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16/25/0, my new Favo-spec! (from my post in Knight-forum)


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Ok, so I specced this last nite and did about 10 WZs.



Reason being that I wanted some of the damage in Vig but also not losing all the stuns I have when I run my usual 31 in defence. I love Awe, Stasis Mastery and Hilt Strike but never feel I have what it takes to bring the pain in PvP with full Def-spec. I run Soresu almost exclusively on account of Guard being so defining of what we are as Guardians.

I have 2 pieces from War Leaders just to get the +1 sec to Stasis, I think that Stasis Mastery + MS is one of the best ways to quickly bringing someone towards Dispatch-range.


I love it, played out pretty much as I had hoped it would. OHS is powerful, the low Cooldown is a real treat and having Blade Storm and (oh so lovely) Dispatch with On-demand crit is excite.

Unremitting and stagger + MS or Stasis Mastery + MS works really well when you want to get that healers full attention, usually you have some crap hanging on you and Gather Strength will be up for even more goodness.


Survivability is real good, I feel Vig tree offers many good talents for PvP-tanking where mobility is so important. Unremitting is such a key talent if one wants to be serious in PvP on account of Force Leap being one of our core-moves for mobility and Focus-generation.

Focus was coming good and constant (defiance Bringing it!) Never felt like I was missing out from Cyclonic Sweep, for those moments when burst was demanded AND CD's were up, Combat Focus was there and the cycle could begin.


Was alone on one of the nodes on Novarra coast, ppl had died off and it as me vs 4-5 imps. I knew I was going down but I wanted to hold the line as long as possible.

Was about 50-60% and popped EVERYTHING; Warding Call, Saber Ward, Enure, Health Pack and that new Force defence.

Focus Fire be damned!

I threw down Freezing Force, Awe and then proceeded to Stasis, push and disrupt as much as possible without burning focus.

Saw 3 Reps cresting and blew AOE-taunt before going down.


I felt Epic and Awesome, just as one should in the role of a Tanking Guardian.


Feel good about where Guardians are atm, only have 2 BM-pieces and the rest is a mix of Cent and Champ so I can only see an improvement from here (that being said, ppl are getting gear at faster rate than me so this might not be true at all :) ).

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Honestly I'm finding sitting in Soresu pretty pointless right now, it's worth it maybe 5/10% of the time and the rest I just sit in Shien, I tank far better using taunts, push and big lumps of single target Vigilance thrown at the target attacking my healer.


Guard just gets me killed faster when I could just be dealing big lumps of damage at the target that's ignoring me because they believe the hype about Guardians not dealing damage.

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Ok, so I specced this last nite and did about 10 WZs.





I love it, played out pretty much as I had hoped it would. OHS is powerful, the low Cooldown is a real treat and having Blade Storm and (oh so lovely) Dispatch with On-demand crit is excite.

Unremitting and stagger + MS or Stasis Mastery + MS works really well when you want to get that healers full attention, usually you have some crap hanging on you and Gather Strength will be up for even more goodness.



Was alone on one of the nodes on Novarra coast, ppl had died off and it as me vs 4-5 imps. I knew I was going down but I wanted to hold the line as long as possible.

Was about 50-60% and popped EVERYTHING; Warding Call, Saber Ward, Enure, Health Pack and that new Force defence.

Focus Fire be damned!

I threw down Freezing Force, Awe and then proceeded to Stasis, push and disrupt as much as possible without burning focus.

Saw 3 Reps cresting and blew AOE-taunt before going down.


I felt Epic and Awesome, just as one should in the role of a Tanking Guardian.


not be true at all :) ).



Thats Awesome .. and im not here to refute that if it works for you great.. but i can pull that same feat being 4/33/4 with vigilance with doing a little stance dance---combat focus-- saberward- FD--health pack- enure -- awe-- and id prolly end up with the same result and maybe a littie more if wanted to do damage or just go down.


but i think its great you found somehting you like ... but the gaurdian is a ver flexible class that at one GCD we can go from 34% dmg reduction and 4% elemental/internal to 51%+ DMG red adn 10%+ elemental and with FD have over 65% DMG red and pver 25% elemental and as you alluded to dont let us pop saber ward while FD is up and we are in soresu.. practically good game as we increase dmg mitigation even more.


im glad it feels heroic .. i tend to feel more heroic when im smakcing things around and i see a big grp of imps and i switch into soresu .. lol makes me feel like a jeedi master all of a sudden that i can just go from one form to the other effectively.


one thing you have for you that im sure helps is is warding call.. but is such a long CD BH shield are 2min.. so thats what has deterred me from that type of spec.

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do you still run this spec in soresu or shien? if soresu why not spend the point in something else? seems like a waste of a point to me....


Nothing wrong with picking Shien in the build.

You should be rotating your stances anyway depending on what the situation requires. Sitting in just one stance 24/7 makes you just less flexible and reduces your performance.

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been using a similar build since 1.2 and its really nice.


i play with dps gear and in soresu form.


poping all defencive abils makes you very very hard nut to crack for a bit :)


having specced to overhead slash and free sweep is a nice bit of dmg on top :)

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Yep, mostly Deeps-gear on me, 2 pcs Warleader for stasis but otherwise as much dps-stats as possible.

Warding call is awesome in those situations when you need to take the pain. You, your guarded healer bud and 3-4 imps in Void, 10 seconds is make or break for that bomb to be planted.

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Profound resolution: I seldom go at it alone, usually have guard up on a healer whom I guard-leap/taunt for whenever he/she is under fire, my job is to protect either him or whomever gets below 50% and FF.

I usually get a lot of heals since I care for my healing buds and I mostly just eat whatever CC they throw at me, I wants that full resolve bar, only time I feel safe using some of my abilities.

So, I mostly find myself using it in complete panic-situation, me being last man standing etc.

ALWAYS on cd when I need it and I play it cool with that.


Pacification was good before when Swelling winds was mandatory, 38% on Sweep was awesome, true. Now though? Without that 20% I see no use for it at all and 10% Defence (riposte proc) is nothing to scoff at when you need to live just a li'l bit longer.


Just how I play I suppose, Survivability-Mobility-DPS, in that order. New build for me and Im gonna do some HM to see how it fares in the tank-role, love all the feedback and input!

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i just started playing pub side, have a 14 guard now but I've watched tons of pvp vids on the diff builds both pre and post 1.2. The tank builds seem more of the 'im not doing much to you, but i'm doing a lot for my team' aspect. Leap in, aoe taunt, piss people off and keep them focused on you. I played tank classes in a few other mmos and loved just being a tank in pvp, full tank gear and spec to go with it. Treated the players as 'super hard pve mobs' (even though some actual pve mobs are smarter than some of the players out there)


But what I love about this game's taunts in pvp, is they actually do something. Lower the dmg the target does to anyone other than you? Thats just gravy. Also helps getting a medal =)

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