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Need help vs. IA

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Maybe it's because my level is too low and I only have one stun break (tenacity) but I got nothing against IA's. I can't get out of stun...it seems like they have an endless supply and they just knife me up. Plus tenacity is a 2 min cd and so most of the time when they get to me i've already used it so I'm pretty much toast unless someone is around to help me. Even then it's not enough because they'll just stay on me until i'm dead most of the time even if it costs them their own life afterwards.


Will I get some more stun breaks or something to knock them away from me when I get to be a higher level?


I'm level 25 with 25 valor so I'm not a total noob lol


I'm sure I'll get some L2P flame but I'm just looking for help.



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