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Discussion Regarding April 27th, 2012 Maintenance


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I suspect that part of what's being patched may be exploitable. If BW were to patch different servers at different times, news of the exploit would surely spread to un-patched servers. I'm sure they've given plenty of thought to the ideal time to make patches and how to minimize the adverse effects to the community at large..


If they were truly fixing something that's exploitable, why aren't they deploying it immediately?


They obviously gave it enough thought to determine that it's not important enough to deploy immediately, delaying it until 2AM CDT. If that's the case, and it's not important enough to deploy immediately, then why not wait until the next scheduled maintenance window instead of annoying the same group of customers week after week?

Edited by Fuzzytoad
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The sticky at the top of the general forum where it clearly says "maintenance" isn't enough notification? We may be paying for the right to play this game, but Bioware has the right to take the game offline at any time they choose because they are the ones who control it. I'd rather have the game taken down for bug fixes multiple times a week than allow the bugs to keep screwing up my gaming experience.


You are actually wrong, we only pay for the right to pay, which is getting reduced nowadays, i feel too that we are having too many maintenances, which suck imo, balance changes, and all that, ye you can whine and all but you dont have the right to complaint, in this case however, YOU DO have the right to complaint, we are PAYING TO PLAY, if servers are offline all the time, we are getting less worth of our monthly payment, period. I think that the times are also really bad.

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But it would be nice to know what is going to be fixed right if they can take the time to write that why not put a little more on why instead of adding it later.


They always wait to add it later because they dont realy know what thier fixing untill its over. And then half the time the things they claimed are fixed realy arn't ..But im guessing its to fix the companion stat bug.


Oh and there was a light bulb out at the cantina on nar shada . That prolly has much more priority than everything else.

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If they were truly fixing something that's exploitable, why aren't they deploying it immediately?


They obviously gave it enough thought to determine that it's not important enough to deploy immediately, delaying it until 2AM CDT. If that's the case, and it's not important enough to deploy immediately, then why not wait until the next scheduled maintenance window instead of annoying the same group of customers week after week?


To be fair it dosnt matter if it was world shattering they wouldnt do an immeadiate patch. When illium got jacked and the imps was exsploiting it to the extreme they didnt fix it for a couple of days.. Mainly because they favor the imps but just saying. If it dosnt crash the game they dont get in a hurry to fix any bugs/exsploits

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To be fair it dosnt matter if it was world shattering they wouldnt do an immeadiate patch. When illium got jacked and the imps was exsploiting it to the extreme they didnt fix it for a couple of days.. Mainly because they favor the imps but just saying. If it dosnt crash the game they dont get in a hurry to fix any bugs/exsploits


They did an immediate patch less than 30 minutes after deploying patch 1.2.0a on 4/13/2012. You might recall that was the one where they gave us all a free day because they improperly deployed the 1.2.0a patch on friday the 13th.


So, they have indeed done it before, 4/13 was just the most recent one. There's no reason why they couldn't do it now for something truly earth-shattering.


My question is about their decision making process when it comes to these "unscheduled" patches. If it's not important enough to do it RIGHT NOW, then it must not be important enough to disrupt the maintenance schedule.

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They did an immediate patch less than 30 minutes after deploying patch 1.2.0a on 4/13/2012. You might recall that was the one where they gave us all a free day because they improperly deployed the 1.2.0a patch on friday the 13th.


So, they have indeed done it before, 4/13 was just the most recent one. There's no reason why they couldn't do it now for something truly earth-shattering.


My question is about their decision making process when it comes to these "unscheduled" patches. If it's not important enough to do it RIGHT NOW, then it must not be important enough to disrupt the maintenance schedule.


They only did the immediate on 1.2 release because it crashed the gaem lol it couldnt be played at all. Wich is what i stated earlier unless it crashes the game or makes it completly unplayable they dont get in a hurry. Well it didnt reraly crash the game just made it unplayable to alot of people.

Edited by Nyteblades
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its a Friday patch, it is probably to allow people to play free again this weekend..


but damn.. maybe this is the new way they do maintenance for MMOs. Twice weekly..:wea_02:


PS: GW2 Beta starting this weekend thats for whoever interested...

Edited by Foch
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They only did the immediate on 1.2 release because it crashed the gaem lol it couldnt be played at all. Wich is what i stated earlier unless it crashes the game or makes it completly unplayable they dont get in a hurry. Well it didnt reraly crash the game just made it unplayable to alot of people.


Which just reinforces my point. The 4/13 fix was obviously important enough to immediately take the servers down, which shows they can and will do so.


The patch on 4/13 was another one of these "important" unscheduled patches. According to the patch notes all it did Fix an issue with not being able to delete a character, and improved CS ticketing system. Neither of which is game changing to the point of breaking the maintenance schedule.


The 1.2.0a patch caused all of the 1.2 content to be reverted to pre-1.2 and I agree, was breaking the game enough to immediately take the servers down.


However, if they had stuck to the maintenance schedule, perhaps none of the events on 4/13 would have happened. You'd think they'd learn from that harsh lesson and stop doing unscheduled maintenance for unimportant patches.

