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Discussion Regarding April 27th, 2012 Maintenance


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Friday night prime time server downtime is getting beyond a joke. Please only take the server down on fri-sun to fix game breaking bugs. Minor bugs can wait till the next week. Edited by qmidget
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GAWHAHWA? An new MMO has maintenance, I never would have guessed.


So you lose a few hours of game time, cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it.


But why repeatedly take it off line on a Friday night smack in the middle of prime time hours.

If they are going to repeatedly shut down in prime time without rethinking their policy about bringing servers down world wide at the same time, I will be gone once the next game that has appeal comes along.

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Agreed. There's no reason they can't have separate down times by the regions. In fact, that they DON'T do this is very amateurish and shows a misunderstanding of their product and customer base.


Actually, the devs have said that regional maintenance times are physically impossible at the moment because there is only one global login server and it has to be taken down during maintenance. The game servers are localized but one single login / account server handles every player in the world.


Could they switch to regional downtimes? Yes. But not without re-doing the login server and changing a bunch of code in both the game and the patcher, so it would be an expensive and time-consuming change that would end up increasing the cost of running the game since they'd have to patch 3+ times instead of once and maintain multiple login servers. My guess is that they have crunched the numbers and decided that going to regional downtimes would cost them more than losing a few EU / Asian / Australian players that are tired of maintenance during their main play hours.

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American who believes there is nothing in the world besides himself.


FYI Timezones exist and they mean that something that happens at 2am your time can be happening at 10am in another zone, but at the same time, mind**** huh


Here for your information to releave the ignorance in these threads


Time Zone and how they affect others besides just lil ole you


You know, you're right - let's do it when it's convenient for YOU. We are being insensitive if we get what WE want and YOU don't get what YOU want. We are intolerant if we do not allow you to do what you want at the expense of what we want.


The day a European company makes an MMO I play and wants to to maintenance on their schedule, I'll be the last guy trashing them. Maybe you can get some government welfare to cover your MMO play time in Europe. It wouldn't surprise me.

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Didn't you hear? PETA got on BWs case for only giving the hamsters one days rest and for under feeding them. So to avoid a rather large add campaign (featuring nude PETA supporting actresses), to bring attention to BW's cruelty to server hamsters, BW desided to hold an additional maintenance as required to give the hamsters a well deserved break!






On a serious note I think they put patch notes in after each patch.

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Guess I should have forgone the NFL draft party if I planned on playing tonight. No worries - hope they fix...something.


FTR, double weekly maintenance sucks, even if bugs are being fixed.


See ya Monday..;)


Going with this

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We are paying $15 a month for this game, yet can only play 22 days a month because of these stupid maintenance times, they go right through Oceanic prime time (most of us can only play at this time, due to other real life commitments such as work and family). They need to do something about this, bad service, from a good company, with a good game... make it 3/3.
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Why punish the same group of players for every maint? I work 9 hours a day and want to come home, relax and play some swtor, but 1 or 2 days a week I can't do that because you do maintenance at the same time. Why not switch the patch to the morning hours when no one is on the damn game? Why would you shut it down at peak times? I just don't get it. If I can't play, then what the hell am I paying for?
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Again on Friday night, peek playing time?



You guys not to bright are you? spend so much to get peeps to sub then treat the ones that sub like crap.



With so much choice of MMOs now days you would think the so called "brains" there would not keep doing this crap!


Oz :mad:

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This is getting old really fast guys. Need to get on the ball and maybe talk to that other new game (thats been on the ball since beta) and get some pointers. I really like the starwars theme but come on this is getting very old.
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This maintenance is getting "noticeable".


Please figure out a way to patch or do maintenance within an hour like most MMORPG's. Test your changes on test machines before applying them to the live servers so that when you patch it does not take hours. It should take as fast as a file copy and a reboot (aka minutes instead of hours).

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ya it seems whatever my days off are. either tues/weds, or weds/thrus or thrus/fri. that there is stupid maint and i lose a whole night of playing!!!! ***. pick a time and stick with it.


you already have the worst main times in all of mmo history at least just make it 1 night a week instead of 2 or 3.. FFS

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I don't get it... Euopean players whining that they shut the servers down on peak hour.... Im for Europe (CEST) and they shut the server down 9 in the morning. Peak hour ins't untill another 12 hours, atleast on my server :confused:
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