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Just Bought Game 2 Days Ago and I'm not Liking it at All/Here is Why


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Hello fellow gamers,(if you want to skip to the disgruntled portion go straight to paragraph 3)


I'm a long time gamer from back in Everquest days, and I have played SWG for 6 years, WoW for 5.5 years, and many other MMO's. I had originally pre-ordered this game but had to cancel due to real life circumstances and didn't have time to dedicate to it or the money at the time.


Fast forward to now and I'm finally in a place where i can play it and enjoy it so i bought the game at gamestop on Saturday afternoon. I installed it Sunday and updated everything and then proceeded to play for 9 hours straight. Yesterday I played another 7-8 hours and I just got done playing about 3 hours today. A lot of that time was spent just taking it all in and exploring, doing every quest i could get my hands on and reading about skills and talent points etc.


Here are some problems that I'm already getting tired of and probably will make me not renew my 30 day subscription. I didn't choose a heavily pop server cause i read about the problems fatman was having with que times and whatnot. At the same time I didn't want to choose a low pop server so I chose one in the middle and thought I had made a great choice.

Well for the first 10 levels I saw maybe 15 people at the most and it was next to impossible to find a group to do the 2+ man heroic on the starter planet. So I move on from that area to the next one and I do see a few more people but again can't find anyone to do the 2+ heroics. In fact I watched chat and hardly see anyone talking at all. I've seen maybe 5 people out of the 20 hours I've been playing say anything. One guy asked about when he got his first pet, someone else asked about talent trees, and I saw someone ask about where a particular mission was. That was pretty much it, and I saw no one on trade channel and I got zero responses from anyone when I asked about grouping for the 2+ heroic.


I feel like I bought a solo game and that's not what I paid for. I realize I'm not yet high enough level to have experienced even 10% of the entire game but so far it is boring and I just run around and see no interaction at all.


I will give it a few more levels but honestly if it don't get any better I'll be cancelling my subscription and chalk the whole experience up to I tried it and it wasn't for me. I love Star Wars and I loved SWG pre NGE but I don't feel any epic experience with this game so far.

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You need to roll a new character on a server marked Heavy, trust me - I've rerolled onto Canderous Odo, never had a queue, and rarely have an issue finding people to do groups and flashpoints (dungeon runs).


Trust me, you will feel like it's a multiplayer game if you roll on Canderous or Fatman

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Hero +2 just slows you down. They are filler content for people who want to do something with a group feel. Like every other MMO you have played the game starts at 50 once the majority of the server population hits cap.




This gane is designed to start at level 1, not max level. This game is all about story - if story and an interactive cinema style doesn't intrigue you, this game isn't for you.

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You either spend 30 minutes looking for a group, or you're like me and spend 30 minutes in a queue to log in. it sucks.



I agree with the OP.



I'd love to see them expand the capacity of the servers and lower the number of servers they do have, This would allow them to be more populated. Higher population servers are always better for everyone. the only exception to this is for people who have lower end systems.

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Yup, Bioware needs to throw in more incentive to group up. I peronsally think the main problem with groups is no one WANTS to do it. Sure some servers are low pop (which doesnt help) but most are still medium ... it shouldnt be this hard! Specially in this fairly new game


I for one dont even bother unless I just happen to be at the fleet and see an LFG spam. Otherwise why go out of my way traveling, waiting for group, and risk a bad experience when I can just as easily gain xp and decent upgrades by soloing?

Edited by MasterKayote
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Well I understand you saying that the 2+ instances are a waste of time and slow you down, but I bought the game hoping to experience everything and when I'm leveling up and get a 2+ quest, I feel like I'm missing out by not doing it.


Anyway, I wish there weren't 5 billion servers and they should consolidate some so I can see more than 15 people on at a time :(

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Hello fellow gamers,(if you want to skip to the disgruntled portion go straight to paragraph 3)


I'm a long time gamer from back in Everquest days, and I have played SWG for 6 years, WoW for 5.5 years, and many other MMO's. I had originally pre-ordered this game but had to cancel due to real life circumstances and didn't have time to dedicate to it or the money at the time.


