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What Sent/Mar spec and change has contributed to them becoming op?


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What people are seeing is a list of buffs. They dont realize that most of them were to worthless specs, and they ignore the adjustments/"nerfs"




My God, this denial...


The buffs were to EVERY SPEC,with virtually no nerfs whatsoever.

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People need to stop using the total damage done at the end of a warzone comparison because it is irrelevant.


Sure, a madness spec Sorceror can do 500K damage in a warzone all day long, however when it comes to all of the short fighting segments in the warzone, they are not going to kill anyone.


PvP is and always has been a game of burst and cooldowns. Classes that can consistently hit for 3-6K, without having to set it up, are far more valuable than that of a dot based, slow rolling damage type of class like a madness Sorceror.


The only other scenario, or class that can be viable without the burst, is one that has a multitude of damage reduction cooldowns, or other "get out of jail free" abilities such as the disappearing acts or full, or near full damage and ability resistance cooldowns that classes have.


If you dont have the burst, or any of what is listed above, you fall further down the totem pole depending on how little of each you have. Whether or not something was actually changed with Marauders or not really doesnt matter. What does matter is that we do know PVP changed when 1.2 came out, and the result has been classes without damage reduction cooldowns and/or any other out, have become much less viable.


Getting hit for 1/3 of your HP in a single hit is not balanced. Plain and simple, and you can save all the BS about ramp up time because I have a Marauder and an Assassin, and its a complete joke how easy it is to drop several classes. Even if the stars align and I actually get low, I always have my trusty ability to disappear into thin air, or resist every ability cast on me.


Sorry you lost me at the whole "Sure, a madness spec Sorceror can do 500K damage in a warzone all day long, however when it comes to all of the short fighting segments in the warzone, they are not going to kill anyone. "


500k damage is 500k damage. People have a finite number of hitpoints, you take away more than anyone else in the WZ, people die. No arguing with math.


This is just another long drawn out way of saying what everyone is REALLY saying. "My Magic-user should be able to use a sword".

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The level of denial on this thread is hilarious.


Marauders didn't get buffed at all, except that...



Disruption no longer costs Rage to activate.

Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate.

Ravage can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

Berserk (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Rage cost and global cooldown of Sweeping Slash.

Deadly Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.

Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.

Obfuscate no longer has a Rage cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.

Predation now affects all Operation Group members.

Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.

Unbound now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Predation by 15% per point.

Phantom now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.

Seeping Wound now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).

Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash.

Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).

Force Crush's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.

Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second.

Ravager now increases the damage of Ravage instead of affecting Force Choke.

Relentless Fury has been replaced by Berserker. It requires 2 points in Shockwave and causes Berserk (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Shockwave per point.

Shockwave's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).




Yeah buddy! Can't wait till I hit level 103!

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Besides the weapons there isn't any PvP gear from vendors with expertise pre-50 and not everyone shelled out extra money for the CE.


The rest of your point don't address your claims that there is "plenty" of expertise available pre-50.


Did you know that you can buy the weapons, remove the expertise mods, and then put them in your other pieces of equipment?

From about level 38 onwards my expertise kept going up at a steady rate until I had about 200 at level 49, and this was before level 47 +31 Expertise crystals, which could have pushed me to ~230.

People could easily be rolling with 250+ expertise at level 47+.

These days that's ~5.5+% damage and defense advantage that you have over almost everyone you fight, to put that in perspective, a Full BM wearer only does 3.4% more damage when they hit a full Recruit than they do to someone in full BM gear.

Edited by Altruismo
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Marauders and Sentinels in general are a class that should be the model for other classes if they want to balance without nerfs.


Let's run down their info;

1) High burst DPS and good overall DPS. Burst is important for PVP, overall for PVE.


2) while in melee range, they have the most versatile and powerful set of reserve cooldowns for defensive purposes. This allows them to continue to DPS heavily while in high-risk situations, granting six seconds of complete respite where healers can focus you to pump you up without having to worry about DPS mitigating their efforts. This is highly valuable for both PVE and PVP content.


3) arguably the best group buff in the game, offering a chance for increased damage output, increased healing, increased speed during PVE content and PVP content. The only class that is similar to this ability is the sniper shield dome, which is a nice 20% mitigation but it static in placement, while the marauder buffs allow free range of motion while active.


