didn't make sense based on said friends normal machine usage) and he went from 10-12 fps on Drumund'Kaas to a smooth 60 fps. (Bottoms out at 35-40 on fleet)


Using an Intel Core Duo @ 2.4 GHz, and 2 GB of DDR3 RAM. (This is by no means a 'high end' system) Don't know the exact video card... but its at least 2 generations old. The point is: the game doesn't actually run all that bad, when your system is properly optimized to run games. (The general guide also drastically boosts performance for all games; so even if you're set on not sticking with SWTOR I'd give it a look to improve performance with whatever you end up with.)

Edited by Acherom
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A patch that included a new warzone, operation and flashpoint is essentially just fluff?


What's your expectation for a patch that isn't your definition of fluff?


This ... just this /smh


Thread shouldve just ended here. :rolleyes:


Took me until now to check this thread given its childish name. Only feature thats really missing now is the precious LFG Tool (which is probably fluff to his "We're bored with the new OP in 2 weeks" guild) so .... w/e

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I can wait another month before making a decision. I'm hoping they decide to make the flashpoint finder cross-server (pulling from all servers within a region is ideal), and add operations to it. I like the game and enjoy the story, I still have plenty of classes to experience, but the lack of this modern utility is really beginning to detract from my enjoyment. The daily commendation grind has become tedious without the distraction - I didn't realize how much having that tool really made my enjoyment of WoW so much greater.


Rather than the archaic practice of standing around shouting over the public channels for groups for an hour or more, I simply went about my dailies and ran an instance or two. I felt like my time was more productive and I was getting to enjoy content every minute I was logged in. And when I had a lot of time I queued up for a raid. I was always having fun, always progressing, and I felt like it was a terrific community and MMO tool because I was constantly able to play with a wide variety of other players.


I have two good friends that just started WoW again, and can get some free game time. I'd rather stay with a Star Wars game, as WoW really isn't ideal. But I have to be honest with myself at the same time: with no cross server flash point and operation finder, and the daily commendation rewards being limited and huge grinds to obtain, I know I'd have much more fun playing WoW in the long run, and could feel a greater sense of accomplishment with less of a time investment.


Here's hoping that Bioware's new game director has more sensible and modern ideas about the direction of the game. A server-only flashpoint finder come 1.3 will basically force me to cancel.

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I am amazed by the amount of TOR fan boys in this thread. It really is mind blowing and somewhat homoerotic. I for one have already unsubscribed to this crap game. I am assuming all the kids in here who think this game has any content at all is an idiot. from a pvp perspective, this game is crap. All you do everyday all day is wait on the fleet for WZ's to pop, occasionally go to the AH to see whats for sale. There is virtually no open world pvp, Illum the only open world pvp zone was thrown on the back-burner because BW screwed up, and rated Warzones are still not out weeks after the intended date. Lets not also forget the sub-par performance for those with High-end computers (100FPS drops to 15-20 in the fleet, several planets and especially Warzones), but im sure there are still people in this thread that will insist it is on my end .


And whats so unrealistic about 1.3 being out in may? It was what they promised they would be doing monthly content updates before launching 1.2. But then again, we were also promised a variety of things that still aren't available yet, funny how that works. So to all the Biodrones out there, kindly take a seat ___/


EDIT: Is this more appropriate BW :>


I am glad you unsubscribed, but why are you still writing on forums of a game you dislike. When it comes to PVP you complain about waiting for the thing to pop up. Tell me a mmo where its different, where you do not queue up for a battleground related thing and enter it. Its a commonly used model for pvp, for a reason.


By following your standards every mmo, or even game for that matter is total crap and there is even no reasons to play computer games at all.


Get real.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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I read a little ways back, someone complaining about their 'high end' computer running on fleet with only 10-15 fps. I really hate to say this, but you're doing something wrong. Its probably something like service configuration (especially if running Win7). There is a thread on the general boards... buried many pages in: that has a "things you can disable, or prevent from running to drastically speed up your system." guide....)


Is this the thread you meant?

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Here's hoping that Bioware's new game director has more sensible and modern ideas about the direction of the game. A server-only flashpoint finder come 1.3 will basically force me to cancel.


May as well save yourself the extra $15 of cash (times however many months) and go back to WoW now ... because its been confirmed there will be no Cross-Server LFG for 1.3.


Rather than the archaic practice of standing around shouting over the public channels for groups for an hour or more, I simply went about my dailies and ran an instance or two.


If this is your problem however, this can be done with the regular in-server LFG tool. No idea why you bring up this point knowing this problem will be solved in 1.3 already. Now, if instant "I want a group nao!" function is what you are actually having a problem with then id understand ...

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already left game. Time is money i still have subscription but what the point wait ages in queue and when everyone in general says i LEAVING TOO or GOING TO PLAY GW. what the point to stay in tor then...
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already left game. Time is money i still have subscription but what the point wait ages in queue and when everyone in general says i LEAVING TOO or GOING TO PLAY GW. what the point to stay in tor then...


Yet you are still posting on the forums of a game you dont like or even play


Wal Mart has a sale in ther life department

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Then.... why are you posting?


Bioware need to do some actions and make it fast. Im posting just to see what Bioware will react of many ppl whos troling and leaving game. I think they not happy so they will do something then...

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Yet you are still posting on the forums of a game you dont like or even play


Wal Mart has a sale in ther life department


How you can like the game if its nothing to do in there? at MMO you play with ppl but i feel like i play single player game...

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I've unsubbed already based on the fact that my server can't support a healthy pvp environment any more. I'm not even playing the remainder of my free 30 days - just done. I've updated LOTRO for which I have a 'lifetime sub' to and it's pretty sad when I can find more enjoyment in a 5 yr old FTP game that "failed" than SWTOR.
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Already left/unsubbed and all it took was fail patch 1.2 .

These guys remind me of funcom..promises promises and then all you get is broken content that needs constant patches to fix the fixes that were patched in to fix the patch.

Meanwhile you get worthless fluff additions and delayed real content with each patch.


p.s. GW2 looks like the real deal..better graphics, PVP,combat and a much better company running it.

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