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Stupid Taun Taun pets messing up heal targeting


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Stupid that you can target the pets, yeah..


But educate me. How is it good to use Target Next Friendly as a healer?

If you are in a small scale battle, target next friendly keybound-> You will be able to instantly target whoever you want WHILE retaining 100% mobility and easy control over all your abilities such as cc-peel.


Playing whack-a-mole with your mouse over frames makes you very immobile and an easy target.

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If you are in a small scale battle, target next friendly keybound-> You will be able to instantly target whoever you want WHILE retaining 100% mobility and easy control over all your abilities such as cc-peel.


Playing whack-a-mole with your mouse over frames makes you very immobile and an easy target.


To be honest only if you healing class can heal and move at same time, not all classes can do that. And those that can these heals heal a very small amount.

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Cycling with target-next-friendly for heals? Now that sounds totally efficient...not. L2P

With targetwindow lag u need how long to cycle trhough 15 other people in ur OPgroup? Hilarious, really.


In what WZ are there 15 friendlies?

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If you are in a small scale battle, target next friendly keybound-> You will be able to instantly target whoever you want WHILE retaining 100% mobility and easy control over all your abilities such as cc-peel.


Playing whack-a-mole with your mouse over frames makes you very immobile and an easy target.


I see what benefit it could be for those who use it like that.

I have all of my most needed abilities bound to alt/ctrl/shift + mouse buttons, so I have no problem switching + healing targets while staying mobile.

Edited by Senefera
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To be honest only if you healing class can heal and move at same time, not all classes can do that. And those that can these heals heal a very small amount.


Exactly, HoTs are weak in this game for a reason. Most good heals require a cast time making you immobile. So the only advantage to Target Next Friendly is if you are HoTing up the group.. which means you are likely over healing unless taking a lot of AOE... which means you are wasting resources to stat pad numbers... which means you are a bad healer.

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Exactly, HoTs are weak in this game for a reason. Most good heals require a cast time making you immobile. So the only advantage to Target Next Friendly is if you are HoTing up the group.. which means you are likely over healing unless taking a lot of AOE... which means you are wasting resources to stat pad numbers... which means you are a bad healer.


To each his own. I learned that staying mobile = staying alive. So every time I know I will cast a few instants in a row (HoT, bubbles, cleanse etc) I will switch position. Unless I found a really nice place to hug. But those are few and far apart. Not to mention all the time you need to chase after your tank or run to mez the other teams healer that is left unmolested. Might as well make yourself useful while running and not waste any GCDs. I see so many Sage/Sorc healers who never cast anything while they are moving. Bubble your team.. cleanse them.. HoT them.. do something!

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To be honest only if you healing class can heal and move at same time, not all classes can do that. And those that can these heals heal a very small amount.

Even if you are mercenary healer, it helps you change target more efficiently while you repositioning yourself. Being completely immobile = dead healer whining on forums.


Healers need to strategically change position over the course of the battle, use cc abilities, kite, help with burst if needed.


If all you do as a healer in battle is go in and become nailed to the ground and spam heal on frames, then:


1 ofc you don't see the advantage

2: Op was referring to good healers who want to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.

Edited by Dmasterr
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I noticed that mine could be targeted by myself, so I've been keeping him out in an effort to screw up opponents targeting. Didn't think about it throwing off friendly healers, though.

Since clicking on an opponent is almost impossible and you cannot tab target an enemy pet, it seems moot. But to each their own... I am rather baffled why BW allowed for a health bar on them and to be able to Friendly tab target.:eek:

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Even if you are mercenary healer, it helps you change target more efficiently while you repositioning yourself. Being completely immobile = dead healer whining on forums.


Healers need to strategically change position over the course of the battle, use cc abilities, kite, help with burst if needed.


If all you do as a healer in battle is go in and become nailed to the ground and spam heal on frames, then:


1 ofc you don't see the advantage

2: Op was referring to good healers who want to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.


Don't try to argue logic here.


