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What Sent/Mar spec and change has contributed to them becoming op?


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Carnage is inferior to Watchman/ Annilhation in PVP, and so is Focus. In either case, you can still CC. What "huge number of buffs to damage" affect all specs? Again, annihilation/watchman is the best PVP spec. Can you explain what buffs to damage affect those trees? Ravage is a minor point of our offense. It deals damage to one, stupid player who can't CC or walk away, and does much less against better players. (The last tic hits the hardest.) How is this different than having to LOS against force lightning? Or move out of AOE? If you stand in aoe it hurts more, if you stand in master strike/ravage it hurts more. Don't stand in it.


I'm sorry you're bad at SWTOR pvp, don't point the fnger at us.


LOL...the denial JUST DOESN'T STOP!


It sounds like you're the typical FotM re-roller who can only play one spec and can't understand how turning talents into cross-spec baseline abilities is actually a buff.


Ravage is a minor point of our offense. It deals damage to one, stupid player who can't CC or walk away, and does much less against better players. (The last tic hits the hardest.) How is this different than having to LOS against force lightning?


I mean seriously.

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"When they pop their big damage reduction buff you can't do a damned thing about it. "


Stopped reading. There is plenty you can do about it. It's called CC. People need to stop blowing their CC on stupid reasons. I hold onto my CC like an Ace in the hole. I use Force Stasis when I NEED it.


You're kidding, right? Your solution to someone popping a defensive cooldown is to cc them? Well that solves everything, lol!


You do realize that at best that just keeps them from hitting you back while your attacks are still much less effective against them? What exactly do you gain? They don't do more damage while using defensive cds....the net effect would be the same if you had just cced them before they used the cd.


If anything you should be saving cc for when players are trying to do something you need to STOP them from doing, or when you can burst them down during the stunlock. And I heard rumor that it's harder to burst someone down WHILE they have higher damage mitigation....

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No, if they have a full resolve bar you can still root, you can still snare, you can still run away (If they aren't combat/carnage spec). What do I do to a trooper BH healer that has full resolve and pops his bubble? How is a weak argument? A Healer that can make himself uninterruptable is far more dangerous than a DPS that can extend their life by 5 seconds.


As I said before, when we pop GBTF it is an uncontrollable situation. I may be able to do another 2k damage before I die, I may be able to do another 10k. I can't control it. However, I can't do either if you just drop a CC.


Why is it a ridiculous argument? Good players know how to manage resolve on their opponent, to me it's not ridiculous at all. I don't max resolve on the ball carrier in HB, I don't max resolve on a trooper/BH healer.


You have to be kidding because the difference between a VG/PT bubble or a Commando/Merc bubble and the Marauder/Sent bubble is night and day. You can still kill any of the former ACs while their bubble is up. Unless the Mara/Sent is brain dead and uses the bubble at 300 HP or less, they're not going to die. They are effectively invincible, during which time they can receive healing (either self healing or from an ally), continue to mow down enemies, or escape with Force Camo.


If you're referring to the Merc ability Energy Shield (with the Power Shield talent) that's 100% pushback resistance. That doesn't stop it from being interrupted. And pretty much any Mara/Sent that can't kill a Merc trying to stand still and spam heals on themselves is terrible.


Even for PTs Energy Shield only reduces damage by 25% for 12 seconds. How is that comparable to immunity from damage for 5 seconds?

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"Your solution to someone popping a defensive cooldown is to cc them? "


Stopped reading. I guess it's true, this game is now devoid of any skill. My solution to dealing with apparently overwhelming odds, is to counter it properly.


Im sorry for offering the obvious counter to GBTF/UR. You're right, I'm the one at fault here.


I have nothing else to say. I have been playing Sentinel since August. I did well with this class without defensive CDs, except for Saber Ward which is a base ability to JK/SW. I learned to deal with all ACs, their Specs, and learned their counters. As I mentioned, I did my homework. I'm sorry for being an elite Sentinel. I'm sorry spamming Tracer Missile, or hard casting against us doesn't work very well. I don't know what to tell you. Keep whining bro.


