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will this build work?


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the premise is to use ion cell but still have functionality of the assault tree. You gain storm and several other great pvp talents while maintaining the burn effects from assault spec. Ion pulse allows your burn cell's fire proc so those talents are still viable. I'm only level 23 but i've tested the ion pulse and it does do the burn attack in ion cells *tank* stance. thoughts?

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actually your using ion cell the plasma cell's fire effect is applied every time you use ion surge.


...that's... not true. By "Ion Surge", I assume you're talking about "Ion Pulse". The talent Ionized Ignition activates Plasma Cell if active. So if you have Ion Cell up, you're not getting Plasma Cell's burn effect.


Additionally, this is kind of an awkward build that I don't think would work well. Most of Assault's lower-tier talents rely on Plasma Cell's burn effect, so by using Ion Cell you're missing out on those. Tactics can mesh fairly well with Shield, but Assault requires Plasma Cell.

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the premise is to use ion cell but still have functionality of the assault tree. You gain storm and several other great pvp talents while maintaining the burn effects from assault spec. Ion pulse allows your burn cell's fire proc so those talents are still viable. I'm only level 23 but i've tested the ion pulse and it does do the burn attack in ion cells *tank* stance. thoughts?


You're missing several really nice aggro holding talents. As mentioned above splitting your talents between multiple cells reduces the effectiveness of each, but if you can make it work go for it.

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ok first off thanks or correcting me on the spell name


ion pulse WILL apply the burn effect. I know because i've done it in ion cell's stance in pvp. which is why i only went so far and didn't take any talents that required the actual cell to be active. ion pulse when you have 3 talents into the first tier talent gives 100% chance to apply the burn effect and i've confirmed it works. i've run pvp strictly in ion cell's stance and applied the burn effect to my target every time i use ion pulse. Also with points in the tank tree you double apply that effect as well so your getting 2 dots with 1 spell. add in the 30 meter range fire dot with 11 talents and you have 3 burn effects up while running in to hit with stockstrike.

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well the talent clearly reads it'll apply the burn effect if the cell is present but in practice it still applies the effect even in ion cells stance. This means that either the tooltip is wrong or its a bug and is not supposed to work this way.interesting maybe vanguards will recieve a "nerf"
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