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Rakghoul Plague Outbreak Ended - Surprised by this?


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It would totally defeat the purpose of the entire event if they left the vendor up. During the event only could anyone buy what the vendor had. I would be ticked off if they left a vendor up afterward. Maybe do a little reading next time before hording your event currency until they are expired.
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It would totally defeat the purpose of the entire event if they left the vendor up. During the event only could anyone buy what the vendor had. I would be ticked off if they left a vendor up afterward. Maybe do a little reading next time before hording your event currency until they are expired.

I'm going to go ahead and translate this:


"You shouldn't be able to spend your earned DNA samples because I want my crap to be as rare and valuable as possible. See that bus? Get under it."

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Why would you be ticked off if they left the vendor up??????

What do you care?????

How does this affect you in game????


The items dont drop anymore (they arent supposed to anyways)

The quest lines have been closed.


Having this vendor back doesnt affect you at all....


Unless your hoarding crystals and hoping to sell them after/later for more.


Why are you guys so against this?? None of you in the 16 pages i read gave 1 good reason why. There have been pages of reasons why he should be up.

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I'm going to go ahead and translate this:


"You shouldn't be able to spend your earned DNA samples because I want my crap to be as rare and valuable as possible. See that bus? Get under it."


I'm going to translate your underlying meaning for the past number of your posts:


"I failed to do what I needed to in the time allotted and now I'm on the forums complaining about in hopes someone will hear my plea and correct my mistake and failures so I can feel better about myself."

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And for some of you, STOP asking people to hold your hand in life, and TRY to actually own your own life...


I'm sorry, I thought we were paying to play a game... you know, "for fun".


I stayed up until the servers went down so I spent all my DNA samples. However, things do pop up in RL and my butt won't hurt if someone was able to spend their samples the next day.


This world event was a blast. Unfortunately, BW again created some really fun and interesting content, only to leave off the final polish and anger it's paying customers. BW, please make the vendor available (if only temporarily) and break the *almost*-perfectly-thought-out pattern you've created.

Edited by Manahawkin
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There have been pages of reasons why he should be up.


The only reason given is "I didn't spend my DNA because I was hoarding it all instead of spending it as I could". That is is not a valid reason to keep the vendor up.


The reason the vendor should NOT be brought back right now is because the event is OVER. Bioware is following standard procedure of other mainstream MMOs in regards to how ending of events are handled.


You don't try and spend your fair tickets the day after the fair is over.

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I understand that some people want the vendor up so they can spend last minute DNA (or even worst selling it for extra high high price and gouge the market since you can't get it anymore) I think this might be one of the reason BW remove it. To prevent price gouging.


The other I believe is part of the event. No more Rakghoul no need to buy DNA (from vendor perspective) it was announce all over in short of having RED letter flash in the middle of the screen with a count down meter.


I understand this is a game, but if everything is handed to you (which almost is consider it was on the splash login screen) and if you just skip it and click play, I can't but feel sorry for you. :(

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bla bla bla bla...... I would be ticked off if they left a vendor up afterward. ...bla bla bla bla.


Wow, there are actually quite a few people who WOULD be ticked off had the vendor been up still??? Really? Are all those people like 5 year olds? Because that is exactly how I would expect little kids to feel. "I got my lollypop and you cant have any...na na na na na....."

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Wow. I knew they were going to end it but not pull the vendor. Usually vendors stay a long while after events end... that is in other games....

And this is the essential point.


We just want to spend our earned DNA samples.


No harm done.

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I made my case. You just said I was wrong. Your turn. "You're wrong" doesn't cut it.
I don't have anything to prove. I'm saying that there is no basis for your scenario, no evidence that it's realistic. A lack of evidence, by it's very nature, supports my position.


You're the one who's claiming it's an accurate scenario. it falls to you to demonstrate that.

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And this is the essential point.


We just want to spend our earned DNA samples.


No harm done.


There are some harm to the player economy ;) the item cannot longer be obtain anymore, leaving the vendor in will create a "inflated market" for unscrupulous people who want to sell DNA for 10k a piece (why not, can't get it anymore) people who still have 200 or whatever will be tempted to sell it.


This may cause a different group of people to cry out saying it is not fair to have an item that is no longer obtainable and can be traded. People will complain one form or another. I think you should just bank it for now and maybe it will come back (more than likely on another planet I'm hoping)

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Do you even read the pages or just claim to; here are several reasons for those of you too lazy to read the posts but eager to post more ignorance.


-They had a RL issue come up where they were unexpectedly unable to turn it in for whatever reason.

(Funeral <-mine, grounded, work/job emergency, didnt read the notes, unknown that vendor was gone too)

-They were unable to turn it in because they play on a pvp server and its in a pvp open fighting area and one side wouldnt let the other side use it (you think its unlikely but for sure it happened on my server the last day)

-They lost internet/power/cable the last few days ( i do know someone this happened to)


There is several reasons why they didnt get it done. now someone explain to me a valid reason why they shouldnt add the vendor for a week? Tell me how this hurts you?


Remember nobody here is asking for the quests to be active or world bosses respawned just the vendor. You might have gotten all the joy you wanted while the event was up, but why forsake the others who didnt?