Fast forward to now and I'm finally in a place where i can play it and enjoy it so i bought the game at gamestop on Saturday afternoon. I installed it Sunday and updated everything and then proceeded to play for 9 hours straight. Yesterday I played another 7-8 hours and I just got done playing about 3 hours today. A lot of that time was spent just taking it all in and exploring, doing every quest i could get my hands on and reading about skills and talent points etc.


Here are some problems that I'm already getting tired of and probably will make me not renew my 30 day subscription. I didn't choose a heavily pop server cause i read about the problems fatman was having with que times and whatnot. At the same time I didn't want to choose a low pop server so I chose one in the middle and thought I had made a great choice.

Well for the first 10 levels I saw maybe 15 people at the most and it was next to impossible to find a group to do the 2+ man heroic on the starter planet. So I move on from that area to the next one and I do see a few more people but again can't find anyone to do the 2+ heroics. In fact I watched chat and hardly see anyone talking at all. I've seen maybe 5 people out of the 20 hours I've been playing say anything. One guy asked about when he got his first pet, someone else asked about talent trees, and I saw someone ask about where a particular mission was. That was pretty much it, and I saw no one on trade channel and I got zero responses from anyone when I asked about grouping for the 2+ heroic.


I feel like I bought a solo game and that's not what I paid for. I realize I'm not yet high enough level to have experienced even 10% of the entire game but so far it is boring and I just run around and see no interaction at all.


I will give it a few more levels but honestly if it don't get any better I'll be cancelling my subscription and chalk the whole experience up to I tried it and it wasn't for me. I love Star Wars and I loved SWG pre NGE but I don't feel any epic experience with this game so far.


You chose a lighter popped server and are now upset there is noone to play with?


come to canderous ordo..


BTW hardly anyone rerolling does any of the heroics.. there are very few that are really worth doing and the time it takes to get a good group makes them not attractive. I personally just get an L50 guildy to run me.. and then do the same for their lowbies.


there is plenty going on socially on the fuller servers.. get into a guild.. get to 50 and raid and PVP..


enjoy the stories for what they are.. the story.. then at L50 the game becomes much more social.

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let me see if i have this right, OP didnt go to a heavy server nor a standard server and chose a light server on purpose, now is upset that on a light server there are very few people in there level bracket and blames the game for them picking a server that was nearly empty and in turn a solo game for them based on there choice of server which seems to be one of the overflow servers from launch.


Did i miss anything ?


I wouldnt mind but for the fact that you can see how heavy the server loads are at all times here http://www.swtor.com/server-status so you can see which servers have peak hours at your peak hours.

Edited by Shingara
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Hello fellow gamers,(if you want to skip to the disgruntled portion go straight to paragraph 3)


I'm a long time gamer from back in Everquest days, and I have played SWG for 6 years, WoW for 5.5 years, and many other MMO's. I had originally pre-ordered this game but had to cancel due to real life circumstances and didn't have time to dedicate to it or the money at the time.


Fast forward to now and I'm finally in a place where i can play it and enjoy it so i bought the game at gamestop on Saturday afternoon. I installed it Sunday and updated everything and then proceeded to play for 9 hours straight. Yesterday I played another 7-8 hours and I just got done playing about 3 hours today. A lot of that time was spent just taking it all in and exploring, doing every quest i could get my hands on and reading about skills and talent points etc.


Here are some problems that I'm already getting tired of and probably will make me not renew my 30 day subscription. I didn't choose a heavily pop server cause i read about the problems fatman was having with que times and whatnot. At the same time I didn't want to choose a low pop server so I chose one in the middle and thought I had made a great choice.

