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Discussion Regarding April 27th, 2012 Maintenance


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If the Dev's are reading this, please take notes...


Every time I log in AFTER maintenance, it takes me a good 3-5 minutes to get visuals on my monitor. I get the HUD, but no avatars or background... nothing....I have to sit there and wait.


I have also noticed that the lag after maintenance is also horrendous.


And, as a side note, I've just discovered that playing my Operative on Taris now, after maintenance, (are you seeing the recurring theme here?) he is unable to heal out of combat, as I get a warning saying that I'm in stealth, and cannot do that. Seriously? Out of combat, not in stealth, and I cannot heal?


I'm seriously getting sick of rebooting my machine all the time to play.....

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Every week 2 times a week at peak times we are losing 4hours of play and bioware can't even put a note what maintenance is required they are just lazy they know why the servers are going down now why can't they tell us before the work is done because we are all paying to play and when they do this on a Friday night when lots of people are off work it sucks.


I have to go with the reality that you have no idea what you are talking about, and are just venting in frustration because you could not play the game for a while.


Its good that you are enjoying the game, but no company, not my company, not any company would deliberately thwart the desire of the customer to partake in their offered goods unless it was absolutely necessary to do so.


They are not up their in some mythical booth laughing and drinking suds with their hand on the switch, saying, "watch this". As with any company, there are company policies that stack to the sky, and each and every time these servers are brought down it is proceeded by a very serious meeting of the management team. To argue that this is a matter of laziness is utter nonsense.

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You know, you're right - let's do it when it's convenient for YOU. We are being insensitive if we get what WE want and YOU don't get what YOU want. We are intolerant if we do not allow you to do what you want at the expense of what we want.


The day a European company makes an MMO I play and wants to to maintenance on their schedule, I'll be the last guy trashing them. Maybe you can get some government welfare to cover your MMO play time in Europe. It wouldn't surprise me.


lol the sentiment of this post is so freaking dead on man. You have no idea how solidly you hit the nail on the head.




I assume you people who are up in arms about your lost subscription time missed out on the free month for whatever reason?


They also just recently credited everyone with 24 hours because of downtime didn't they?


I was like 31 days in the advantage on Bioware before today. Now because of Biowares Nazi maintenance routine I'm only 30 days and 22 hours in the advantage.



Edited by Criosdh
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Where did you find this i only seen the fix to desktop crash when i looked.

1. Kephes encounter no longer spawns extra bombers npc's after vehicle is defeated.

2. Several incidents where users crashed to desk top were fixed.

3. PVP Matches will once again end early if there are not enough players on opposing team.

4. Companions will now spawn proper stats based on all of their items that are currently equipped.

5. Nightmare Pilgrim can now be triggered again.

6. Sound issues where multiple sound events caused the sound driver to become ineffectual have been fixed.

7. Taunlet pets that were given away to players now have a name.

8. Denova storymode has been made easier, Previous storymode of Denova is now the Hard Mode and the Hard Mode is now labelled Nightmare Mode.

9. An activation timer which can be interrupted has been added to the 2nd boss fight in Lost Island.

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You know, I am getting sick of this. WoW did maintenance on Tuesdays (just about every Tuesdays). I had a college semester and work schedule one time to where Tuesdays were my only day off. Guess what? I did not play on any Tuesday morning when WoW was down.


So let me get this straight, and I can never get a reasonable answer so I guess it is people having fits. You LOVE this game so much to where you need to play every minute and every day. You NEED to play 24/7. If the server goes down for 4 hours, you unsubscribe. Why? You love this game so much to where you unsub because you cannot play for 4 hours?


I do not recall having a guarantee that you will receive access to the game for (on average) the full 730 hours a month. Can anybody show me where they say 100% uptime guaranteed or gain access to the game any minute of any day resulting in a full 730 hours a month of gametime possible?


Yes this is an emergency patch. It is not a critical emergency like NOBODY can log in to the game at all. There are things that need to be fixed immediately (like right this second, no warnings to the users), there are regular patches that wait until a set date or the normal Tuesday downtime. However, there is a area in between these two things. It is typically a low-priority emergency. This gray area needs to be done as soon as possible, but legal department wants to have a delay so clients are prepared.


I am really sorry if this interferes with your playtime. It is not Bioware's problem. There is not a 4-8 hour block where NOBODY plays. Should we never get patches or maintenance then? Back when I could only play Tuesdays in WoW, it was not Blizzard's problem.


Seriously, this is getting a bit out of hand to see "Discussing TODAYS DATE downtime...Why?!?!" threads EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

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it was down for 120 minutes ...


I know man it was horrible... I started sweating and shaking, projectile vomiting, my entire body hurt...


... nvm... this game had a downtime?

Edited by Notannos
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Thank you for fixing an EXPLOIT that people were using before it got too far out of hand... yes emergency maintenance was needed.