Edited by Fuzzytoad
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Since the patch on 4/24, people using windows 7 64 bit have been crashing to the desktop every time they try to go through loading screens or for me just every 10 mins or so randomly. They broke the game with the latest patch, and I bet thats whats gonna get fixed.


Curious. Not to say you're lieing, but that's exactly what I'm running on, so it certainly isn't an "everybody" on that platform problem. That being said, popping over to the support forum, there's a post saying:



So, uhm, yeah. Looks like this patch, (whitch assuming I can count right, will be 1.2.2... assuming it isn't 1.2.1b) will be helping to fix a 32 bit crash issue.


Youre right, its not everybody and I said that kinda ignorantly because I dont know much about computers and found it odd that it is only affecting some people and I believed that I had a pretty standard setup. But if you check the support forums further you will see atleast a few threads created by players like http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=429936 running win 7 64 bit who have been crashing a ton since the latest patch. So far there has been no real response from the devs so thats why I have been pretty sure there was gonna be an emergency patch soon. I personally logged in 20 mins after the servers went up for last patch at like 3:30 am and crashed to the desktop within 15 mins of playing and I have never crashed before.


And after reading the support forums after the last couple days i can say no doubt there are a bunch of people having problems since patch 1.2 and I dont really know if stuff like this happened with the other patches or not and it seems kinda serious

Edited by Miggzy
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I think people are upset because the unscheduled is always at the same time burning them while "everyone else" never misses it. I am glad to see the maintenance. I like it because it means that something is being worked on. Perhaps rotating the emergency maintenance times so we all get burned once in a while would make people happy? Edited by eatumup
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Hi Bioware. I'd just like you to know that due absurdly high number of patches in Australian prime time, I'll soon be examining whether I want to keep my subscription or not. I don't really care if you are fixing issues/problems that you created or broke from other patches. You need to take a good look at improving your quality control and testing of patches, because its obvious to everyone you are doing this on the cheap. Everything you put out is broken in some way from the game at release, to every single patch, and I've almost had enough. I don't pay good money to support incompetence and lack of quality due to corporate greed or maybe i do.
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Ahh. My delightful fellow Americans who all seem to think they are the center of the universe. ;)


The above was exactly what i wanted to post after reading the first page lol.

I wanted to read all pages before posting but :D

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Maintenance is great and much needed for any MMO, but this twice a week or every couple days crap needs to stop. I completely understood all the downtime after 1.2, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. Maybe it's time to get your QA team together and figure out a way to more thoroughly test for these issues before you go live with patches/updates. I do greatly appreciate all the work that's being done and I do love this game. I just am sick of seeing "! Maintenance" every couple of days.
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Maintenance is great and much needed for any MMO, but this twice a week or every couple days crap needs to stop. I completely understood all the downtime after 1.2, but this is getting a bit ridiculous. Maybe it's time to get your QA team together and figure out a way to more thoroughly test for these issues before you go live with patches/updates. I do greatly appreciate all the work that's being done and I do love this game. I just am sick of seeing "! Maintenance" every couple of days.


Lets just hope they aren't ''fixing an issues that would allow players to gain weekend access'' or something.


Why not just make the maintenance a little bit later, like 5am so that the whole US isn't unable to play during night hours.

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If they were truly fixing something that's exploitable, why aren't they deploying it immediately?


They obviously gave it enough thought to determine that it's not important enough to deploy immediately, delaying it until 2AM CDT. If that's the case, and it's not important enough to deploy immediately, then why not wait until the next scheduled maintenance window instead of annoying the same group of customers week after week?


You cannot possibly understand the answer to that question, young grasshopper, unless you reside in the centre of the known universe. Only then will you be graced with enlightenment...

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Dumbest thread ive ever seen, i hope bioware doesnt listen to these people who complain about emergency patches at 2 am. I wish they did it more often to iron out all these little bugs.


If it's such an "emergency" why are they waiting til 2AM CDT to fix it?

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You cannot possibly understand the answer to that question, young grasshopper, unless you reside in the centre of the known universe. Only then will you be graced with enlightenment...


I've seen the Potato. I think I'll understand if they just explain.

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its a Friday patch, it is probably to allow people to play free again this weekend..


but damn.. maybe this is the new way they do maintenance for MMOs. Twice weekly..:wea_02:


PS: GW2 Beta starting this weekend thats for whoever interested...


Nail, head, 10000PSI impact hammer!


They just want to make sure all the centre of the universe folks, nay, the ONLY universe, are taken care of for their very important weekend time off. Never mind us poor ASPAC/EU grunts who get jibbed in our prime time & who form the majority of subs in actual fact...we're irrelevant to the greater mystical good that is the $US. <BFG>


Seriously guys, only 1 mmo company stuck it in & broke it off harder to us...yes, you guessed it boyz n girlz - I'm talkin bout SOE! Now, does Bioware *really* want to be compared less & less favourably as time goes on with THAT game company...? I leave you with that thought. :D

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