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Official Q&A Thread for May 4th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there any plans to revamp healing ( broadly speaking) particularly when it comes to pve?Bluntly, mechanics are not very compelling for healers. Tanks may need to swap, re-position, guard things or grab adds etc. DPS might switch targets, burst and play minesweeper. Meanwhile healers only really have one string to their bow.


I generally listen to 5mins of tactics over TS and come to the conclusion that there's nothing for me to do during the fight bar raw healing and chase the tank. Dispelling isn't a thing and there's very little any class bar sorc can do proactively. Even that is quite limited.It's not wildly interesting and one of the main reasons I tend to pvp despite coming from a raiding background.

Edited by CaptainApop
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In many of the early videos you can see player characters taking cover while standing behind tall crates and such, as well as see many NPCs with the same animation. Now it seems we are all stuck with the same crouch animation removing some of the visual dynamic out of the cover system. Was this feature cut due to technical issues, and will we ever see it in game?
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Are there plans to improve the Class Story line quests especially at 50? I find the 'ending' to be just that, somewhat endemic and it seems the game is stuck in "Interlude". I feel like there is something missing, either stuff that didn't get finished or future new content to fill the gaps.


It seems there would be a lot of ways to improve the companion side-quests, as well as quest's from our 'Commander', depending on the class ofc.


So basically, any more quests from our commanders, and more quests for our companions to help add to the storyline experience?

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When will targeting be fixed? The current seems like we jumped back a few decades even though this is a new game.


I want to be able to target the person in front of me when they are in my face beating me into the ground. Target nearest enemy selects someone way across the room.


Plus, trying to heal in this game is not fun due to the targeting system.


Will targeting ever be fixed so that it is PvP and healer friendly?

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Two questions:

1. I noticed that the Columi Warrior-DPS-Mainhand weapon is the only Columi-weapon to have an ilvl56-crystal in it as opposed to the ilvl48-crystals in all the other weapons. How come?


2. I have analyzed my DPS since the launch of 1.2 now and have noticed that the crit-rate of the damage-proc-relics is way too low across 99% of my fights.

It is usually about 15% below my in-game-crit rating which is quite the DPS-loss on some fights.

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I think with the Legacy system Bioware is creating a new pillar in Gaming, and that is not only for MMO I am speaking here. Unlike the story concept which is a first for MMO. Legacy is an unheard system in gaming.


Is there a chance to see a merge of Legacy and story between our characters in the future.

For example my Consular Sage is the brother of my Smuggler, with the Smuggler having a Sith Inquisitor child from an unknown affair in some place. Imagine the possibilities here with this, and other concepts coming from Legacy....

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Are you planning on making a visual cue for when you have aggro on given enemies like e.g. coloring the health bar flaoting over mobs red = aggro, yellow = on the brink of aggroing, blue = safe, or something like that? - or ofc you could have a threat display, but I rather like the very tidy UI you have managed to keep so far. For tanking this would be :cool:


For healing I'd love to see the operation frame be clickable with different heal options. That is: in preferences be able to keymap a heal ability to clicking, another to CTRL-clicking, a third to ALT-clicking etc on a player or companion in the Operation frame. Btw - why don't companions show in the Operation frame? For dailies in small groups this leads to the deaths of dozens of companions :p

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I understand that the team is working on putting in Ranked War Zones in the near future. In the mean time though the only possible way to get Ranked WZ Commendations is by doing the WZ Daily & WZ Weekly. Doing these everyday for a week gives you 792 [(99*7)+99] Ranked WZ Commendations. At that rate it would take over 30 days to buy just the War Hero Weapon Main Hand [3,475 Ranked WZ Commendations]. As of right now my character has reached valor rank 70 and has 2 Full sets of Battlemaster gear. That being said there is no incentive for me to play in more then 3 WZ wins a day. Even doing that it would take 9 months [(Total cost of all War Hero Gear(Unrated) is 28,625) / (792 Ranked WZ Commendations per week) =36.142 Weeks or 9.035 Months] to gear my character in Full War Hero(Unrated). Even if I crafted the gear I would need to get the Lvl 26 Armoring, Mod, And Enhancement out of the gear.


Is there a plan to add more ways to get Ranked War Zone Commendations Prior to Ranked War Zones?

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With upcoming free server transfers for selected realms, I am wondering If my server is selected due to low population will we retain our guild name and bank when we are transferred? I ask this question because it cost us a fair bit of coin to setup and our low population server is really just our guild of some 300 people. If we cannot keep our guild and bank when we are transferred, will the money be refunded?
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Is Bioware aware of the repercussions server transfers will have on lower population servers? With servers such as mine, we generally have a smaller population, but a very tight knit group of players on both sides who PvP and go through the content. I can't imagine RP-PvP servers outlasting server transfers. Is there no other alternative to fixing lower population servers other than dividing them in half? Server transfers will not be free forever.
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In the previous Q&A you discussed the bias towards giving out gear based on group composition not being as high in end game operations as in Flashpoints. Is this because you expect every class to be represented? I have been keeping track and we receive gear for unrepresented classes at a significantly higher rate than those who are not represented. Sometimes we just can't get every class into the raid. Why make the bias different? Are you just trying to slow down the gear progression?
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Questionsi have are



1.) are we going to see the traditional jedi tunics that we see from the current jedi universe. Not with robes, just the black tunic or tan tunic.


2.) At the moment as you have released the ability to augment gear but ,RE-ing things like indigious chestplate is not learnible which kills my hype about having sythweaving at 400. Also there are no tan pants, solid brown boots or gloves, fully aware of the color match does fix the boot issue it does not correct the tan pants issue due to the chestplate is mostly brown and the match would then roll that of the dominated color. Are there any plans of introducing features in the game that allow the player to determine the color of there gear or at least giving us the ablity to learn all of the custom gear models? I have played this far with these items and currently would only want the augmented gear if they retain the look of the current day jedi traditional look.

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Is Coruscant and Dromund Kaas balanced? Because it seems like you balanced everything but on Dromund Kaas you have to walk through a jungle filled with mobs in order to get to the city, for Coruscant you walk a peaceful bridge. I'd like to see more of this we don't have to make everything balanced for factions and classes in game.
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Will you be adding a new chapter at some point that includes new level 50 class oriented mission much like the first 3 chapters? Basically new content other than the usual new FP, Ops, or PvP? Something to keep our story going? If so will we get some sort of legacy benefit for completing the new chapter.
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Another pvp question, I wonder if your pvp team actually pvp on a "real" server? If so wich one, i really would like to see what enviroment you base your descisions on? Well i would like to know where you get your metrics from, buts that for another week.
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