To address some of the "concerns" about how they are balanced;

medium armor offers what, 25% mitigation in a non tanking stance, as compared to 30% mitigation for heavy armor at full battlemaster? Considering in PVP the burst will surpass that 5% threshhold very quickly putting both heavy and medium armor wearers at risk, this is a moot point. In PVE content, the mitigation is decent and better than the ~20% for clothies, but is irrelevant when you consider that most bosses have specific high damage phases the Marauder can plan for, and use their defensive cooldowns respectively. Compare that to a juggernaut or powertech, the two heavy armor MDPS classes, they both have significantly less defensive cooldowns, and since average boss damage is usually not an issue the defensive cooldowns give marauders the advantage in high aoe burst phases.




at the end of the day, either Marauders are how every class should be, with powerful tools to make them desirable for an ops group or PVP team without mitigating the need for another class of similar function, or they are overpowered and need one of the above abilities nerfed down.


As it stands, marauders really do make everything easier, and are fully capable DPS on top of it. Compare it to a powertech, who has no real group benefits beyond class buff, and can perhaps match the DPS of the marauder without these benefits, and you see why marauders are clearly an unbalancing force that requires either mass buffs to other classes, or significant nerfs to the marauder.

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I keep hearing how sent/mar are op. Which spec? What is exactly op. I heard all the speculation on how the focus/rage spec would be op and it does do a lot of damage. I would like to hear what new thing that has changed that has caused sentinels to become op. Please list the spec and the change that has caused them to become op.


They are OP vs sorcs.


Not vs anything else.

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Yeah buddy! Can't wait till I hit level 103!



Because Ravage, Force Camo, Deadly Throw, Obfuscate, Vicious Throw, Disruption, Intimidating Roar and Predation AREN'T core abilities and Marauders actually DIDN'T get buffs in every spec, right? Right?



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The level of denial on this thread is hilarious.


Marauders didn't get buffed at all, except that...



Disruption no longer costs Rage to activate.

One focus anyway. No big deal

Intimidating Roar no longer costs Rage to activate.

One focus, no big deal.

Ravage can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

You can still walk away, unless they are combat/carnage spec in which case they have root.

Vicious Throw can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

Same as the other execute abilities now, and it hits for less than say Assassinate. (usually 2-3k

Berserk (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Rage cost and global cooldown of Sweeping Slash.

Sweeping slash is a terrible ability. It hits like a noodle and is only useful for stopping caps. It does like 500 damage.

Deadly Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug fix. Why would it be able to be cleasned? That would be silly.

Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.

It was 100% with the PVP spec of Annihilation/Watchman. Would you rather have that?

Obfuscate no longer has a Rage cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.

This was a global change. Similar skills got changed. Smoke grenade for vanguard, for example. The focus cost wa 1

Predation now affects all Operation Group members.

Mainly a bug fix.

Ataru Form damage effects (procs) now deal weapon-based damage instead of Force-based damage. The overall damage of these effects has been increased by approximately 10%.

You think this is a buff? LOL Weapon damage is mitigated by shields. It is most certianly not a buff. It's a lateral change

Unbound now additionally increases the movement speed bonus granted by Predation by 15% per point.

This one here shows your obvious lack of the class. This skill WAS on watchman the best PVP tree, but got moved to another lesser tree (for pvp). We had this pre 1.2 on watchamn, now watchman doesnt hav eit

Phantom now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.

We got this after losing (watchman/annihilation) the 100% damage reduction of force fade. Would you rather have us get this, or rather us be able to be literally 100% invulnurable for 4 seconds in force camo?

Seeping Wound now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).

Useless. Nobody puts points into this we already have a spammable snare. 50% is the same as 30% as far as Im concerned as long as I am faster than you

Decimate is now located in Tier 1 of the Rage skill tree. It increases the damage dealt by Smash and Sweeping Slash and reduces the cooldown of Smash.

Useless if you don't rely on smash

Dominate is now a 3-point skill with the same overall effect. The effect now lasts 20 seconds (up from 15).

This is on the shared tree of focus/rage which sucks.

Force Crush's cooldown has been reduced to 18 seconds. Its overall effect is unchanged.

See above

Obliterate now immobilizes the target for 1 second.

See above. used to immoblize for 2 or whatever force leap is

Ravager now increases the damage of Ravage instead of affecting Force Choke.

15% damage buff to ravage which you can walk away from.

Relentless Fury has been replaced by Berserker. It requires 2 points in Shockwave and causes Berserk (while in Shii-Cho Form) to immediately grant 2 stacks of Shockwave per point.

Focus/rage see above

Shockwave's buff effects now last 20 seconds (up from 15).

See above




Whoops nothing. Watchman/Annilhation is still IMO the best PVP spec. It'd be like a buff to dirty fighting, who cares? You made a classic case of pointing at a 31/31/31 spec. If you spec watchman/ annihilation these are your buffs.


