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Griefing: Everyone's Problem


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Agreed. Too much Griefing for me. Happy?


Ironically, if you are a 'Care Bear' and wish to avoid Griefing: -----> PvP :D


So you posted literally hundreds of comments on the rakghoul complaint threat, repeatedly calling everyone who participated in the event as designed and intended "griefers." Now the event is over, and you are still complaining about it with dozens of posts a day. Were you planning on, you know, playing the game at all, or are you just going to complain about it until your subscription expires? For the life of me, I can't figure out why the moderators let this thread continue. The subject was beat to death with a thread that had four or five iterations it went on so long. Elhanan bought a massively multiplayer game that he wants to play as if it were single player.


I'm sorry, but Bioware isn't going to design a game to please less than 1 percent of the player base that never wants to interact with another player. It's just not going to happen. The player base of this game overwhelmingly disagrees with you on this. The event was extremely popular. If you want no interaction with other players, play a single player game. Let us enjoy our massively multiplayer experience.

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The Rakghoul Plague, well, there was vaccine, so not too bad.


The exploiting of AoE to flag another person is just that, an exploit. Report them for it, names, levels, class, AC, time, place, circumstances, and server, plus your information as well. Forced into PvP while you are questing and fighting a mob, is a cowardly way to "gain" a kill for lowly griefers, and is an exploit that does need to be rectified.


This exploit has been going on for months, or since BETA and or release.


Back on Hoth I was solo questing, attacked a mob with 2 Strong in it, as a tank I used an AoE (Wither) as did Khem, found myself dead ??? and Flagged PvP and saw 4 Republics leaving me. Bad enough I was engaged in a fight, worse they exploited me into PvP mode, worse still it took 4??? of them to kill me with a mob too? (that's why cowards and lowly, and without any honor). As I went around in the tunnels I noticed a lot of other single Imperials lying dead on the ground so it was not just me.


Fix the forced PvP Exploit, Please BW.


they fixed this months ago

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Not this particular incarnation of it, they didn't.


I had no problems with participating in the event, thought it was fun keeping an eye out for infected players and hiding from them, occasionally getting infected, exploding etc - all good fun.


The bit that WASN'T fun was being unwillingly flagged for PvP by a PvP-flagged infected player exploding on me. On a PvE server. Where PvP is meant to be totally consensual. But wasn't in this event. This is the part (exploit) I have a problem with. Not the event itself.

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Cmon this is silly. Unless they followed you around for half an hour its just a death in an MMO. You guys are sounding just a little bit too soft here.....


Some of the posts here sound like if the sensitive people on PvE servers get 'exposed' to some PvP they will just melt. Cmon, show a little backbone. :)


"Backbone" is not measured by PvP in a game. :)

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For some people it wasn't one death. They were corpse camped at the medic droid. It's a stupid bug and the same people who believe that exploiting a bug on a PVE server is ok, are likey the same people who thought heck why not after exploiting a bug and pvp flagging the guy corpse camp him at the rez spawn... Until he logs out in frustration.


Yup. On the first day of the event, I got caught up in the inadvertent flagging thing. Had no clue what happened at first and then I had to deal with the folks who were clustered around the res-spawn point. Finally QT'd out of there. It was like sharks on a bunch of minnows. A guildie got in a cycle of being ganked too and was pretty irked by it.


I don't want people who think that way to be able to impact my gaming experience. I'm not here arguing that there shouldn't be PvP servers, heck, make a server where it is completely open PvP even on your same faction, that way all these people who get off on it can all congregate there. There's no reason however that people who elect to play on PVE servers should be corpse camped at the rez spawn for something they did NOT consent to.


Quite so. I think an option in Preferences that can be ticked for "no flag" should be added. Then if you try to buff, heal etc. someone who is flagged, you get an error and if you wish to continue, you make the conscious CHOICE to flag yourself. Seems the best solution.

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Aye; to match the wits of our foes.... :D


Read a little that some are still infecting others; anyone get locations?


There is a small group on Frostclaw that continue to infect one and other. They are hedging their bets, I guess, that the vendor will return. They're keeping to themselves doing it though, not moving about trying to infect other folk.

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What griefing? All you had to do was take a rakghoul serum and you'd be immune to the plague.


Why should a player be forced to spend 2000 credit, because someone else finds it funny to infect them.


The Event IMHO was fine, the plague was stupid.

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There is a small group on Frostclaw that continue to infect one and other. They are hedging their bets, I guess, that the vendor will return. They're keeping to themselves doing it though, not moving about trying to infect other folk.


Well i was infected 4 times on Frostclaw in Warzones yesterday.

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Well i was infected 4 times on Frostclaw in Warzones yesterday.


Not surprising...there is a small but dedicated group. If that vendor does get put back in, I'll wager they are going to be selling at BIG prices.


I still have vaccine on some of my chars if you'd like me to send it along to you, I'd be happy to, just PM me with a char name and I'll shoot them along.

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You still have a Proton Torpedo in the tube if its blocking normal missiles, even if it says zero are left.


If your saying that infecting other players is attacking and trying to have it removed, or tweaked for PvE servers, then you need to lighten up.

It seems to me in this case you have fallen into the bracket of people that have a horrible emotional experience (ie, getting killed by other players a few times in a MMO) then go on the forums and whinge and cry about it and demand BW do something about it because they are valued customers (of a whopping $15/month).


Sure, maybe on a PvE server you should never, never, EVER be forced to combat another live person, but it seems to me that since its only happened a few times during this one event, going on and on about it is technically called whinging.


