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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?

No i wont unsub. Majority of the people that play this game ( the ones that dont even look at the fourms) will keep playing. Also a good protion of the players are caual players, so they feel the game is fine.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


“If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.”

- [Name Redacted]
















Edited by Ensquire
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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


1.2 was exactly what you initally said it was, a patch. Everything you say that follows about it goes no where. Actually what is needed is a massive content Expansion. Though I am pretty sure thats not going to happen.

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“If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.”

- [Name Redacted]

















Haha this is awesome.

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The developers are the ones that set the expectations of the players. They've gone on record to say that we should expect monthly content offerings from here on out. Those you staying have a right to expect that, and a right to be angry when they inevitably fail to deliver. This game has so many issues right now they'll need at least 3 or 4 more patches the size of 1.2 just to address them all and put this game in a decent place.


Indeed, well said.


This was the entire purpose of this thread. To acknowledge that while they have woefully failed to deliver thus far - they are on record for promising monthly updates.


Thus the question was asked, assuming they underperform or mislead (again) - will you be quiting.

Edited by brentonj
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Indeed, well said.


This was the entire purpose of this thread. To acknowledge that while they have woefully faailed to deliver thus far - they are on record for promising monthly updates.


Thus the question was asked, assuming they underperform or mislead (again) - will you be quiting.


Actually, since they said that, they have delivered. Monthly content from 1.2 on, right? What the hell do you think the Rakghoul Plague was? Non-content?


Can we at least TRY to be realistic here? There are plenty of realistic things to rant about in this game without making stuff up, okay?

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No, I will stay subed to this game for a VERY long time, nuff said.


Also, why why why do people feel this insatiable need to trumpet call they are leaving the game? Played wow for 4 years or so, left for a bunch of reasons, didn't make a single post about it. Why? Because I don't need to validate my reasons to the community of people I don't really know to satisfy a fragile on-line ego and share some imagined suffering about how this feature or that feature has gone wrong or why the game is going in the wrong direction etc.


If you don't like the game, here is some simple advice.....




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No, I will stay subed to this game for a VERY long time, nuff said.


Also, why why why do people feel this insatiable need to trumpet call they are leaving the game? Played wow for 4 years or so, left for a bunch of reasons, didn't make a single post about it. Why? Because I don't need to validate my reasons to the community of people I don't really know to satisfy a fragile on-line ego and share some imagined suffering about how this feature or that feature has gone wrong or why the game is going in the wrong direction etc.


If you don't like the game, here is some simple advice.....





you sir deserve an award for this!


Succintly said. All these fanboys have no idea how long it actually takes to develp new content and implement it properly. To all those people complaining, please remember the old proverb. "Good things come to those who wait"


PS. the game is less than 6 months old, not fair to compare it to mmorpg's that have been out 5+ years

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Indeed, well said.


This was the entire purpose of this thread. To acknowledge that while they have woefully failed to deliver thus far - they are on record for promising monthly updates.


Thus the question was asked, assuming they underperform or mislead (again) - will you be quiting.


I dont think you really grasp the whole idea of what an update is..

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No i wont unsub. Majority of the people that play this game ( the ones that dont even look at the fourms) will keep playing. Also a good protion of the players are caual players, so they feel the game is fine.


What he said.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?



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I dont think you really grasp the whole idea of what an update is..


By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.

I know a lot of people who expected Age of Conan to last more than 20 levels.


Every vanilla game I have ever played was/is absolute crap, so SWTOR is par for the course there.

As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon.

Diablo 3 looks about as innovative as the cotton gin and about as much fun as cooking bacon naked with a pan that sputters and flings chunks of red hot fat at your exposed belly. Seriously, I don't know how someone can look at that game and not say to themselves "Wow... this is... Diablo 2".


As for GW2, **** wizards and elves.

I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath.

You probably shouldn't. You'll turn this color, and you'll possibly die. I advise against it.

Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?

Yes... ish?

Edited by Blistrich
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"If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.”

- [Name Redacted]

This quote represents this thread and your lack of patience very well


By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.

Edited by Ensquire
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And in all honesty, go play rift and have fun with those seven major updates no one in the community will shed a tear or stop playing because you've moved on


By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.

Edited by Ensquire
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By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.


so go play rift. .. but you wont, because swtor is a really good mmo. . .

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By all means feel free to enlighten us.


A pre-determined event, which had been (by their own admission) in development for sometime isn't a game update.


Therefore there's has only been two, mostly subpar, game updates in five months. Meanwhile Rift (for example) has released seven major updates in one year.


Wait, so now it has to have been thought up, coded, tested, and implemented in less than a month for it to count as an "update"?


Or is an "update" whatever you want it to be so you can justify your argument?

Edited by amantheil
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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


You complain about a new Ops, Fp, and WZ as being "fluff" and that you want more content, yet 1.3 primary focus is fluff, group finder and more legacy stuff...

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I know a lot of people (myself included) have felt like patch 1.2 was essentially fluff and features that should have been available at launch.


As such, my guild agreed last night that we're quitting unless we get new content in May. Particularly with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 on the horizon. Now granted - James Ohlen himself has promised there will be monthly updates:



I suppose we'll have to wait and see. I'm certainty not holding my breath. Swtor currently feels very dull and static. For a Raiding Guild - we collectively were not impressed by EC. Though it's a step in the right direction from the abomination that was Tier 1.


Anyone else feeling the same regarding 1.3?


Diablo is an action/arcade game.

Guild Wars is a PvP shooter with RPG trappings.


Sounds like you and your guild are confusing apples and oranges.

If either of those games, Diablo especially, is going to lure you away from an MMO rpg, then you are in the wrong game to begin with.

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