I do fully expect a nerf. When that nerf comes, I will still destroy people such as yourself, for I am a real PVPer. I adapt to change. I do not whine about it. I will welcome a nerf, and then I will return when I'm still putting in work. I hope you have an excuse for that time.

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"Your solution to someone popping a defensive cooldown is to cc them? "


Stopped reading. I guess it's true, this game is now devoid of any skill. My solution to dealing with apparently overwhelming odds, is to counter it properly.


Im sorry for offering the obvious counter to GBTF/UR. You're right, I'm the one at fault here.


I have nothing else to say. I have been playing Sentinel since August. I did well with this class without defensive CDs, except for Saber Ward which is a base ability to JK/SW. I learned to deal with all ACs, their Specs, and learned their counters. As I mentioned, I did my homework. I'm sorry for being an elite Sentinel. I'm sorry spamming Tracer Missile, or hard casting against us doesn't work very well. I don't know what to tell you. Keep whining bro.


So apparently, you're supposed to stun Ravage, Cloak of Pain AND Undying Rage?



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"Your solution to someone popping a defensive cooldown is to cc them? "


Stopped reading. I guess it's true, this game is now devoid of any skill. My solution to dealing with apparently overwhelming odds, is to counter it properly.


Im sorry for offering the obvious counter to GBTF/UR. You're right, I'm the one at fault here.


I have nothing else to say. I have been playing Sentinel since August. I did well with this class without defensive CDs, except for Saber Ward which is a base ability to JK/SW. I learned to deal with all ACs, their Specs, and learned their counters. As I mentioned, I did my homework. I'm sorry for being an elite Sentinel. I'm sorry spamming Tracer Missile, or hard casting against us doesn't work very well. I don't know what to tell you. Keep whining bro.


I do fully expect a nerf. When that nerf comes, I will still destroy people such as yourself, for I am a real PVPer. I adapt to change. I do not whine about it. I will welcome a nerf, and then I will return when I'm still putting in work. I hope you have an excuse for that time.


I guess everybody else who has rolled Sentinels and Marauders since the patch are just elite players too.

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I had always thought the solution would be to nerf the Marauders damage DONE as well as damage TAKEN during that ability. They can then use it defensively, but is not an instant I WIN THIS CLOSE FIGHT button.


No - the damage is fine, but the healing really ought to go.

Especially in WZs where the PVP medkit is on the exact same cooldown as undying

The health loss is meant to be a balancing factor, but as it stands it's completely pointless.

Mara gets to 10-20% health, pops bubble, hits medkit, Mara is now on 40-45% health with 99% reduction - every single time.

Just to be clear, an ability that's mean to cost 50% health, is actually effortlessly restoring ~30%+ in WZs have we spotted the design problem yet?


The problem, because of the healing, is that it's not an instant "I win this close fight" button. It's an instant "I was losing now I'm winning" button.

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"Your solution to someone popping a defensive cooldown is to cc them? "


Stopped reading. I guess it's true, this game is now devoid of any skill. My solution to dealing with apparently overwhelming odds, is to counter it properly.


Im sorry for offering the obvious counter to GBTF/UR. You're right, I'm the one at fault here.


I have nothing else to say. I have been playing Sentinel since August. I did well with this class without defensive CDs, except for Saber Ward which is a base ability to JK/SW. I learned to deal with all ACs, their Specs, and learned their counters. As I mentioned, I did my homework. I'm sorry for being an elite Sentinel. I'm sorry spamming Tracer Missile, or hard casting against us doesn't work very well. I don't know what to tell you. Keep whining bro.


Stopped reading, or can't read? I'm starting to wonder....


You clearly don't understand what "counter" means. In this case it means to oppose or render ineffective an ability. Using cc against a defensive cd does neither, they still get the defensive buff at full effectiveness, it just prevents them from acting for the duration of the cc.


And the fact that you believe saber ward is somehow less signifcant of a defensive buff proves you have no clue. It's +50% defense, not +50% of current defense, +50% on top of whatever you already have, for 12 seconds. Oh and 25% damage reduction to the most common damage types in pvp. Yep, not overpowered at all....and you can stack it on top of other defensive buffs.


