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Official Q&A Thread for May 4th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Greetings, Ware of Bio!


In a Dev Tracker for upcoming crew skill changes in 1.2, it was mentioned that new schematics were going to be put into the game in order to allow for more customization. These schematics were supposed to be of lower-level armor and be obtained through Underworld Trading and Investigation missions. So far, nobody on the forums, myself, or my server have seen any new schematics. Can we get a confirmation on whether or not these made it into the game?

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PvP- People are trying to get their War Hero gear and buying them with Rated Warzone Commendations with the exchange rate of 30(Reg.) for 10(Rated). For many classes the main hand alone is 3,475 Rated Warzone Commendations or 10,425 Regular Warzone Commendations, each warzone WIN giving you a range of 80-145 commendations, lets say 100 per warzone.


It will take you 104.25 games of lets say HUTTBALL just to get your main hand, not to mention a Marauder's Off-Hand is the same price (3,475 Rated Comms) and the Chest being the 3rd highest(3,200 rated comms).


Will the conversion rate be fixed for an equal 10 for 10? When will Rated Warzones(or at least the advertised Pre-season) be released to earn rated warzone commendations and the availability to purchase Rated War Hero Gear?

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With 1.2 and Legacy players were given the option to unlock the various species for all classes at character creation. Some of the specie(Human, Twi'lek and Zabrek) are already available on various classes both Republic side and Empire, but have different character customization options/appearance depending on faction. Will getting say a Zabrek to 50 or paying the credits to unlock this species also unlock the various character creation options that one faction gets but the other does not. (i.e. Empire Zabrek's have sharp horns and the Republic ones are dulled.)
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What is the likelihood of having an interface that allows me to send my other toon's companions out on jobs? It wouldn't be much different then me logging off & on to each toon (as I generally have 1 hr to do so) but would be significantly more convenient.
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My question is the same as my question from the last Q&A:


Right now the end game content is rather light, especially on the PvE side. I am wondering if there is any discussion happening regarding a larger raid (ops) tier in a future patch, or any other form of PvE content (story/companion questing, new endgame zones, regular dynamic content, etc) to keep players engaged in a substantial way between patches.

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Is there any plan to add in more quickbars? I have to rearrange my quickbars when i go from heals to dps on my sorc or swap from marksman to lethality on my sniper. Having an extra 2 bars that I could have prebuilt for them would be awesome!
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I don't have so much of a question but more an imbalance with the assassin/shadow compaired to other classes id like the development team to have a quick look at. Firstly in the darkness/kinetic combat thrashing blades/applied force would be better switched with recirculation/security breach from the deception/infiltration tree. Lightning reflexes/doublebladed saber defence should be a 3 point talent with a final 3% force return and 6% defence and charge mastery/technique mastery should be a 2point talent with final stats at 4% and 4seconds and 10%,10%. The deception/infiltration tree needs the cooldown of saber conduit/confundity to be reduced to at least 4.5seconds compaired to other classes ammo/energy regen and heat dissipation and finally the madness/balance tree the skill sith defence/jedi resistance needs to be removed and replaced with the same skill the sorcerer/sage have in this tree which is sith blood/will of the jedi. Hope this could help use have done a great job with classes so far and this.was the only class i could find that was slightly out of balance compaired to all others
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It was mentioned in the April 27th Q&A that social armor would be made to match your classes armor. How exactly will that work?


I ask because I currently have Vector in the the civilian pilot outfit from doing space dailies. My other light armor wearers also (mostly) wear social gear. As great as it is that all my charatures could wear social armor, I'd hate to log and find out my companions could no longer wear the gear I got them.

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Companion missions, for gathering at least, why don't we have an option to repeat the mission without having to log in every hour? If you could send the companion on a mission to gather power crystals, and only need to log on ever hour to do those missions it would be very smart to have the option to enable the companion to repeat that mission say 10 times, for players that have jobs or go to school it would be invaluable to log on 1 time per day and have the missions done, smarter to have us be able to send our alts companions on crafting missions through the legacy tree, I would definitely pay credits to access that.


Oh could you add mercenaries, they do not require detailed stories, and we could hire them to help us complete missions requiring assistance that is lacking, say go to a cantina and have some thug that we could hire to run dailies for say a few hours. The cyber tech could get an option to craft droids that could also serve this role, droids are not all R2 or C3PO, many droids are just service droids, doing their mission & that is all.


Want Ideas click on the links in my signature!

Edited by chrispotter
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Do you guys have any plans on fixing healing in pvp? Warriors seemed really overtuned, critting for over 3000-4000 consistently and the healing debuff for 30% seems ridiculous. Are there any plans to removed the healing debuff completely, seems unnecessary considering the amount of damage that classes like operatives/smugglers, warriors and snipers are putting out?
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Do you do Data Mining of relevant information regarding usage of things like flashpoints? If you do, what types of information did you discover? I would like to know information on BOI and LI HM's, certain bosses that people continuously get frustrated over, or in the case of BOI just avoid by bypassing altogether; and what you are going to do about them. What group makeup has the most success in LI HM. What group makeup fails the most or just gives up on the flashpoint altogether because they cannot for example pass LR-5.
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alot of people are under the impression there was alot of new schems added for crafters but so far i have only seen ones i have already gotten. Is there new schems? and are cybertechs left out on this see we can still only craft things useable for only new lvl 49-50 players?
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Are there any plans to increase the amount of characters a Guild can have? I belong to a large guild well known guild that is now over max characters so we had to create another smaller Alt guild. This poses all sorts of issues including no access to Guild Bank, Guild List and other issues. Please let us know if there will be an increase coming soon. Not to mention I do not get to proudly display my Guild name on my character.
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Will there be at sme point a way to view other player's talent trees? If not will you please elaborate on your reasoning behind this? My friend is new to mmos and it would help tremendously to be able to view her talent tree and help her build her character.
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Plans for instance finder are very good to promote group playing. But there is a big group of people that will not regularly group due to real life issues, time constraints, play out of peak hours and others.

What are your plans to help these people to have fun end game? In other games (RIFT, LOTRO, etc.) there are activities intended as end game for this segment of people. For example LOTRO skirmish system is very good to have a quick instant solo action for people with heavy time constraints at all levels.

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Could you explain the development reasoning behind the limitations on Defense, Shield and Absorb vs Tech and Force attacks? Tech and Force attacks completely bypass these three defensive stats. Whilst I am not suggesting that they should have their full effect against them I am curious as to why they have no effect at all. Many of the advanced classes have access to Tank trees that contain a decent number of skills to enhance these defensive statistics. Given their ineffectiveness against Tech and Force attacks, and the large number of Tech and Force attacks that are prevalent in other classes these skills are rarely taken by players who play PVP as they as seen to be wasted points.
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I think its really unfortunately that set bonuses can't be transferred from the earlier tier gear. Is there a reason you guys couldn't simply attach the set bonus to both the armouring mod, and the gear itself, ensuring that people who had already replaced the armouring mod still maintained their bonus, while also allowing those who wanted to take the mod out could?
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Are there any plans to let players sell back PVE Raid Gear as well as PVP gear for the actual comm's, nothing is more frustrating than making a mistake and buying the wrong piece then having to grind out whatever to get the right piece again. (Specifically on a timer, say for the first 5 minutes you can sell back the piece you bought and get your token or comms back)


Also, considering Arsenal Mercenaries, whats being done to fix our abilities. Sometimes it seems that a proc'd Unload isnt actually adding damage, as well as Heat Sigs increasing HSM damage. Tested it quite a few times earlier and was seeing little to no difference between HSM with 5 Sigs and no Sigs...

Edited by Valhalyn
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