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There are some harm to the player economy ;) the item cannot longer be obtain anymore, leaving the vendor in will create a "inflated market" for unscrupulous people who want to sell DNA for 10k a piece (why not, can't get it anymore) people who still have 200 or whatever will be tempted to sell it.


This may cause a different group of people to cry out saying it is not fair to have an item that is no longer obtainable and can be traded. People will complain one form or another. I think you should just bank it for now and maybe it will come back (more than likely on another planet I'm hoping)

Fair enough.




It's not a deal breaker for me. It's good to see someone who disagrees, yet understands the other side of the argument accurately.

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Do you even read the pages or just claim to; here are several reasons for those of you too lazy to read the posts but eager to post more ignorance.


-They had a RL issue come up where they were unexpectedly unable to turn it in for whatever reason.

(Funeral <-mine, grounded, work/job emergency, didnt read the notes, unknown that vendor was gone too)

-They were unable to turn it in because they play on a pvp server and its in a pvp open fighting area and one side wouldnt let the other side use it (you think its unlikely but for sure it happened on my server the last day)

-They lost internet/power/cable the last few days ( i do know someone this happened to)


There is several reasons why they didnt get it done. now someone explain to me a valid reason why they shouldnt add the vendor for a week? Tell me how this hurts you?

because they made the date of the event's conclusion perfectly clear, stated that we would need to complete all the event content before that date, and Bioeare should not cater to entitled, self-important users who cannot bother to inform themselves about the game when the developers go to the trouble of making information readily available.
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Do you even read the pages or just claim to; here are several reasons for those of you too lazy to read the posts but eager to post more ignorance.


-They had a RL issue come up where they were unexpectedly unable to turn it in for whatever reason.

(Funeral <-mine, grounded, work/job emergency, didnt read the notes, unknown that vendor was gone too)

-They were unable to turn it in because they play on a pvp server and its in a pvp open fighting area and one side wouldnt let the other side use it (you think its unlikely but for sure it happened on my server the last day)

-They lost internet/power/cable the last few days ( i do know someone this happened to)


There is several reasons why they didnt get it done. now someone explain to me a valid reason why they shouldnt add the vendor for a week? Tell me how this hurts you?


Remember nobody here is asking for the quests to be active or world bosses respawned just the vendor. You might have gotten all the joy you wanted while the event was up, but why forsake the others who didnt?


A valid reason for not adding it back in?


Cause it''s over. No other reason is needed. It was told and repeated when the event would end.


You don't go back into best buy on Sunday and say, "Hey I was at a funeral and missed the special sales that ended yesterday. Start them up again so I can get the same deal."


That doesn't happen and nor should it. Timed event is timed. You missed it.


The special is over. You're done.

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In Everquest for example they leave vendors up weeks if not months or years after events end. They discontinue the storyline and quest items, but if you happen to be on the last step they dont begrudge you that because you did what was needed to get the reward.


Some people here myself included that the vendor would not be removed as soon as the event ended. You can tell me blizzard does this and whatever does that. But this is not blizzard nor is it everquest or any other company or game. We are just asking that the vendor be temporary added to like the space station or some other non pvp area for a reasonable amount of time like a week and then removed.


I dont feel this is an unreasonable request at all. Specifically because the quest did end so upruptly and recently. You can say it was in the forums or people on your server said blah blah. But obviously some people were unaware and unhappy.

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Do you even read the pages or just claim to; here are several reasons for those of you too lazy to read the posts but eager to post more ignorance.


-They had a RL issue come up where they were unexpectedly unable to turn it in for whatever reason.

(Funeral <-mine, grounded, work/job emergency, didnt read the notes, unknown that vendor was gone too)

-They were unable to turn it in because they play on a pvp server and its in a pvp open fighting area and one side wouldnt let the other side use it (you think its unlikely but for sure it happened on my server the last day)

-They lost internet/power/cable the last few days ( i do know someone this happened to)


There is several reasons why they didnt get it done. now someone explain to me a valid reason why they shouldnt add the vendor for a week? Tell me how this hurts you?


Remember nobody here is asking for the quests to be active or world bosses respawned just the vendor. You might have gotten all the joy you wanted while the event was up, but why forsake the others who didnt?


Where does it stop? what if they lost massive power for 2 months and have over 600 DNA. Do you leave the vendor up for 3 months so someone can get to it?


Real life happens. It is like asking Santa to stay in their booth after Dec 25th in the mall cause someone is too busy to take their kid for a photo during the allotted time. Or asking a store to accept expired coupons (a week later) to buy a product that is no longer for sale (in this case green/black crystals and companion skins)


It was a timed event and if real life gets in the way, too bad. I only notice the event AFTER the 2nd day and could rejoin until the 7th day due to work. Oh well. I could have gotten tons of companion skin (duplicate) but I got only 6 skins which for republic character which I don't have luck of the draw. I still have at least 40 more due to last minute farming but lost internet and decides to sleep so didn't cash in. I am not asking for a vendor cause RL trump game. If I miss it, I miss it.

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because they made the date of the event's conclusion perfectly clear, stated that we would need to complete all the event content before that date, and Bioeare should not cater to entitled, self-important users who cannot bother to inform themselves about the game when the developers go to the trouble of making information readily available.


This was only if you took the time to go to the website outside of the game to find this information. I did not see ingame that this was going to end until i logged on today to find its not there. All I ask is there needs to be better communication ingame for those with limited time to play.

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