Oh and please stop being so proud of figuring out how to mitigate merc/comm dps. They're the very bottom rung in pvp, the fact that people are still able to skate by mashing on tracer/grav round just proves how many other bad players there are. Next you'll be proud of figuring out that los also renders snipers/gunslingers worthless, or that cleanse beats madness/balance.

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This is my dossier on how to deal with specific classes. Keep in mind it's crude, because I haven't played all classes.


SW: Jugg, look at their stance. Focus/Rage spec watch for Singularity. DPS down. Tank spec apply burns asap, use force powers. Has high mitigation vs typical melee attacks. Marauder: Watch for GBTF. DPS through Cloak of Pain, pacify asap, save force stasis for GBTF, awe or force camo through ravage.


SI: Sage Healer> Interrupt heals, snare asap, burns asap, pacify useless, force stasis during failure to keep in melee, master strike during hard casts or after snare, Expect daze on bubble break (master strike on their bubble) good AOE heal Sage Hybrid: Snare, prepare for attempts to kite, force camo on root/knockback, interrupt liberally, snare liberally, weak bubble DPS down Assassin Tank> BURNS ASAP Pacify>trash required to build proc off shock, force camo if force lightning uninterruptable or awe or force stasis (self healing, massive lightning damage), don't apply burns during force shroud, prepared to force sweep/cyclone cslash to bring out of stealth Assassin DPS: DPS race, pacify


BH: PT> Apply burns ASAP, heavy armor, pacify ASAP, typical DPS down, snare to prevent 5-10 meter kite, Tough matchup Mercenary> DPS down, FORCE STASIS WHEN THEY POP BUBBLE IF <50% HP otherwise wait until it's down and DPS down, interrupt rapid scan, awe healing scan if the healing scan will prevent a killing blow, kill ASAP, good single target heals, heavy armor (use burns)


IA: Operative DPS> (LOL Sorry you guys need a buff) Operative Healer: Snare, get ready to force swpee to bring out of stealth, burns asap DPS down ASAP good HoT, great mobility, be careful not to chase, save for stasis for <30% spammable heal


That's just a gist of how I approach every class. This is something I don't have to think about for each encounter. Can you guys explain how to approach a sentinel/marauder or any other class for that matter?

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Been playing the class since before you ever logged in for your first time, more than likely.


I didn't question how long you'd been playing the class, but I highly doubt that since I played in beta. In any case, it doesn't change the fact that everybody and their brother has a Mara/Sent alt all the sudden. Coincidence?

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I didn't question how long you'd been playing the class, but I highly doubt that since I played in beta. In any case, it doesn't change the fact that everybody and their brother has a Mara/Sent alt all the sudden. Coincidence?


Everyone and their brother had a Sorc/ BH TM spammer as well. Are you gonna tell me Sorc was OP? They died way too easy to be OP.


Doubt it all you want. Everyone from beta knows who Republic Justice was. There are videos of me being in one of the first people to do EV in beta.

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Everyone and their brother had a Sorc/ BH TM spammer as well. Are you gonna tell me Sorc was OP? They died way too easy to be OP.


Doubt it all you want. Everyone from beta knows who Republic Justice was. There are videos of me being in one of the first people to do EV in beta.


Whatever. Congratulations on being the most elite Sentinel on any of the TOR servers. You deserve a crown and a scepter.


There is obviously nothing wrong with the Sentinel or Marauder ACs and everyone else is just delusional and bad.

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Whatever. Congratulations on being the most elite Sentinel on any of the TOR servers. You deserve a crown and a scepter.


There is obviously nothing wrong with the Sentinel or Marauder ACs and everyone else is just delusional and bad.


I never said either thing. If you want to put words into my mouth to make your argument seem more credible, that's fine by me. I'm not even the best Sentinel in my guild. However that title goes to someone who was in closed beta for over a year.



Im just saying, for all these people saying Sentinel is OP. They can't even say what abilities we use that deal this massive burst I keep hearing about. Don' say you "doubt" how long I've been in beta, and then when I correct you, say how I apparently claim to be the best sentinel ever. You shouldn't have doubted my experience to begin with. I was very active in closed beta, I don't recall your name at all.


