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Please buy the Reqruit PvP set before you join warzones.


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I guess it comes down to skill. I've frequently maxed my medal count in my gear while some of my opponents are in battlemaster gear. I had great gear in 1-49. Many purple epics and then two pieces of gear using the 1000 merc 1000 wz and one bag method. I have yet to buy a piece of gear with credits. I do spend a boatload of time farming crewskills to make gear though.


I had lvl 45 blue pants on two of my toons when i first entered lvl 50 pvp. I also tend to max out my medals on a win and get in upper bracket on a loss. Its not difficult to get 3 defensive medals even on a loss.


I really wish i had access to my gaming computer now, I would post a screenshot of my squishy operative with his medal count and gear screen.


So why am I so stubborn to buy the recruit gear? Its because I am so broke from maxing out crewskills.

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Untill you run in to me and eat a 7k smash and 4.5k force scream. Bet then you'd change your gear real quick.


No, that's when it's time to complain on the forums about how OP Warriors are and how Bioware favors the Empire.


Come here often?

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No, that's when it's time to complain on the forums about how OP Warriors are and how Bioware favors the Empire.


Come here often?


It's rather disappointing when you found the perfect newbie victim to pop all your CDs for a screenshot moment with 3 stack HD and then the guy died on the second tick.

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Wait im not wasting 300k on that gear when I can get bm pretty easy. Just be patient with us noobs.


I tried that when I came back for 1.2.


Basically, you will be instantly killed and be completely useless to your team without expertise.

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It's rather disappointing when you found the perfect newbie victim to pop all your CDs for a screenshot moment with 3 stack HD and then the guy died on the second tick.


Those are the guys you save your Energize procs for and hope for a Chain Shock just to make them feel bad about themselves in general. : )


Oh, and I know it's been a little while, but did you ever have time for any of those parses? Give me a couple days and I can probably do it myself, but my gear will be terrible (and definitely not optimal for a 0/31/0 build since I'm focused on Power/Defense atm).

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Amen. I have this little ritual I do when I join a WZ, I look at the raid window and see which one of the 8 players is under 12k hp, and I normally find one or two. It hurts my eyes to see players with lvl 37 implants still using them at 50. You make plenty of money to buy stuff from quests/dailies, you have professions, they lowered the prices on armor repairs (not that it's too expensive for greens/oranges), you get items rewards from quests and YOU STILL join WZs with crap gear.


On top of all those things It's so much easier to acquire PVP gear now there is no reason for you to do this but nope, you still have to place the group at a disadvantage with subpar gear.

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Just out of curiosity, is it still considered rude to queue in full Champion gear if you are already a BM?


I have 2 BMs and another about to hit 50 tonight or tomorrow, and they all need gear. Both of the BMs are in Champ gear (terrible luck w/ BM bags), and I don't really want to shell out another 650k on top of the 300k+ that I'll already be shelling out for the fresh 50.


Does it take longer than a week or so to get full BM if you PvP a good amount? Because if not, that seems kind of like a waste of 650k credits when full Champ gear is somewhat comparable (enough to get comms for BM gear, at least).

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Those are the guys you save your Energize procs for and hope for a Chain Shock just to make them feel bad about themselves in general. : )


Oh, and I know it's been a little while, but did you ever have time for any of those parses? Give me a couple days and I can probably do it myself, but my gear will be terrible (and definitely not optimal for a 0/31/0 build since I'm focused on Power/Defense atm).


Haven't had much time to do things besides dailys and trying to finish two more storylines, though I'm trying to avoid having concrete evidence that'd lead to nerfs to my class until I finish my set of WH armor which sure doesn't look like it's going to be anytime soon. What's a good parser to use? Google shows up ACT first and I've heard of them before.


I'm sure I'll find more time to do parses that may harm my class when my WH armor set is done. :)

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Just out of curiosity, is it still considered rude to queue in full Champion gear if you are already a BM?


I have 2 BMs and another about to hit 50 tonight or tomorrow, and they all need gear. Both of the BMs are in Champ gear (terrible luck w/ BM bags), and I don't really want to shell out another 650k on top of the 300k+ that I'll already be shelling out for the fresh 50.


Does it take longer than a week or so to get full BM if you PvP a good amount? Because if not, that seems kind of like a waste of 650k credits when full Champ gear is somewhat comparable (enough to get comms for BM gear, at least).


I have accumulated about 18000 WZ commendations since 1.2 went live and I think you need like 4-5K for a full BM set? I do play a lot though.


I think being cheap is a perfectly valid reason to not have Recruit gear, but that's about it. For the record, I'm cheap too.

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I have accumulated about 18000 WZ commendations since 1.2 went live and I think you need like 4-5K for a full BM set? I do play a lot though.


