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To my PvPer's......


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Hello all,

I read these PvP forums everyday (on phone cause I'm bored at work) and would like to say thank you for some of the great advice some players have put in here. Alas, I've done the deed and cancelled my sub. Not to run off and play any other game, but because I'm just done. I love the playstyle of my toons (PT and Mara) and enjoy the warzones, but the grind has done it for me. Prior to 1.2 I was 4/74 BM bags on my BH and since 1.2, it's been roses. I got all my BM gear and started the War Hero grind. What fun. I don't like welfare, but vertical scaling on a treadmill just to stay competitive has me beat.


Some of the advice given on this forum has been awesome though and that was what I wanted to say thank you for. Every MMO has the usual clowns in it's PvP forums, screaming bloody murder and nerf this, nerf that. But that's to be expected. When I wanted to know how to beat a sorc on my PT efficiently, I came to the forums and read a few nerf sorc threads. The gems of advice are in there somewhere etc.


The Mara/Sent epidemic is just that, an epidemic. It will go away though, same as the Sorc/Sage one did and the Op/Scoundrel and Merc/Commando one. It is always a revolving door, can't be changed.


Best of luck to the PvPer's who appreciate a good fight, and to the PvPer's on Swiftsure and now Master Dar'Nala (which has 600 people on fleet at any time of the day now.....holy jeebus batman). I learn't alot from some really good players and learnt to avoid some others if I wanted to stay breathing and not respawning. I solo que, so it get's rough round there.


I'll pop back in sometime in the next 29 days of playtime, but you never know. Turns out gear treadmills just aren't for me. Too many MMO's have just copied the EQ/WoW model and now Rift, SWTOR have taken them to the next level.


Other than that, props to Bioware IMO on alot of things. They have been judged a bit harshly, but the game is sound in 90% of it's intention, feel free to disagree, opinions are just that.



VR72 PT (Pyro) - Swiftsure ------------> Master Dar'Nala (Asia Pacific)

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Good luck down the road, whatever you decide.


A lot of us are on the edge right now it seems.


But one thing I'll point out is that the War Hero grind is just that: a grind.


But, just like the difference pre 1.2 with champion and battlemaster gear, you in no way lose the ability to be competitive if you're in full BM and not WH.


The total stats gained from WH compared to BM are minimal at best. And you can still move your BM mods into augmented gear so you're not behind in the augment gap.


Regardless, I'm probably right behind ya. Gonna take some bigtime announcements/results to get me to go beyond this free 30 days.

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This game is really just a few tweaks and server merges/transfers from being great. Idk why BW is sitting on their hands.


Meh....more than a 'few' tweaks are needed. PvP needs to be FOCUSED on and Warzones need to die. There's no MMO out there right now with WORSE PvP that I can think of.

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