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Rakghoul Plague Outbreak Ended - Surprised by this?


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Why would anyone ever hoard a couple of hundred DNA samples? Everything on that vendor cost less than 90 samples. What were they waiting for?


To buy green/black crystals in hopes of hording them till a few weeks after the even and selling them to make a profit... ALOT of people did this

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>IRL Job, and family events.

>Decides they are more important than playing SWToR for three days.



it is ****** you had real life obligations..it sucks alot. but if you had real life stuff that was going to creep up. and from what you said it was pretty much constant ( family and what not) you should have spent them when you had enough to buy what you needed.. safer that way

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To buy green/black crystals in hopes of hording them till a few weeks after the even and selling them to make a profit... ALOT of people did this


Nothing stopping those players from buying the crystals as their DNA amounts afforded them.


Again, player fault.

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Have you played WoW? Every seasonal event is like that. Day after Noble Garden - chocolate eggs in your inventory disappear, vendor is gone etc. Same with the rest of the seasonal (ie limited time) events.


WoW does have an in-game calendar where you can check how long an event will last. Hopefully TOR will add something similar... eventually.

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On Daragon Trail, the "Pubs", led by "NEW HOPE" were camping the Vendor and killing all Imperials when they got near the hill..BUT the IMPERIALS rallied together (yes people even left the FLEET), and Destroyed the "Pubs".. It felt great to see such Unity and thus allowed Imperials to ALSO turn in their DNA.. People were even givinf away extras to help others get items.. It was a great event, brought the community together in ways that I have not seen in game before, SO great job BW!!

And PUBS dont start a fight you can't Finish :)

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That still does not make it Biowares fault you didn't spend them before the event ended.

It's BW's prerogative what they do with my point of view. It's also the point of view of thousands of silent players that don't care enough at this point to say anything.


I don't usually post or read the forums.


BW can take my complaint however they want. I've never complained on the forums, only discussed the fun aspects. I don't blame them for anything but a bad decision that happens to validly annoy me and other likes me.


The only reason to not put the vendor back in would be to keep a higher value on the items that were sold. So I get why players like you would want to keep this the way it is.


This is just a bad move from a public relations standpoint, so your opinion is useless to me. You simply want a rarer/more valuable item. I don't care if you think this situation is great, your motive is the only reason for your opinion.


There is no reason for BW to not add the vendor again. Players have DNA to spend. Put the vendor back in, or we've wasted our time.

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To buy green/black crystals in hopes of hording them till a few weeks after the even and selling them to make a profit... ALOT of people did this


i bought a crystal every time i hit 83 dna,and now have 7 of them. why the wait ? you could have bought them at any time...nobodys fault but your own.

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Wow, so about 10% at MOST got the message? Never knew it is a requirement when you play an MMO to be reading its forums on a daily basis for updates on INGAME content. Seriously, 10% of the playerbase being on the forum is actually GROSSLY exaggerated. And the updates were the night before?! lol Yea how could we be complaining!

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The only reason to not put the vendor back in would be to keep a higher value on the items that were sold. So I get why players like you would want to keep this the way it is.


This is just a bad move from a public relations standpoint, so your opinion is useless to me. You simply want a rarer/more valuable item. I don't care if you think this situation is great, your motive is the only reason for your opinion.


Why woudl my motive have anything to do with it? I got my crystals and pets that I wanted for my own characters. I got nothing to sell down the road. I just bought my things as I had the DNA for it, and didn't wait to have 400 DNA before I bought anything.


So again, just because YOU chose not to spend your DNA when you had the chance to spend it, it does not make it Biowares fault.


EDIT: And for the record I never said to not bring the vendor back. I also never said to NOT bring him back. I never stated any stance on that.

Edited by jgoldsack
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they announced last week it would end today,why so surprised? if you would have taken 30 seconds to visit this site you would have known this.


You do realize that at least 90% of the playerbase dont visit the forum or the site, right?

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You do realize that at least 90% of the playerbase dont visit the forum or the site, right?


nobodys fault but your own,its here to serve a purpose. and if 90% dont visit the forums,then how did they all figure out that the event was ending and there would be no vendor? i highly doubt your % is accurate.

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You do realize that at least 90% of the playerbase dont visit the forum or the site, right?

This is true but they could have put a message in the launcher in BIG RED LETTERS saying when the event was going to end and people would still complain they didn't get any warning.


I don't have any leftover DNA but I really don't see any harm in bringing the trader back for a week somewhere on the fleet.