I know right. It was an emergency, but not a OMG NOW NOW NOW THE SKY IS FALLING emergency. Yeah they could have waiting until Tuesday, but the economy would have went to such an incredible low point where it is just impossible to do anything now (POSSIBILITY).


They do not want to risk that.

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I know right. It was an emergency, but not a OMG NOW NOW NOW THE SKY IS FALLING emergency. Yeah they could have waiting until Tuesday, but the economy would have went to such an incredible low point where it is just impossible to do anything now (POSSIBILITY).


They do not want to risk that.


How do you figure this exploit wasnt something that needed to be fixed now? You think flooding the economy with millions and millions of credits is a good thing? Let it go all weekend while everyone is on playing? Ya I dont think so. It was down for 2 hours no big deal.

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How do you figure this exploit wasnt something that needed to be fixed now? You think flooding the economy with millions and millions of credits is a good thing? Let it go all weekend while everyone is on playing? Ya I dont think so. It was down for 2 hours no big deal.


The person you quoted was agreeing with you I think.

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The person you quoted was agreeing with you I think.


Yes I was. I was just saying why people that say "The servers should have been shut down the minute it was discovered instead of waiting until today" need to realize it was not an extremely serious issue like NOBODY can log in to the game (that obviously needs to be fixed the day the issue has been found). But it is serious enough to schedule an unscheduled maintenance day.

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So, what exactly was this serious economic exploit?


Could it be that the lvl 50 orange elegant Blaster Pistol crafted with Armstech only required grade 2 materials?


Anyone got an idea?


Supposedly one of the vanity pets sold for over 2k to a vendor and could be purchased for 1 credit. So 2K+ credits as fast as you can click twice... way worse than a blaster that only a small subset of players can make (Armstech isn't that popular) and which still should require a non-farmable blue component (you can only do UT missions so fast since only 1-2 at a time offers metals at any given grade).

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Every week 2 times a week at peak times we are losing 4hours of play and bioware can't even put a note what maintenance is required they are just lazy they know why the servers are going down now why can't they tell us before the work is done because we are all paying to play and when they do this on a Friday night when lots of people are off work it sucks.


Here's a clue: I am 100% certain that BW HATES imposing unscheduled maintenance. If they do it, it's because they think the alternative of leaving a bug unfixed would piss off the user base even more than the unscheduled maintenance.


They are doing the right thing. Don't try to discourage them.

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Here's a clue: I am 100% certain that BW HATES imposing unscheduled maintenance. If they do it, it's because they think the alternative of leaving a bug unfixed would piss off the user base even more than the unscheduled maintenance.


Yet instead of just taking down the servers and fixing the issue, they piss off the same segment of the user base week after week by waiting until 2AM CDT to avoid pissing off players who rarely ever have to deal with unscheduled downtimes?

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I think they should have left the exploit.


But "break" GTN, in person tradeing, and CoD mail.


Until the exploit was good and known.


Then ban everybody who used the exploit.




One way to clear the garbage out of the player base.

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  • 2 weeks later...
The sticky at the top of the general forum where it clearly says "maintenance" isn't enough notification? We may be paying for the right to play this game, but Bioware has the right to take the game offline at any time they choose because they are the ones who control it. I'd rather have the game taken down for bug fixes multiple times a week than allow the bugs to keep screwing up my gaming experience.


What time do you work?


The only fair way BW can do patching times which they will never do is to switch it up, keep the weekly maintenance at the time it is at, that is not a issue. But when they are patching 2-3 times a week it is completely unfair to patch at the same time! Any other patches outside of the weekly maintenance should be at 2PM, it is only fair. If it is such a horrible bug that has been discovered, take the server down right when the fix is made, why do they have to wait until the normal patch time? To piss off the same people so they can be flamed on the forums for complaining about something that is BS? We all pay the same sub, BW please implement a option to give people that work 2nd shift or are in time zones where the current patch times are peak hours of play a 20% sub reduction because you won't change the patch times. I would re-roll on a Aussie or Euro server if the patch times were changed, even if they made a server that was dedicated to this issue and was patched at a different time I would re-roll on that server because this affects my subscription so much. Do we want bugs on the server, of course not! But that isnt the issue, the issue is ignorance and disrespect for a good portion of the community due to lack of empathy. How many thousands of posts need to be made about this before it is acted upon!


The people that say "get a real job" BS! (Personally work 2nd shift for 10% dif pay)

The people that say "they need to patch to fix the bugs" BS! (This is not a valid argument and you know it, they can patch at anytime)


Even if BW came out and said "We will always patch at this time so get used to it," I would have more respect for the way they run there business than I do now. No version of code is perfect, there will "always" be bugs, if they are going to patch the game and fix bugs only at one time that affects the same group of people then f it, I'm out.

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