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Make PVP less of a job.


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I for one, like to PVP because it is fun. It's something to do, get to meet people, test your skills, learn how to play your job better, it's just a great way to pass the time... or was...



It's too much of a job lately. I for one, feel pressured to pvp, in order to keep getting War Hero gear, to stay in the competitive circuit on my server. I feel if I slow down, people are going to pass me, and I will become obsolete. The Price of War Hero stuff is just too high. It's way too much of a grind. I can't even consider using one of my alts in PVP, because A) My progress slows on my main, B) It would take forever to catch up to the amount of gear my main has on an alt..


Maybe I am QQing, I don't know. I asked around on my server and a lot of people I talk to feel the same. Grinding is just not fun.

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