However I do believe most people are bad. I have no problem with sentinels and marauders on my vanguard. I also realize, this game isn't about 1v1 matchups, it's about objectives. Who cares if a class is strong 1 v 1. Even when Operatives were mad strong, they were still lacking in contributing to a WZ which is all that matters.

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Doubt it all you want. Everyone from beta knows who Republic Justice was. There are videos of me being in one of the first people to do EV in beta.

However I do believe most people are bad.



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I'm just stating truths. What does being humble have to do with the truth? Everyone from Beta does know hwo Republice Justice was, and most players are bad. When people are leaving nodes undefended left and right, that's an obvious statement.


I'm not going to apologize, or lie, for having more experience in swtor than most.

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I never said either thing. If you want to put words into my mouth to make your argument seem more credible, that's fine by me. I'm not even the best Sentinel in my guild. However that title goes to someone who was in closed beta for over a year.



Im just saying, for all these people saying Sentinel is OP. They can't even say what abilities we use that deal this massive burst I keep hearing about. Don' say you "doubt" how long I've been in beta, and then when I correct you, say how I apparently claim to be the best sentinel ever. You shouldn't have doubted my experience to begin with. I was very active in closed beta, I don't recall your name at all.


However I do believe most people are bad. I have no problem with sentinels and marauders on my vanguard. I also realize, this game isn't about 1v1 matchups, it's about objectives. Who cares if a class is strong 1 v 1. Even when Operatives were mad strong, they were still lacking in contributing to a WZ which is all that matters.


Oh, my bad. Forgive me for mistaking your meaning when you said:


I'm sorry for being an elite Sentinel.


Second, since reading comprehension is apparently not one of your strong points, I'll also go ahead and explain that when you said you'd been playing the class before I'd ever logged in I was pointing out that I played in the beta and have been around at least as long as you have.


And I'm not quite sure how you'd recognize my name from beta when I've never mentioned my character's name on the forums.


You're a blowhard and I really don't think you know what you're talking about. Sorry, bro.

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Oh, my bad. Forgive me for mistaking your meaning when you said:




Second, since reading comprehension is apparently not one of your strong points, I'll also go ahead and explain that when you said you'd been playing the class before I'd ever logged in I was pointing out that I played in the beta and have been around at least as long as you have.


And I'm not quite sure how you'd recognize my name from beta when I've never mentioned my character's name on the forums.


You're a blowhard and I really don't think you know what you're talking about. Sorry, bro.


Your forum name, obviously. Besides, this has nothing to do with the Sentinel class. Can you explain to what a sentinel/marauder does to provide most of their damage? If you are so headstrong about the fact they are OP, surely you can explain what skills they use that do so much damage.


I am an elite sentinel. Elite != the best. I've hit 50 with Sentinel or marauder four times now in a PVP environment. So sue me. Sorry for stating the obvious.

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I'm just stating truths. What does being humble have to do with the truth? Everyone from Beta does know hwo Republice Justice was, and most players are bad. When people are leaving nodes undefended left and right, that's an obvious statement.


I'm not going to apologize, or lie, for having more experience in swtor than most.


Maybe it's not so much the content of your posts he's commenting on, as the tone...


You shouldn't have doubted my experience to begin with. I was very active in closed beta, I don't recall your name at all.


I'm picturing a D-list celebrity being refused entry somewhere and pulling the, "Don't you know who I am!?!?"

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Maybe it's not so much the content of your posts he's commenting on, as the tone...




I'm picturing a D-list celebrity being refused entry somewhere and pulling the, "Don't you know who I am!?!?"


Picture it how you want. I'm merely stating something in response to someone doubting my experience. Nothing more, nothing less.


My question, which is what I really care about, still has been unanswered.


What skills does a marauder/sentinel use that has such a high burst?


I noted the things, as a Sentinel, I have to respond to that cause me to save my CC. Why can't others do the same?


I will not let insults deter me from the path of finding out the answers to my questions.