A "good" healer just stands in one spot and heals. /sarcasm

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Even if you are mercenary healer, it helps you change target more efficiently while you repositioning yourself. Being completely immobile = dead healer whining on forums.


Healers need to strategically change position over the course of the battle, use cc abilities, kite, help with burst if needed.


If all you do as a healer in battle is go in and become nailed to the ground and spam heal on frames, then:


1 ofc you don't see the advantage

2: Op was referring to good healers who want to optimize their gameplay as much as possible.


I can kinda see how you may be able to use tab target to heal but I click raid frames and have never had a problem staying mobile. Especially with good keybinds.

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I can kinda see how you may be able to use tab target to heal but I click raid frames and have never had a problem staying mobile. Especially with good keybinds.


It's all about the keybinds. I have zero issues staying mobile as a healer using the frames, but then again I am one of the few snipers it seems (on the forums at least) that don't find the cover mechanic to be a problem. I can move with cover just as well as a I can move and heal. It's the same to me.

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I can kinda see how you may be able to use tab target to heal but I click raid frames and have never had a problem staying mobile. Especially with good keybinds.


Ok, let me put it this way. Since you specified that you keybind, then you must agree that keybinding an ability is more efficient that using your mouse to reach it then clicking it.


Why can't you apply the same to targeting ?, keybinding your targeting > mouse work.


Also there is a difference between being able to do something (being mobile, actions etc), and optimizing the crap out of your character interaction so every millisecond counts. It is 1 thing to do ok, and another to do it at the limit of game mechanics.

That is why i was having a discussion with a fellow on another thread where he said he can not use Mind trap -> cap with assassin, where i said that i can. Why ? because game mechanics allow it, and his inability to do so is because he is to slow.

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If you want to live, you use target next friendly and target closest friendly (because sometimes tab targeting in this game fails, you should also have target closest enemy as well for DPS).


You can click on raid frames but it's not as efficient and it's easier to kill you. You can't click name plates unfortunately which would also help and probably be better.


I don't heal anymore but did for awhile.

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Ok, let me put it this way. Since you specified that you keybind, then you must agree that keybinding an ability is more efficient that using your mouse to reach it then clicking it.


Why can't you apply the same to targeting ?, keybinding your targeting > mouse work.


Also there is a difference between being able to do something (being mobile, actions etc), and optimizing the crap out of your character interaction so every millisecond counts. It is 1 thing to do ok, and another to do it at the limit of game mechanics.

That is why i was having a discussion with a fellow on another thread where he said he can not use Mind trap -> cap with assassin, where i said that i can. Why ? because game mechanics allow it, and his inability to do so is because he is to slow.


Arguing for the sake of arguing here because in reality it's to each their own on playstyle. I know clickers that are effective in PvP and you would think they keybind.


The thing with Target Next Friendly is that your target is random unless there are no other friendlies nearby. It's like advocating tab targetting... which is largely considered a "no-no" unless there is only 1 target near you or a mob in front and you want 1 person out of the mob.


It's more effective to use a combination of mouse run, move forward and strafe that allows a DPS to stay on target while moving and mouse selecting new targets. I don't normally tab target unless either there is only 1 target near me or there are too many targets close together that trying to target the low health one is slower than tabbing.


I personally find it easier to use the raid frames to heal and still have high mobility because I can mouse run between selecting friendlies or will run forward or strafe while selecting with W,A,D. I don't have to cycle through friendlies on the raid frame because unlike attacking an enemy their name is readily avialable to be clicked on at all times. If I had an enemy raid frame I would probably click that enemy name because then I could effectively target whichever enemy I want without having to click their character or cycle with a random selector.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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The thing with Target Next Friendly is that your target is random unless there are no other friendlies nearby. It's like advocating tab targetting... which is largely considered a "no-no" unless there is only 1 target near you or a mob in front and you want 1 person out of the mob.


I've never been able to effectively click targets, and since I mouse move I'd have to stop moving or I'd have to keyboard move to do it anyway. It usually doesn't register when you click an enemy in my experience.


Tab targeting has a lot of issues but it's the best form of enemy targeting I've been able to find in this game.

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