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enough with the lazy route Bio, too many speak alien gibberish


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So run into a chiss on Hoth...he speaks gibberish..you can ask him about it..says he was stationed in hutt town or some crap..fine..whatever..


but then you run into another chiss woman...speaking the same stupid gibberish...hmmm..ok


across the room is yet ANOTHER chiss woman..speaking the same stupid gibberish.


guess the Chiss that was the oddball speaking huttese (again you can even ask why he's speaking it) had these two other women on assignment with him for all those years so they do too?


and it's not just that...Twi'lek's speaking the same gibberish as rodians and whatnot.


so this is the touted "fully voiced" MMO dialogue huh?


lazy. plain and simple.

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well some speach non-native laguages due to upbring, like a twili that raise as a hutt's slave not goign to speak her native tounge, she going to speak what she taught. waht you speak a combotion of who raised you, what you need to live and what you want to speak to. i ymself speak some spanish, german and japans due to being in the army and i had to learn basics so i could eat.
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