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Guardian Hybrid 16/25/0 - anyone tried?


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I am usually Def-specced because I love Hiltstrike and Stasis Mastery but I feel the damage and cd on Guardian Strike is darn slow.

At work and have been thinking of a spec for some time now, will try but just wanna ask if someone has tried it out yet.




Basically all the goodies from Vig up to Overhead Slash, with mandatory Force Rush, forego tier 6 and invest the rest (16 pts) in Def.


What I wants is stasis mastery. I love that talent. I will miss Hilt but having at least 1 good stun will work for me.

I have 2 piece bonus from Warleader (1 sec xtra on Stasis) which makes it the best stun we have for all the reasons that I am sure you all know.


What I forego by investing the extra 5 pts in def?

-Zen and saber. Both very useful but I find myself usually doing the protecting more than anything, running in Soresu 24/7.


What Say them experts? Comments?

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Ye, might do that, point was basically to get to SM, ill fiddle with things laterz on - accuracy if gear wont give enough etc.


The build itself, viability?


I'd take the point out of pacification and put it into Blade Barricade.
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Dust storm is really annoying for def hybrids. Every time I have to put a point in it I wonder if I should put more just to make it useful.


Unless you like teeny tiny unreliable DoTs I'd grab Shien to make PvE less annoying. Limitless focus in a spec that doesn't really need it makes things die faster. Are you able to reliably use Riposte? I often forget to hit it in PvP which makes me feel bad but I comfort myself with the idea that its a waste without Lunge.

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I run 31/10/0 (probably switch to 31/8/2 if I stop being lazy) atm but after 1.2 I was looking at something like this. I mostly pvp so I really love the extra cc in hilt strike (plus it's nice for a threat bump in pve) and I'd miss that, I'd also miss the reduced cooldown on force push, and the extra attack of guardian slash.


Stasis mastery is a must have, I agree. I'd try to get a couple points into profound resolution (cc breaker). And you;ve got the good vig abilities. I'd be interested to hear how this works in actual play in terms of dps and any focus issues.

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Ok, so I specced this last nite and did about 10 WZs.



I love it, played out pretty much as I had hoped it would. OHS is powerful, the low Cooldown is a real treat and having Blade Storm and( oh so lovely) Dispatch with On-demand crit is excite.

Unremitting and stagger + MS or Stasis Mastery + MS works really well when you want to get that healers full attention, usually you have some crap hanging on you and Gather Strength will be up for even more goodness.


Survivability is real good, I feel Vig tree offers many good talents for PvP-tanking where mobility is so important.

Focus was coming good and constant (defiance Bringing it) Never felt like I was missing out from Cyclonic Sweep, for those moments when burst was demanded AND CD's were up, Combat Focus was there and the cycle could begin.

Was alone on one of the nodes on Novarra coast, ppl had died off and it as me vs 4-5 imps. I knew I was going down but I wanted to hold the line as long as possible.

Was about 50-60% and popped everything, Warding Call, Saber Ward, Enure, Health Pack and that new Force defence.

Focus Fire be damned, I threw down Freezing Force, Awe and then proceeded to Stasis, push and disrupt as much as possible without burning focus.

Saw 3 Reps cresting and blew AOE-taunt before going down.


I felt Epic and Awesome, just as one should in the role of a Def Guardian.

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It's kinda obvious really. ToR allows hybrid, so it's all about trade-offs.


I don't want to give up unremitting. I also know that if I go for plasma brand, it's a little to hard on focus generation. I actually tried.


So it's really Hilt Strike + Command vs Overhead Slash + Force Rush really, and the latter gives some good burst.

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I've been working on some variation of this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RRGzd0MZsMrMrhdzz.1

and I pretty much love the idea.. in practice I'm waffling on 2/2 Commanding Awe or 2/2 Blade Barrier. I'm too lazy to bust out the maths to see which has a better payoff, but I feel like the blade barrier wins out in 1v1 and on ease of use since I bladestorm like someone's gonna take it away from me.

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I've been working on some variation of this: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500RRGzd0MZsMrMrhdzz.1

and I pretty much love the idea.. in practice I'm waffling on 2/2 Commanding Awe or 2/2 Blade Barrier. I'm too lazy to bust out the maths to see which has a better payoff, but I feel like the blade barrier wins out in 1v1 and on ease of use since I bladestorm like someone's gonna take it away from me.


I would take the Point out of Solidified Force, It seems pointless... I would put that into commanding awe OR blade barricade.... Other than that it looks good.

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17/22/2 Blade Barrier/Commanding Awe/Swelling Winds or (BCS)



High Lights for the (BCS) build:

1. 30% Damage Reduction after Force Leap, Via "Unremitting stacked with Soresu Form & Commanding Awe"

2. 10% damage reduction (passive), Via "Soresu Form & Commanding Awe"

3. +28% Force Sweep Damage, Via "Pacification & Swelling Winds"

4. Free Force Sweep, Via "Effluence"

5. 9 Second Blade Storm, Via "Vigilance"

6. Blade Storm (DOT), Via "Buring Blade"

7. Bladed Barrier

8. Slash & Riposte +50% more damage (procced), Via "Gather Strength"

Edited by Nijraw
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I think I have tried every spec on my War Hero JK. . . and the 16/25/0 so far, is my favorite. Mostly because I like to stay in Sorseu and keep guard up. Its a class defining ability. We wont do as much damage as a well played Mara/sent but they cant mitigate others.


This hybrid build will not do as much damage as a full vig or focus spec, but it has more survivability, more utility, and enough damage to take out a healer if needed. Its also probably one of the better ball carriers in Huttball, and you can defend objectives very well. Get a healer buddy and guard him and the two of you become unstoppable.

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My brother has used a very similar build since launch (his first 50) and let me play on it a few times since i was comparing VG and Guardian. Absolutely loved it and even started grinding one to 50 even with multiple toons that were in their late 30s. Love the build and def love the class. Can't wait to have one of my own!
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