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Jedi Knight Robes = Large Butt?!


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/em begin rant


This needs to be fixed...... :mad:


I recently grinded for the Bladefury PvP gear. Wow that Robe is very cool looking (even if I cant have the hood down) but guess what......... Male Model 2 = HUGE BUTT...... from a side profile I look like a Victorian Age Drag Queen! :eek:


So I yanked the lvl 40 mods from that Bladefury chest piece and dumped them into my Aspiring Knight vest instead. Why? Because the large butt issue is unacceptable.


Seems a real shame that Bioware's developement team has put all this effort into creating some really nice looking full robes for the JK Class, only to have them fit incorrectly on Male Body Types 1,2,4 (and the respective Female body types from what I've heard).


I'm pretty sure Bioware did not intend for players to just BANK these nice robes but actually want us to wear them... *gasp*


I keep hoping this Robe issue will be fixed with patch 1.2, since this issue has been around since Beta from what other players have stated.......


I guess for now all my Moddable Robes, that I spent a lot of time questing/earning will just have to sit in the Bank, collecting dust, until Bioware FIXES THIS BIG BUTT ISSUE!


In the meantime I will continue wearing my Aspiring JK Vest (which btw makes me look like a lowby noob but at least fits anatomicly correct).


/em end rant

Edited by SolarWalker
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Dear BioWare,


I know you've got a ton of work going on right now. But if it's not too much trouble, I'd like to bring a small issue to your attention that is quite vexing for those of us who enjoy our Jedi characters.


It's about our butts. In robes. They are huge.


Here is a normal butt.


Here is the same butt in Jedi robes.


As you can see, the robes make every robed Jedi look like Lil Kim. Some Jedi might be okay with looking like Lil Kim, but I am not, and neither are several other Jedi players I've encountered.


Please, put this on the to-do list. Fix the Jedi robe butt. Thanks.


Thanks for that!

I laughed so damn hard! :)

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I almost never post, but I had to for this to show my support. This stupid flaw has annoyed me since the moment I got my first robe. What makes it so incredulous is how ridiculously obvious it stands out.


It's so absurd and unbeliveable that it could have been overlooked, one could actually believe it was some prank thrown in by a very mischievous, or very disgruntled, employee.


Please fix BioWare.

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dear bioware,


i know you've got a ton of work going on right now. But if it's not too much trouble, i'd like to bring a small issue to your attention that is quite vexing for those of us who enjoy our jedi characters.


It's about our butts. In robes. They are huge.


here is a normal butt.


here is the same butt in jedi robes.


as you can see, the robes make every robed jedi look like lil kim. Some jedi might be okay with looking like lil kim, but i am not, and neither are several other jedi players i've encountered.


Please, put this on the to-do list. Fix the jedi robe butt. Thanks.



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I agree with this! It is very annoying.


I like eye candy. I like graphics.


If no one cared about the way their toon looked we would all be playing Zork...


Also add to the list the fact that Twi'leks lose thier headband when they equip a robe with a hood (but dont get the hood) I mean seriously wth?

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^ Yeah, it obviously shows the "flaws" in their physics. This will be my last month playing until they fix this. Not getting another monthly payment out of me until I can have a Jedi with a regular butt as well as a toggle on/off hoods on Jedi Robes.
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i can hardly believe that i'm reading how much people are concerned with how their toons look. Give me a break - it's game, people. unless ... unless ... unless of course your butt is really that huge in which case i'm sure that EA is not poking fun at you.


But EA, if you could make my butt drag on the ground, i'd still be laughing ... and playing . *Grin* (hmmm ... but only if i get a Force Butt ability to replace Stomp.)

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i can hardly believe that i'm reading how much people are concerned with how their toons look. Give me a break - it's game, people. unless ... unless ... unless of course your butt is really that huge in which case i'm sure that EA is not poking fun at you.


But EA, if you could make my butt drag on the ground, i'd still be laughing ... and playing . *Grin* (hmmm ... but only if i get a Force Butt ability to replace Stomp.)


Why shouldn't players care about what the art team have added to this game. It is a bug that has been there since beta and is still not fixed.


If you don't care then it's up to you but a large part of MMOs is how characters look and having extra largs butts is not exactly "Star Warsy" for male Jedi Knights.

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