Execute usable on 30% health

15% ravage

Awe free

Interrupt free

Ravage/master strike uninterruptable


Rav/MS has a CD of 30 seconds. So where, from the above, is this massive increase of DPS coming? Oh right, no where.

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Marauders and Sentinels in general are a class that should be the model for other classes if they want to balance without nerfs.


Let's run down their info;

1) High burst DPS and good overall DPS. Burst is important for PVP, overall for PVE.


2) while in melee range, they have the most versatile and powerful set of reserve cooldowns for defensive purposes. This allows them to continue to DPS heavily while in high-risk situations, granting six seconds of complete respite where healers can focus you to pump you up without having to worry about DPS mitigating their efforts. This is highly valuable for both PVE and PVP content.


3) arguably the best group buff in the game, offering a chance for increased damage output, increased healing, increased speed during PVE content and PVP content. The only class that is similar to this ability is the sniper shield dome, which is a nice 20% mitigation but it static in placement, while the marauder buffs allow free range of motion while active.


To address some of the "concerns" about how they are balanced;

medium armor offers what, 25% mitigation in a non tanking stance, as compared to 30% mitigation for heavy armor at full battlemaster? Considering in PVP the burst will surpass that 5% threshhold very quickly putting both heavy and medium armor wearers at risk, this is a moot point. In PVE content, the mitigation is decent and better than the ~20% for clothies, but is irrelevant when you consider that most bosses have specific high damage phases the Marauder can plan for, and use their defensive cooldowns respectively. Compare that to a juggernaut or powertech, the two heavy armor MDPS classes, they both have significantly less defensive cooldowns, and since average boss damage is usually not an issue the defensive cooldowns give marauders the advantage in high aoe burst phases.




at the end of the day, either Marauders are how every class should be, with powerful tools to make them desirable for an ops group or PVP team without mitigating the need for another class of similar function, or they are overpowered and need one of the above abilities nerfed down.


As it stands, marauders really do make everything easier, and are fully capable DPS on top of it. Compare it to a powertech, who has no real group benefits beyond class buff, and can perhaps match the DPS of the marauder without these benefits, and you see why marauders are clearly an unbalancing force that requires either mass buffs to other classes, or significant nerfs to the marauder.


Reverse that. Ok burst, great DPS. I have performed a 5k hit or more TWICE since launch. Focus/rage can do it more often but focus/rage is a one trick pony. Annihilation/Watchman does NOT have high burst. We have two abilities with the potential to hit over 3k. Merciless strike, which is usually around 3-3.5k and on a 10.5 second CD, possible to lower it down to 8, and the third tic of a master strike which you can run away from on a 30 second CD. That is it. The damage is coming from other sources that people are too ignorant to deal with.

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What it needs is a 99% damage and healing reduction for 5 seconds


I had always thought the solution would be to nerf the Marauders damage DONE as well as damage TAKEN during that ability. They can then use it defensively, but is not an instant I WIN THIS CLOSE FIGHT button.

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Because Ravage, Force Camo, Deadly Throw, Obfuscate, Vicious Throw, Disruption, Intimidating Roar and Predation AREN'T core abilities and Marauders actually DIDN'T get buffs in every spec, right? Right?




Ravage, 15% to damage which emans on a typical Ravage that's another 500 or so damage. Force Camo? Nerfed. Best PVP spec had 100% damage reduction. Deadly throw? Bug fix. Obfuscate? Saves us one focus and the ability to use outside of GCD conincides with other changes they made to similar abilities to other classes. Same with Disruption and Intimidating roar.


Predation isn't a core ability it's situational in use and requires 30 stacks of centering that is almost always best to use towards Zen. You have absolutely no clue what you are talkinga bout.

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I had always thought the solution would be to nerf the Marauders damage DONE as well as damage TAKEN during that ability. They can then use it defensively, but is not an instant I WIN THIS CLOSE FIGHT button.


Ok. Then nerf any ability that has damage reduction. Anytime a skill offers damage reduction to the user, make an equal damage caused and healing received buff.


What about DPS classes using taunt/aoe taunt? What should happen with these abilities?

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The fact is that they were always "OP" in pvp. And as far as I can tell the buffs given to them were for pve where they still have issues, but of course exacerbates the issues in pvp.


The reason more people complain now is that even the bad players are finally starting to use the cds to their advantage. And the cds that all knights/warriors get are completely broken in pvp.




There is no dispel mechanic in this game. When they pop their big damage reduction buff you can't do a damned thing about it. When they force leap and proc cc immunity you can't do a damned thing about it. When they pop the cd to self-heal everytime you hit them, you can't do a damned thing about it.