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Your forum name, obviously. Besides, this has nothing to do with the Sentinel class. Can you explain to what a sentinel/marauder does to provide most of their damage? If you are so headstrong about the fact they are OP, surely you can explain what skills they use that do so much damage.


I am an elite sentinel. Elite != the best. I've hit 50 with Sentinel or marauder four times now in a PVP environment. So sue me. Sorry for stating the obvious.


You're definitely a blowhard. You've demonstrated that you're not familiar with the mechanics of some of the other classes and you continue to skirt or avoid questions and comments that invalidate your statements.


The only thing you're proving is that you're full of yourself and you don't understand the concept of imbalance. The fact that you think that the whole reason Marauders/Sentinels are considered OP is based solely on damage is evidence enough.

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You're definitely a blowhard. You've demonstrated that you're not familiar with the mechanics of some of the other classes and you continue to skirt or avoid questions and comments that invalidate your statements.


The only thing you're proving is that you're full of yourself and you don't understand the concept of imbalance. The fact that you think that the whole reason Marauders/Sentinels are considered OP is based solely on damage is evidence enough.


What skills does a marauder/sentinel use that has such a high burst?


I noted the things, as a Sentinel, I have to respond to that cause me to save my CC. Why can't others do the same?

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You're definitely a blowhard. You've demonstrated that you're not familiar with the mechanics of some of the other classes and you continue to skirt or avoid questions and comments that invalidate your statements.


The only thing you're proving is that you're full of yourself and you don't understand the concept of imbalance. The fact that you think that the whole reason Marauders/Sentinels are considered OP is based solely on damage is evidence enough.[/QUOTE]


Oh? so then you have a problem with Taunt/ AOE taunt being used by Shadows/PTs and Juggs who specialize in DPS correct? I mean, these are non DPS abilities,b eing used by DPS specs. Surely you have an issue with those, no?


Taunt lowers damage done by 30%, and can be used frugally. AOE taunt can theoretically affect 8 people. Surely, you have an issue with these, right?


Also, please explain how GBTF, an ability that a Sentinel/Marauder is forced into since it's only effective <20%, always put us in a position to deal massive damage? We require certain skills to be off CD, and the focus to use them. Once again, what skills can we use that are ty pically ready available in response to being put in said position.


It's all I ask.


Your attempts to digress are ignored.

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I also, never claimed to be a master of all classes, but I have enough of a "dossier" to know how to react to them, as a sentinel. That's all I need.


Meanwhile, I am still awaiting your "dossier" of the sentinel class, that goes beyond. "Hur hur, dey hit hard, OP, me can't counter".


Real PVPers adapt.

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You're definitely a blowhard. You've demonstrated that you're not familiar with the mechanics of some of the other classes and you continue to skirt or avoid questions and comments that invalidate your statements.


The only thing you're proving is that you're full of yourself and you don't understand the concept of imbalance. The fact that you think that the whole reason Marauders/Sentinels are considered OP is based solely on damage is evidence enough.[


Oh? so then you have a problem with Taunt/ AOE taunt being used by Shadows/PTs and Juggs who specialize in DPS correct? I mean, these are non DPS abilities,b eing used by DPS specs. Surely you have an issue with those, no?


Taunt lowers damage done by 30%, and can be used frugally. AOE taunt can theoretically affect 8 people. Surely, you have an issue with these, right?


Also, please explain how GBTF, an ability that a Sentinel/Marauder is forced into since it's only effective <20%, always put us in a position to deal massive damage? We require certain skills to be off CD, and the focus to use them. Once again, what skills can we use that are ty pically ready available in response to being put in said position.


It's all I ask.


Your attempts to digress are ignored.


I'm done discussing this with you because you clearly don't understand the game mechanics. This is the third or fourth time that you've made a comparison between completely unrelated abilities that have nothing at all to do with the topic at hand. The only digression in this conversation has been by you.


It doesn't matter what I say, because it's all been said in this thread. You'll come back with another harebrained explanation or you'll continue to tunnel vision on the same points.


You're like an alcoholic that refuses to admit they have a problem.


Have a great night.

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