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and 75% of statistics are made up.


and cliches dont prove a point. How far off do you think I am? You have prob about 1.7mil subscribers. How many you feel actually went on the website and read the update?

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Why woudl my motive have anything to do with it? I got my crystals and pets that I wanted for my own characters. I got nothing to sell down the road. I just bought my things as I had the DNA for it, and didn't wait to have 400 DNA before I bought anything.


So again, just because YOU chose not to spend your DNA when you had the chance to spend it, it does not make it Biowares fault.

I chose to spend my tokens after I got back today.


Event ending, in 99% of MMOs, means that you can't gain more event currency. It does not mean you can't spend the currency you acquired.


If BW was going to do something other than the standard, it should have been mentioned when the event started.


Regardless of justification, they need to bring the vendor back soon to save face in a community that more or less on the fence about renewing. Just from a PR standpoint. Let's face it, D3 is coming, and pissing off casuals is not a good move.


Not that you'll address anything I've just said beyond, "I knew and I cashed in. You should have to!"

Edited by Partyrockk
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I didn't know when the end of the event was, so when I was in game, I asked in general. And people told me when it ended. No forums required. I'm shocked at the level of crying on these forums about everything. Because people didn't take it upon themselves to literally spend 5 seconds asking when the end was, they'll come crying to the forums. I'm amazed at how people can't take responsibility for their actions.
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I chose to spend my tokens after I got back today.


Event ending, in 99% of MMOs, means that you can't gain more event currency. It does not mean you can't spend the currency you acquired.



So that must mean both WoW and SWTOR are in that same 1% of MMOs, because Blizzard does the same thing, and many times, goes even a step farther and removing unused currency from players.

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nobodys fault but your own,its here to serve a purpose. and if 90% dont visit the forums,then how did they all figure out that the event was ending and there would be no vendor? i highly doubt your % is accurate.


who is ALL? I see more people on this thread complaining of the same thing. This thread is but a fraction of the population but still very representative. So you think only the people who missed out are coming on the forum to complain? For every 1 complaint on this thread, I am pretty sure there are 1000s in the same boat.

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I didn't know when the end of the event was, so when I was in game, I asked in general. And people told me when it ended. No forums required. I'm shocked at the level of crying on these forums about everything. Because people didn't take it upon themselves to literally spend 5 seconds asking when the end was, they'll come crying to the forums. I'm amazed at how people can't take responsibility for their actions.


Truth. Heaven forbid people ask questions in game about the game. That woudl be crazy talk.

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This is true but they could have put a message in the launcher in BIG RED LETTERS saying when the event was going to end and people would still complain they didn't get any warning.


I don't have any leftover DNA but I really don't see any harm in bringing the trader back for a week somewhere on the fleet.


So you're saying that people, like me, DID see a clear message about this, and just chose to ignore it thinking that coming here to complain would automatically resolve the issue. Really? it is that easy to get one's way?


I log in the game every day for about an hour or so. I didnt see the message on the launcher. Frankly I dont pay attention. I usually load the game, switch screen or walk away while it is loading. I come back and login my character blindly and out of habit clicking the same buttons.


The point of "ending and event" is to stop the acquisition of the "special event" currency. Most people are not complaining that the event ended without them knowing or finding out about it. They are complaining that the vendor was removed.

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I was. 220 DNA samples. Little window for a warning would have been nice.


Put a vendor on the fleet for a week. Put way too much effort to get these. Now I need to flush em down the toilet with all of my Merc, Champion, and Centurion comms????



They put up the end date of the event in a sticky on the 2nd day of the event. That is one hell of a 6 day window if you ask me. If you did not check the forums (The MAIN way BW communicates with its players) its your own damn fault.

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I have to say, I thought it ended at the end of today, so am a little dissapointed...but it appears I didn't read the timings correctly, my own fault...oh well....no big deal, I had lots of fun during the event and actually joined in on the event late so happy to have gotten one crystal....now I have 46 DNA and 10 Vaccines....sure they will do this Rakghoul plague again though so into my vault they go:p
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Wow its amazing that even though bringing back the vendor affects none of you arguing against it your still here saying no dont do it. I dont have a good reason and this doesnt affect me in the slightest, but dont do it, we dont want them to be happy since clearly im not. So many trolls arguing something that doesnt affect them AT ALL!
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If BW doesn't reinstate the vendor, they're just agreeing with the players who would rather throw under the bus the players that are holding DNAs but don't play as much as them. There is no reason, beyond that fact, to not put the vendor back for some time.


Gonna be great for word of mouth.


GL with that.

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