This is true of all buffs, defensive or offensive, healing, dps, or tank. But in this game defensive buffs are far more extreme than offensive buffs.


Add to that knights/warriors inexplicably cause the least resolve meter with their cc and have an extremely simple rotation for decent dps.


No they aren't overpowered in dps, but they ARE overpowered in pvp. They aren't the only ones though, there's shadows/assassins, healing scoundrels/operatives, and healing sages/sorcerors. Personally I find shadows/assassins the most annoying, in wzs it's just plain stupid the amount of utility and survivability they get while losing no, or almost no dps. I'm confident as more people start to realize this they will become the next fotm/whine target after bioware nerfs the wrong aspects of knights/warriors.

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Ok. Then nerf any ability that has damage reduction. Anytime a skill offers damage reduction to the user, make an equal damage caused and healing received buff.


What about DPS classes using taunt/aoe taunt? What should happen with these abilities?


No other skill has a 99% damage reduction. You're comparing apples to orange.

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"When they pop their big damage reduction buff you can't do a damned thing about it. "


Stopped reading. There is plenty you can do about it. It's called CC. People need to stop blowing their CC on stupid reasons. I hold onto my CC like an Ace in the hole. I use Force Stasis when I NEED it.

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No other skill has a 99% damage reduction. You're comparing apples to orange.


Force Shroud offers 100% damage reduction to the most potent abilities in the game. What about that? It can be used at anytime. The predictability of GBTF is it's downfall. You know when it is coming, it is extremely obvious. I don't have a problem with it on my Sentinel or my Vanguard, I just stun them when they use it. Then kill them.


Also GBTF is not an ability you can use when you want to (and have it be effective). In order to do large amounts of damage as both Watchman and Combat, you need to be in a certain situation. I cannot control the amount of health I have, more often than now when I pop it I don't have the CDs or focus available to do massive damage.


I mean really just CC it. I have to deal with a BH/Trooper healer with uninterrutable bubble. Healing themselves to 100% health. I have to deal with force shroud. I have to deal with Snipers/GS in cover, I have to deal with Juggs/Guards in heavy armor and their CDs, I have to deal with Tanks and their shields which absolutely reduces our damage to nothing special.


However, we have one, predictable, easily counterable ability and you guys cry? Where was the crying when we had Force fade? we were 100% invulnurable. I would just pop that and walk through fire for a pass.


In group combat, GBTF is not that bad. The problem is GBTF hurts the e peen.

Edited by Derian
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Force Shroud offers 100% damage reduction to the most potent abilities in the game. What about that?


That's still a bad comparison. 100% damage reduction for 3 seconds to two types of damage versus 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds to ALL damage.


There is no other ability that effectively makes immune to all damage.

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That's still a bad comparison. 100% damage reduction for 3 seconds to two types of damage versus 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds to ALL damage.


There is no other ability that effectively makes immune to all damage.


How much potent damage is outside of tech/force? "Two types" of damage out of three? lol. Know who has a high amount of non tech/force damage? Sentinels.


Force Shroud is extremely potent, and youc an use it whenever. I'm not complaining about it, I am merely stating that it's something I have to deal with, but you don't hear me crying about Force Shrould making my burns do 0 damage. Force shroud also nullifies ALL CC in the game. On top of that, the force shroud practioner has AOE taunt/Taunt, again not complaining but I am just stating some classes have their strengths.


Please answer, what is so hard about CCing a marauder using GBTF/UR?

Edited by Derian
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Whoops nothing. Watchman/Annilhation is still IMO the best PVP spec. It'd be like a buff to dirty fighting, who cares? You made a classic case of pointing at a 31/31/31 spec. If you spec watchman/ annihilation these are your buffs.


Execute usable on 30% health

15% ravage

Awe free

Interrupt free

Ravage/master strike uninterruptable


Rav/MS has a CD of 30 seconds. So where, from the above, is this massive increase of DPS coming? Oh right, no where.


Wow, this is some Olympic-level denial.


Uninterruptable Ravage with +23% damage (from the new tier 1 talent) which you can't easily 'walk away from' due to being either rooted (Carnage) 40-90% snared from Force Crush (Rage) or just plain 50% snared from Crippling Slash. This is on top of a huge number of buffs to damage, survivability and resource management across the board AND in literally every spec.


How's that 0/0/0 build working out for you?

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How much potent damage is outside of tech/force? "Two types" of damage out of three? lol. Know who has a high amount of non tech/force damage? Sentinels.