I think being cheap is a perfectly valid reason to not have Recruit gear, but that's about it. For the record, I'm cheap too.


lol, it's not that I'm cheap, I just don't like to waste the creds I have, y'know?


If the stats are "good enough", I don't really see much point in wasting over half a million credits. It's not like I'll be rolling around in Cent gear or leveling greens/blues.


If I can replace the gear in a week or less (probably less, considering how fast I can cap my comms even at 2k), it really is just throwing the credits down the toilet.

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I have to chime in. I wear My PvE gear (rakata, columni mix) to work on my battlemaster. I play as an operative healer and will tell you that the stat bonuses I get from the PvE gear far outweigh the expertise bonuses from the recruit gear. The healing I do in the PvE gear is much better simply because of the difference in stats (I will have to look up the numbers and put them in here later, but it is a whole lot more cunning, power and surge). The defense difference is made up in the fact that I have about 4k more hp in my PvE gear.


I will say that if I was playing a DPS toon, I would definitely roll with the recruit gear, but it just did not make sense from a healer perspective. (I survived just as long, but heal much better with the PvE gear). That said, I am now almost full battlemaster, so it is not too much of an issue anymore. (should be done this week)


It was fun to explain to people that the HP and stats made it better for healing than recruit gear and then outheal the recruit op healers (although seeing another op was rare to start with) by tons and have less deaths. If I was not in almost full Rakata though, it would not have made much sense.

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lol, it's not that I'm cheap, I just don't like to waste the creds I have, y'know?


If the stats are "good enough", I don't really see much point in wasting over half a million credits. It's not like I'll be rolling around in Cent gear or leveling greens/blues.


If I can replace the gear in a week or less (probably less, considering how fast I can cap my comms even at 2k), it really is just throwing the credits down the toilet.


For you with full champ gear it's a waste. I didn't replace my champ pieces with recruit either when 1.2 came out, and I don't regret it. The cent pieces just weren't competitive though. It's the people running around in their badly modded oranges/lower level greens and blues that make me question whether I actually want to continue queuing that evening or not. When I first started pvping pre 1.2 I spent some credits (not alot, just had to shop around the GTN a bit) getting purple mods for my oranges so that even without expertise I'd have nice base stats. A lot of people I see playing with non-pvp gear now don't even make that effort. Which in turn makes me think, why should I spend any effort on guarding/peeling/etc with them? They clearly don't care enough to even pony up a day's dailies' worth of credits or so. I know crafting is a money drain, but a day or two's effort would send a much better message to the people who are their teammates.


Will you say the same thing when i join your HM flashpoint group with the same dual wield chickens equiped? No? That's what i though. It's only ok as long as it's not affecting YOU right?


This is pretty much the root of pvp being such a mongrel sport (class balance/expertise issues aside). Crap happens in WZs that a lot of op groups would never tolerate, the problem is people who do that feel entitled to do so because anyone can queue up for alderaan and no one can really tell them no or kick them out. That kind of attitude KidFriday showed doesn't fly too well for raids - see how far it gets you with most serious raiders. Without being able to make an entire 8 man premade, the dynamic you find in pve where you can outright reject anyone who isn't willing to make effort for the sake of the group he's in simply doesn't exist. You can't lockout the people who are being under-performers out of laziness/greed/whatever from your instance, because it's not really yours. There has been no mutual contract (I will have your back/you will be worthwhile to the best of your ability) when the group was formed.

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Just out of curiosity, is it still considered rude to queue in full Champion gear if you are already a BM?


I have 2 BMs and another about to hit 50 tonight or tomorrow, and they all need gear. Both of the BMs are in Champ gear (terrible luck w/ BM bags), and I don't really want to shell out another 650k on top of the 300k+ that I'll already be shelling out for the fresh 50.


Does it take longer than a week or so to get full BM if you PvP a good amount? Because if not, that seems kind of like a waste of 650k credits when full Champ gear is somewhat comparable (enough to get comms for BM gear, at least).


By design recruit is supposed to be on par with Champion, it is superior to Centurion.

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If ranked WZs and 8 group queuing is not available when I hit 50 (probably a week or two) then I will buy the recruit gear (look OP, your thread is working). I'm pretty bad at PvP but I don't desire to punish those around me by being even worse because I have the wrong gear. Even with ranked WZs, I will probably still go for the recruit gear as I hate losing ;)


Of course once we get ELO ranked WZs, even pugging with the wrong gear should be OK as (presumably) the WZ scheduler will balance the teams by putting equally badly geared players on each PUG. In most competitive games there is a system for not having the weakest matched against the strongest (e.g. different divisions for skill levels, ELO ratings so chess masters don't have to play n00bs). Once this deficiency is fixed things will be better.


Of course more complex WZ scheduling will mean longer queue times unless the pool of WZ queued players is increased (can you say cross server WZs?).

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