Why cant you just go "Well those guys totally found a way to kill me, and it kinda sucked for 20mins.".....and move on?


Not removed, but fixed so that it may not be exploited as it is currently. And for people to avoid the Rest Zones and the Fleet for such game play.


"Well, a guy hurled on my boots, and left me with a debt for needed vaccine while visiting the Fleet, and three others tried to do the same thing in the same week on or near Drommund Kass. This was kinda lacking fun for me the entire week."


@ Proton torps - No; if loaded, the reg missles do not seem to fire properly, and tis Lvl 50 credit sink is mostly for bonus damage. It seems to need a wider range of targets, and a different method for firing them.


One bad weapon for ships; another for Events.

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So you posted literally hundreds of comments on the rakghoul complaint threat, repeatedly calling everyone who participated in the event as designed and intended "griefers." Now the event is over, and you are still complaining about it with dozens of posts a day. Were you planning on, you know, playing the game at all, or are you just going to complain about it until your subscription expires? For the life of me, I can't figure out why the moderators let this thread continue. The subject was beat to death with a thread that had four or five iterations it went on so long. Elhanan bought a massively multiplayer game that he wants to play as if it were single player.


I'm sorry, but Bioware isn't going to design a game to please less than 1 percent of the player base that never wants to interact with another player. It's just not going to happen. The player base of this game overwhelmingly disagrees with you on this. The event was extremely popular. If you want no interaction with other players, play a single player game. Let us enjoy our massively multiplayer experience.


Nothing in my own play is done to interfere with the play of others. However, Griefers must have victims.


The last series of threads were Event oriented; not mine, and I participated on them. This one is on Griefing; not just the Event.


If one does not want to interact with another Player, one may post on other threads, or Ignore me altogether. Let us enjoy posting on our m/p experience.

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Read this with a Cartman Voice:


Once... as a lvl35... I walked into an opposite faction base....*sniff*... by accident and... and a lvl50 NPC guard.. just shot me!! *sniff* My poor character was lying there *sniff*, I felt so terribly griefed, this is an outrage and must---stop. Traumatized for nearly a week, I couldn´t eat cheesy poofs and wrote several outraged letters to BW, how they dare to do this to me!

And then.. this scary Rakghoul plague.. my poor character.. he vomited and died, several times right in front of my eyes. This was sooo emotionally disturbing. I can´t... stand the pressure this game puts *sniff* on meee-heee-heee!!

:( :( :(

The Griefing must stop for god´s sake, or I´m off to play Hello Kitteee Online! ***** you guys, I´m go´in home

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Read this with a Cartman Voice:


Once... as a lvl35... I walked into an opposite faction base....*sniff*... by accident and... and a lvl50 NPC guard.. just shot me!! *sniff* My poor character was lying there *sniff*, I felt so terribly griefed, this is an outrage and must---stop. Traumatized for nearly a week, I couldn´t eat cheesy poofs and wrote several outraged letters to BW, how they dare to do this to me!

And then.. this scary Rakghoul plague.. my poor character.. he vomited and died, several times right in front of my eyes. This was sooo emotionally disturbing. I can´t... stand the pressure this game puts *sniff* on meee-heee-heee!!

:( :( :(

The Griefing must stop for god´s sake, or I´m off to play Hello Kitteee Online! ***** you guys, I´m go´in home


True talent, originality, and constructive insight is a rare sight these days; will hopfully see some later.... :rolleyes:

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They should have made the infected a third faction target-able by all including the guards. That would have been interesting. :p


Not a bad notion at all; just finished a small Mission where both hostile factions were squaring off each other. But I still believe that the diseased should have never reached the Fleet and Capitol worlds.


And I also like the idea of Always Off PvP Flag, though that is for the Techies to work out the knots,

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Sadly, people like the OP could not opt out and would likely hate this mechanic. This is a sad unfortunate side-effect of my preference, and I am explicitly saying this is in no way is directed against his/her enjoyment as that would be against the RoC.


Hated the event. But am fine with this mechanic that you propose it is no different than the pre-cata event with all the elementals invading the cities. I have no problem with it because it would probably be on a cycle of when to expect the invations so you could plan your other activies around the invations and have fun during the invations killing the invaders. Since it would be game controlled it would be more than fair and I wouldn't be at the mercy of some interweb warrior that is mad casue they were bullied in highschool. :rolleyes:

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Oh so you have finally come around and admitted that purposely infecting someone with the plague is a grief or a cheat? :D


/sarc :)


Nope but that apparently according to OP isn't the point of this thread. Greifing is and his desire for a response from BW. Well there it is.

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Nope but that apparently according to OP isn't the point of this thread. Greifing is and his desire for a response from BW. Well there it is.


We both know that response is really addressed at PvP. Specifically all the Speed hacks in Huttball. The tone of the message from BW really doesn't address the OPs issue or the purposely turnin on the PvP flag bug. ;)

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We both know that response is really addressed at PvP. Specifically all the Speed hacks in Huttball. The tone of the message from BW really doesn't address the OPs issue or the purposely turnin on the PvP flag bug. ;)


They talk about breaking rules. The examples they gave were mostly PvP related.


Thay included me in their Mission objectives, like some of the other bonus quests. Except, as another Player, I am supposed to grant permission. Note:



Again, this is about following the rules; not Griefing. It could be, but that has been debated.


OP had a rule in his quote but I couldn't get it to show. Point is he says rules are broken and here is BW's response to rule breaking. http://www.swtor.com/blog/action-bei...its-and-cheats

Edited by Tatebomb
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