Force Shroud is extremely potent, and youc an use it whenever. I'm not complaining about it, I am merely stating that it's something I have to deal with, but you don't hear me crying about Force Shrould making my burns do 0 damage. Force shroud also nullifies ALL CC in the game. On top of that, the force shroud practioner has AOE taunt/Taunt, again not complaining but I am just stating some classes have their strengths.


Please answer, what is so hard about CCing a marauder using GBTF/UR?


Come on now. You know that's a weak comparison at best. You're grasping at straws. I'm not saying that Assassins/Shadows don't have their own set of balance issues, but that's a silly comparison.


And the whole "just run away" or "just CC" Marauder/Sents arguments is just as ridiculous. What do you do if they have a full resolve bar? Are you going to resort to the "don't fill their resolve" argument too?

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Come on now. You know that's a weak comparison at best. You're grasping at straws. I'm not saying that Assassins/Shadows don't have their own set of balance issues, but that's a silly comparison.


And the whole "just run away" or "just CC" Marauder/Sents arguments is just as ridiculous. What do you do if they have a full resolve bar? Are you going to resort to the "don't fill their resolve" argument too?


No, if they have a full resolve bar you can still root, you can still snare, you can still run away (If they aren't combat/carnage spec). What do I do to a trooper BH healer that has full resolve and pops his bubble? How is a weak argument? A Healer that can make himself uninterruptable is far more dangerous than a DPS that can extend their life by 5 seconds.


As I said before, when we pop GBTF it is an uncontrollable situation. I may be able to do another 2k damage before I die, I may be able to do another 10k. I can't control it. However, I can't do either if you just drop a CC.


Why is it a ridiculous argument? Good players know how to manage resolve on their opponent, to me it's not ridiculous at all. I don't max resolve on the ball carrier in HB, I don't max resolve on a trooper/BH healer.

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Wow, this is some Olympic-level denial.


Uninterruptable Ravage with +23% damage (from the new tier 1 talent) which you can't easily 'walk away from' due to being either rooted (Carnage) 40-90% snared from Force Crush (Rage) or just plain 50% snared from Crippling Slash. This is on top of a huge number of buffs to damage, survivability and resource management across the board AND in literally every spec.


How's that 0/0/0 build working out for you?


Carnage is inferior to Watchman/ Annilhation in PVP, and so is Focus. In either case, you can still CC. What "huge number of buffs to damage" affect all specs? Again, annihilation/watchman is the best PVP spec. Can you explain what buffs to damage affect those trees? Ravage is a minor point of our offense. It deals damage to one, stupid player who can't CC or walk away, and does much less against better players. (The last tic hits the hardest.) How is this different than having to LOS against force lightning? Or move out of AOE? If you stand in aoe it hurts more, if you stand in master strike/ravage it hurts more. Don't stand in it.


I'm sorry you're bad at SWTOR pvp, don't point the fnger at us.

Edited by Derian
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Here is a typical situation, I pop GBTF around 5-10% (cause I'm awesome). Zealous Strike is on CD for >5 seconds, Master strike/ravage is on CD and has 20 seconds to go. I have 5 seconds to do as much damage as I can with 3 focus.


I do a cauterize (about 1500-2000 damage in the course of six seconds. Cleansible).


I can overload saber and put on 3 stacks (have to attack 3 times very quickly 3 GCDs) about 4-5k total in six seconds.


I can uh....do that other massive burst damage I apparently have.


master strike and Merciless striek are our ONLY burst damage. A watchman sentinel requires time to do damage. We also require time to build juyo stacks and build rage. In that five seconds that I pop at a moment I can't control, I am very very lucky to do 10k damage max, in which case I can do as an opener.


The problem with you whistle blowers, is I know how to counter you class. I know how to deal with a DPS merc, or a healer merc. I know how to deal with a tank Assassin or a DPS assassin or a shared tree asssassin. I know how to deal with a hybrid sorc, healer sorc or full lightning sorc. I know how to deal with a sniper or an Op healer, or Op DPS. I know how to deal with all of the ACs and their specs with a Sentinel. I didn't need BW to nerf a tanksin to know how to take one down as a Sentinel. I know what they can, and what they can't do. I know how to counter them. I know when Force Shroud is popped, I know to put my burns on ASAP because they have high white damage mitigation. I know how to deal with these situations.


I know how to deal with a Jugg, and a Marauder. No matter what their spec. I also know NOT TO BLOW MY ONLY CHANNELED STUN AND AWE just to kill one person. I treasure the little CC I do have. I do not, ever, use Awe or Force Stasis just to kill some random DPS. I use these abilities at crunch time. I suggest you do the same.


I did my homework, do yours and quit being bad.

Edited by Derian
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