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I remember WoW launch


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When we launch, was a launch, open for everyone who payed blizzard.



All lvl 1, sure there where queue´s for 20-30mins.. but better then waiting 5 days..




And the game was unplayable due to lag/crashing...


Yeah, what great fun that was!

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When we launch, was a launch, open for everyone who payed blizzard.



All lvl 1, sure there where queue´s for 20-30mins.. but better then waiting 5 days..


I remember WoW launch too ... and I don't recall any early access. You simply got in on launch day. BioWare is providing those who chose to pre-order the opportunity to get in prior to the launch date of ... now wait for it ...




Last I knew, it was only the 13th.


If you don't want to "wait" simply pay no mind to what's going on and simply access the game on its official launch date of 12/20 ... problem solved.

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20 to 30 minutes, try days and weeks. i remember world of warcraft launch also.


I got up that morning at 8 am went to my local game retailer to pick up my copy that i had reserved. was a line about a mile long, got my game around 1030, went home made my account, put in my code and made a character. played for about a hour, had to get ready for work, went to work, got home that night around 11 pm. tried to log in, servers had crashed, wouldnt be up the rest of the night. i went to bed, got up at 9 the next morning, servers were up, crashed after i logged in, stayed down till i got home from work, logged in, 6 hour que, i went to bed. the third day the servers had 4 to 5 hours queue for me, the queues didnt go down to 30 minutes or so till after the first weekend, and the servers crashed all the time. i didnt even really get to play till december sometime. blizzard wound up giving everyone a free week of gametime, even though we hadnt actually paid our month sub back then, and before the first month was out I had been credited already for three full weeks of game time. so dont say wow was smooth, maybe for some, but for me wow was horrible, a year into the game it was still pretty bad imo.

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20 to 30 minutes, try days and weeks. i remember world of warcraft launch also.


I got up that morning at 8 am went to my local game retailer to pick up my copy that i had reserved. was a line about a mile long, got my game around 1030, went home made my account, put in my code and made a character. played for about a hour, had to get ready for work, went to work, got home that night around 11 pm. tried to log in, servers had crashed, wouldnt be up the rest of the night. i went to bed, got up at 9 the next morning, servers were up, crashed after i logged in, stayed down till i got home from work, logged in, 6 hour que, i went to bed. the third day the servers had 4 to 5 hours queue for me, the queues didnt go down to 30 minutes or so till after the first weekend, and the servers crashed all the time. i didnt even really get to play till december sometime. blizzard wound up giving everyone a free week of gametime, even though we hadnt actually paid our month sub back then, and before the first month was out I had been credited already for three full weeks of game time. so dont say wow was smooth, maybe for some, but for me wow was horrible, a year into the game it was still pretty bad imo.


Ah someone who actually does remember, like myself.

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and it was fun. you were playing with friends and discussing the game, and the guild ... now all I am going to have to think about is catching up to the folks in my guild that have already started playing .. skipping quest text I would prefer to read .. not exploring areas like I normally would .. skipping heroic areas I would normally run with them ..


by the time I get in they will be in there 20s or so ..


and for what? so I can sit around reading about how Tython only has 50 people in it?

Edited by azmundai
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lol what was fun about wow launch?


I remember it taking 2 minutes to loot a corpse...ques for hours and hours....hell there were some servers that went down for DAYS. DAYS not hours.


Think of this launch as December 20th if you want to compare the two and just roll than on a fresh new server which I'm sure they'll have for retail.

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Wow launch was pretty bad, EvE launch was worse, game came out so buggy it was nearly unplayable for about its first half a year, Champions online came out with next to no content beyond the character creator, I dont remember Conan or Warhammer online launches at all, but then again i played neither game past the 1st month.


Swotor launch? hasn't happened yet, but from what I played of the stress test beta the game seams ready ish for launch, loads graphical glitches and got stuck a couple of times, but otherwise abut as playable as any MMO ive seen on launch day, and I personally like people being let in in waves to avoid over stressing the servers. All MMO servers crash on launch day, just seams like Bioware are just doing it on purpose, under controlled circumstances rather than the hope for the best approach most other companies seam to take.

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Greetings everyone!


In order to consolidate feedback on the subject of Early Access and the game launching, we are closing this thread and asking that you please continur your discussion on one of the following:


UNOFFICAL welcome , and waiting for invite thread


Early Access 'Waves' - Updating Here


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