Well for the first 10 levels I saw maybe 15 people at the most and it was next to impossible to find a group to do the 2+ man heroic on the starter planet. So I move on from that area to the next one and I do see a few more people but again can't find anyone to do the 2+ heroics. In fact I watched chat and hardly see anyone talking at all. I've seen maybe 5 people out of the 20 hours I've been playing say anything. One guy asked about when he got his first pet, someone else asked about talent trees, and I saw someone ask about where a particular mission was. That was pretty much it, and I saw no one on trade channel and I got zero responses from anyone when I asked about grouping for the 2+ heroic.


I feel like I bought a solo game and that's not what I paid for. I realize I'm not yet high enough level to have experienced even 10% of the entire game but so far it is boring and I just run around and see no interaction at all.


I will give it a few more levels but honestly if it don't get any better I'll be cancelling my subscription and chalk the whole experience up to I tried it and it wasn't for me. I love Star Wars and I loved SWG pre NGE but I don't feel any epic experience with this game so far.


So, you chose a standard server over a heavy server because you were afraid of queues.... but no you complain because you can't find a group and this feels like a solo game? Really? Here's a hint that should be obvious... REROLL ON A HEAVY SERVER!




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You either spend 30 minutes looking for a group, or you're like me and spend 30 minutes in a queue to log in. it sucks.



I agree with the OP.



I'd love to see them expand the capacity of the servers and lower the number of servers they do have, This would allow them to be more populated. Higher population servers are always better for everyone. the only exception to this is for people who have lower end systems.


Or you could reroll on Jedi Covenant, Canderous ordo, etc and have the best of both worlds. Rarely ever a queue and players, players every where.

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Hero +2 just slows you down. They are filler content for people who want to do something with a group feel. Like every other MMO you have played the game starts at 50 once the majority of the server population hits cap.




So I have yet to start the game since my highest is only Trooper 35. I guess my 33 Sage, 27 Smuggler, 25 Guardian, 24 Inquisitor, etc also havent started the game yet?


Regarding Heroics 2: I always leave the heroics for last before I leave the planet, this way I've been able to solo ALL H2's on 7 out of my 8 characters, not on my Sith Warrior because he's still level 1.


Someone gave me a tip back in December to leave the H2's and H4's and that training droid quest on the starter planets for when you get your companion. On a few classes I was even able to solo all or part of the H4's on the starter worlds.


Anyhow, these days even on Red Eclipse, which is pretty crowded, you can spend a while searching for Heroic/FlashPoint groups. Last night on Balmorra someone was complaning in general about looking for a group for over 40 minutes. Last weekend I spend over an hour searching for a group to do Cademimu on my Trooper because it blocked me from doing The Jedi Prisoner FlashPoint. Right when I was about to give up I got a invite from a group.


I fear this is the nature of the beast, as the population levels up the lower level planets will become more and more empty. What you could do is take the shuttle to Fleet and form the group there, you'll also have more chance of catching high level players with alts wanting to do the same content as you but don't feel like "wasting time looking for a group while they could craft on a higher level character and make money".


Edit to add:

Well I understand you saying that the 2+ instances are a waste of time and slow you down, but I bought the game hoping to experience everything and when I'm leveling up and get a 2+ quest, I feel like I'm missing out by not doing it.

Also some of the H2/H4 quests give some nice rewards for players just starting out.

Edited by DJvGalen
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let me see if i have this right, OP didnt go to a heavy server nor a standard server and chose a light server on purpose, now is upset that on a light server there are very few people in there level bracket and blames the game for them picking a server that was nearly empty and in turn a solo game for them based on there choice of server which seems to be one of the overflow servers from launch.


Did i miss anything ?


Yes you missed the part where the OP said they didn't roll on a low pop server, and instead chose one in the middle.


But a message to the OP: It is very easy to run the starter planet 2+ once you get your companion. As for your capital world and your fleet heroics/FPs, you can skip them and come back and solo them or wait til evening to find one or more others to run with.


