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Pyrotech as PVE Spec?


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Pyro mercs show just under arsenal in dps when the targets health is above 30% when under pyro will out perform the arsenal merc due to Burnout which is all of your dots doing 30% more damage when the target is under 30% max Hp.

Pyro also out performs the Arsenal spec when it comes to dpsing on the move. That being said Arsenal will out perform the Pyro spec in burst damage and limited window burn phases like Soa 3rd phase and Kephess's battle walker and Arsenal has much better heat management. All in all they are both pretty much equal in dps with Arsenal showing up pyro in some situations and pyro showing up arsenal in some situations. the main question is are you the only dps merc in your guild if so I would stay arsenal for the Heat signatures Armor debuff cause that will help the raid more then a pyro merc would. If you arent the only Merc dps then consider giving pyro a try the flexibility of Pyro's dps is very useful for raids.


Note: my main is a Merc who was arsenal spec through EV/KP Nightmare and EC Storymode. He is now Pyro 12/14 HM and Nightmare KP cleared with no enrage timers hit( only merc in the KP NiM run). Gear is 10/12 Rakata, Columi Earpiece, and BH Helm.

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I've been playing my Merc as Pyrotech since lvl 10 (before 1.2) it's about lvl 45 now and I really like it a lot. Fusion Missile + Blaster Sweep mows down groups of standard NPCs in 2 moves. Strong and Elite mobs are no trouble and with a healer comp I can burn down Champ NPCs solo. Once you get the hang of it it is an awesome spec, those free armor-penetrating Railshots are nice and crits hit like a truck. (The main mechanic is that Unload and Powershot have a chance to reset Railshot which then vents heat.)

It's also a great spec for PvP. So far I've got 31 Pyro and 5 Arsenal with all points in damage rather than defense or stealth detection abilities & a mix of critical and overkill gear.


This is what I've got so far http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300ZMcZfhrbzGhrs.1 you get the idea.



Do you ever use DFA? If not, what is your first attack against a mob? I still use DFA against mobs then mow them down with Sweeping Blasters dealing with the stragglers last

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Do you ever use DFA? If not, what is your first attack against a mob? I still use DFA against mobs then mow them down with Sweeping Blasters dealing with the stragglers last


Yeah of course you can use either. DFA is usually enough to take out a group of normal MOBs by itself, the thing is DFA has a relatively long cooldown but Fusion Missile has a long cast time and a shorter cooldown, so I often end up using it as an opener so I'm not taking hits while activating it ( or when DFA is on CD).

It depends on the MOBs, it gets dicey using AOE if you are fighting multiple elites and one or more is CC'd. You can hit an elite with Concussion Missile and take the others out with Incendiary, Railshot, Unload, Thermal and Powershot, so you don't break the CC. I'll usually save Electro Dart, Fusion and DFA to finish off the last Elite.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I did a few hard modes with Pyrotech. It gives me very little heat issues surprisingly. I think i did around 1200-1280 dps on a few fights and was able to beat out other better dps classes. I find though the rotation is rather clunky to me and not as fluid as arsenals rotation is. Maybe i need to give it more time to let it grow on me but i do favor arsenal more still.


Stacking crit does help, so keep all the crit you can. More crits = more thermal sensor over rides, which gives a free ability ever 30-45 seconds, plus more damage.


My spec is roughly http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000cZMckZcGMbdGhrs.1 The 2 pts in infrared sensors barely helps, but you wont need the extra heat refund from improved vents if you manage heat correctly

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Based on some preliminary testing pyro does a little less than arsenal. Both are quite brainless dps though... I never did much like dps roles tbh. :) Can't give exact numbers, so far I'd venture a guess of 5-10% less dps than arsenal.
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Based on some preliminary testing pyro does a little less than arsenal. Both are quite brainless dps though... I never did much like dps roles tbh. :) Can't give exact numbers, so far I'd venture a guess of 5-10% less dps than arsenal.



Depends if you're taking into account:


A) Armor reduction from Tracer or Sundering Assult


B) Burnout which is the soft execute for the Pyrotech.

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