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Rakghoul Plague Outbreak Ended - Surprised by this?


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They put up the end date of the event in a sticky on the 2nd day of the event. That is one hell of a 6 day window if you ask me. If you did not check the forums (The MAIN way BW communicates with its players) its your own damn fault.


Really?? that's the MAIN way of communicating with the playerbase? What a failed communication method, since it is a GIVEN that the vast majority of players dont use the site/forums.

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Really?? that's the MAIN way of communicating with the playerbase? What a failed communication method, since it is a GIVEN that the vast majority of players dont use the site/forums.



>Spam in game messages about plague event every 2 mins on fleet for a week.

>Make a forum post about vendor going away 3 days before it does.

>Forums are the main way of communicating.

Edited by Partyrockk
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From reading the people arguing against it. It's clear that they are the few people who hoarded a bunch of crystals and intend to sell them later and if the vendor comes back they might not sell for as much. That or they just want others to be as unhappy as they are. Not one decent arguement why the vendor shouldnt be brought back yet.
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this was a surprise event,and was up to you,the player to figure it all out. if you were to lazy to do a bit of research on it,then dont complain.:p


Exactly. I'm sure the event will come around again, so just hold onto your DNA's.

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I only participated in the event yesterday. I went and did the quests/dailies for it and then got inffected and blew up until I had enough for the green/black pvp crystal. Anyone that had more DNA than that and was not able to buy the rewards they wanted simply procrastinated for to long and paid the price for it. Next time an event rolls around spend the marks as you get them and you may enjoy the event more.
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Not surprised at all. Was announced on the forums multiple times, in game multiple times. Bioware made it very clear SHORT OF HAVING A NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT IN GAME that it was ending.


Not their fault you didn't keep yourself informed.


Haha, there you have it. You pointed out Biowares mistake.

There was no official information about when the event was going to end inside the game.

Only players chatting, not to be trusted, they can be agents of the Empire/Republic. :)


I feel Bioware should have made every player aware ingame of atleast the end date.

This could be spammed by the game itself as a whisper to the player on login until the event ended, or by ingame email from the Emperor or Satele.

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Until the game came down today for a patch announced yesterday you were able to accumulate dna samples. To spend those samples you had to go to the vendor in Tat . It was indicated that the special event would end this morning but there was no suggestion that the vendor would disappear. In fact, I died in Fleet today and received 5 dna samples. I have 171 samples to spend witth the vendor. PLEASE restore the vendor in Tat or on the Fleet for a resonable time such at 5 days. Thank you
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Oh and the event had ended, the vendor gone, but of course you can still catch the plague and of course they are still selling the vaccine lol. Real consistent with an "End of Event" day.


This is the epitome of "assbackwards".


Further embarrassment for BW, but no need to complicate the actual issue of the vendor being gone.

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>Spam in game messages about plague event every 2 mins on fleet for a week.



Really, can you please give us the details of this message that spoke of the specifics and the vendor's disappearance?

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>IRL Job, and family events.

>Decides they are more important than playing SWToR for three days.



You also had the opportunity to spend the dna before those three days you were gone came up. You were lazy and just assumed that they would do something different and they didn't. Event is over the vendor left, no different then what happens once a month with DF or Lunar Festival, etc.....

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You also had the opportunity to spend the dna before those three days you were gone came up. You were lazy and just assumed that they would do something different and they didn't. Event is over the vendor left, no different then what happens once a month with DF or Lunar Festival, etc.....

Why would I assume the turn in vendor would be gone after the event ended? That's not normal. Why would a game leave me with all this useless currency?


OH! cause I'm supposed to subscribe for one more year to spend it. A subscription gimmick.


That is the story that will spread.


Just put the vendor back in so everyone is happy.

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See this is the funny thing... those who had unspent DNA want the vendor back because they were unaware of when the event ended and/or that the vendor woudl be taken away.


However, every single one of those same players had the ability to do 1 or both of the following, if they were unsure or wanted clarification about anything regarding the event:


* Visit the official website and find the info.

* Ask in game.


Clearly, none of these players did either of those, and because they did not, and instead decided to go with their assumptions, they are now upset because their assumptions were wrong. And because their assumptions were wrong, they want to put the blame on Bioware for their own inability to inform themselves.


You obviously know where the forums are, and how to use them.

Edited by jgoldsack
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had the ability

So like, if your cellphone carrier decided that those who didn't opt out of an extra 20 dollar charge for the month of April came back with the statement that you had the ability to go to the website or ask another subscriber to see that it was going to happen?


Naw, I'm sure you'd get behind your silly logic then. Your opinion is valid.



Edited by Partyrockk
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Obviously they didn't make it clear.


This is their first event, it was fun but there are some things that can be improved upon.


Leaving a vendor behind after the event for a week is not unheard of and does not damage the story line


Leaving the vendor behind for a while after the events, and making all event items BoP is pretty much common sense and standard practice in mmos.

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Why would I assume the turn in vendor would be gone after the event ended? That's not normal. Why would a game leave me with all this useless currency?
Um, yes it is normal. The vendor is part of the event. He appeared when the event began. Ergo, he would disappear when the event ended. You simply got burned because you made assumptions that turned out to be false. It's your own fault.
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So like, if your cellphone carrier decided that those who didn't opt out of an extra 20 dollar charge for the month of April came back with the statement that you had the ability to go to the website or ask another subscriber to see that it was going to happen?
Um yes, it happens fairly often ...
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Leaving the vendor behind for a while after the events, and making all event items BoP is pretty much common sense and standard practice in mmos.
No, it's not. Not for MMORPGs in general. And even if it is standard in other titles, that does not mean it will occur in SWTOR. You should not assume anything.
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