The game is still getting the kinks out and the more feedback you can provide to BW, the better. And if you want the MMO experience, you need to find an active guild and join it. Solo'ing an MMO isn't any way to get that social effect you seem to desire.

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You need to roll a new character on a server marked Heavy, trust me - I've rerolled onto Canderous Odo, never had a queue, and rarely have an issue finding people to do groups and flashpoints (dungeon runs).


Trust me, you will feel like it's a multiplayer game if you roll on Canderous or Fatman



I've been on Canderous Ordo from start (well I rolled a few other servers in Beta) and it was the best decision in my opion for PvE servers. It's right in the middle of Moderate to Very Heavy.


Seeing that you only been here for 2 days I'd just transfer to this server, or w/e server you want. Not much lost in 2 days.


Also OP....you do realize that people have jobs and or school right....maybe people are busy during the work week...?

Edited by Eillack
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Yes you missed the part where the OP said they didn't roll on a low pop server, and instead chose one in the middle.


But a message to the OP: It is very easy to run the starter planet 2+ once you get your companion. As for your capital world and your fleet heroics/FPs, you can skip them and come back and solo them or wait til evening to find one or more others to run with.


The game is still getting the kinks out and the more feedback you can provide to BW, the better. And if you want the MMO experience, you need to find an active guild and join it. Solo'ing an MMO isn't any way to get that social effect you seem to desire.


No whilst they said they chose a standard they obviously didnt or they wouldnt be making this topic would they...........

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They are just continuing the MMO trend away from challenge and multiplayer that WoW began.


You would think the game companies would realize by now that Blizzard is it's own genre. Every attempt to copy the kiddy-friendly WoW format has been a failure, usually collosally so.


The moral of the story: Blizzard is the root of all evil. They steal everyone else's ideas and make them so easy a 6 year old can play them. Because the people they are appealing to aren't gamers who have seen the titles they are mimicing they actually think Blizzard has had an orginal thought in it's existance. They also make so much money at running everyone else's ideas through a photocopier that the only way other companies can get funding is to attempt to copy the copiers.


WoW is to gaming what McDonald's is to fine food. It's fine if you want junk food, but it doesn't mean every other restaurant that comes after has to be a junk food restaurant. Gaming companies will realize this one day.


However, TOR is not a bad game. Give it a chance.

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Anyway, I wish there weren't 5 billion servers and they should consolidate some so I can see more than 15 people on at a time :(


You know people...there's been a spate of these supposedly 'new players' lately who seem awefully well versed in certain ongoing memes with this game...here this poster goes directly to server mergers. Quite suspicious for a new player.


So where are these 'new player' accounts coming from? How are they so knowledgeble about game issues in such a short span of time? I posited an answer to this question a few days ago, and now am growing convinced I'm right.


These are gold farming accounts, and the 'players' using them don't want to maintain working characters on low traffic servers. This person here could EASILY re-roll on a higher traffic server to solve his issue, but doesn't acknowledge that option...instead going straight for server merger which BENEFITS the gold farmers.

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I will give it a few more levels but honestly if it don't get any better I'll be cancelling my subscription and chalk the whole experience up to I tried it and it wasn't for me. I love Star Wars and I loved SWG pre NGE but I don't feel any epic experience with this game so far.


Well, there is your problem. Like me, you are stuck on enjoyed the sandbox games of the past.


Long story short: Sand box games are too open, too complex, and too time consuming for the small minded individuals that are gamers now adays. Instead of working for something, they expect instant gratification! Which is why those ballsy companies that dry to rez the dead style of the past (ex. Fallen Earth) tend to fail. Not because the game stinks, but because the players are just too dim witted and impatient. Which is also why you get the crappy cookie cutter theme-park mmos of today.


i know it sounds harsh, but just go back and you can see how MMOs have devolved to their present form.

Edited by -Sidac-
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