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Please buy the Reqruit PvP set before you join warzones.


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It's dirt cheap and superior to the old epic Champion set. Sure it's not purple and you rather use your columni shiny purples but please pick up a set anyway.


I cringe when i see two puggers with full pve sets in my warzone when our premade comes up against another good premade. Those pve geared players will get instantly obliterated.


Consider that by this time you will come up against warhero geared players that will have a 24% damage bonus against you and receive 19% less damage from your attacks. Surely you can see how utterly useless you will be against such force?


I cold probably take on 3 pve geared players and walk away victorious that is how poor pve gear fares.

Edited by Darth_Sookie
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It's dirt cheap and superior to the old epic Champion set. Sure it's not purple and you rather use your columni shiny purples but please pick up a set anyway.


I cringe when i see two puggers with full pve sets in my warzone when our premade comes up against another good premade. Those pve geared players will get instantly obliterated.


Consider that by this time you will come up against warhero geared players that will have a 24% damage bonus against you and receive 19% less damage from your attacks. Surely you can see how utterly useless you will be against such force?


I cold probably take on 3 pve geared players and walk away victorious that is how poor pve gear fares.


Cannot agree more...

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I wouldn't say dirt cheap. Cost me over half a million for a full set. Certainly doable considering how it rains credits in the game if you use crew skills and sell the materials on the GTN. Most people are incredibly lazy in this regard though so... enjoy the squishes while they last. :p Just hope the other team has more than you do lol.


The recruit stuff is depressingly good though. Drop half a mill and you walk into the wzs at 50 with about 800 expertise off the bat. :rolleyes:

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Been getting alot of complanse about this but then i am a were set with what i think so i stayed with my gear until i now have all exept 1part warhero gear and cant say i feel that much difrens, still die direct off thos stealthe SOBS.


Ps if i cod have gone back to when i hit 50 then i would have both the reqruit pvp set, but now when i wasted weeks farming and so i went my way.

Edited by skidrows
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Unfortunately with how lazy, poor and generally hopeless the community seems I think BW needs to just make recruit gear cost 50k for a full set, I am constantly seeing people running 0 expertise in WZ's with mid 40'ss green items.
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I thought it was just over 300k for a set, not 500k? That is one full set of PVE dailies (Ilum, Belsavis, Corellia.) Honestly, just spend 2 hours doing PVE and you can buy a set and... not be completely useless.
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I thought it was just over 300k for a set, not 500k? That is one full set of PVE dailies (Ilum, Belsavis, Corellia.) Honestly, just spend 2 hours doing PVE and you can buy a set and... not be completely useless.


330k including both relics IIRC, which is, as you said, 2 hours of PVE dailies.

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Unfortunately with how lazy, poor and generally hopeless the community seems I think BW needs to just make recruit gear cost 50k for a full set, I am constantly seeing people running 0 expertise in WZ's with mid 40'ss green items.


Wz should have an expertise minimum to q. The people that refuse to buy the recruit gear are selfish and ruin the game for EVERYONE. It's one thing to have to carry a Nub in full recruit, it's another to have to carry some selfish brat in pve gear.


I run teams for my guild and make sure our newbz are geared even if it comes outta my pocket.

Edited by VoidJustice
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thank you OP.


this is what has cost me and a bunch of the people that play with me a lot of games, is coming in and seeing people hwo are so clueless as to what has happened in the last 2 weeks, that they are still in full cent with 2 pieces of champion. like they are rockin some retro gear that is totally in style or something.


besides the people who are in zero gear at all. the people in the old pvp gear come in a close second, they just don't want to give up all their "hard earned worked at gear" for some blue junk lol!



cliffs: buy the new blue set if you don't have bm already, or get toasted constantly

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It's discouraging to go into level 50 with 13K health and becoming someone's lunch during the WZ, the whole suit costs 268K which is a fair bit. I'd buy 3 pieces of BM with 2000 WZ comms and buy the relics and implants from the recruit vendor. Edited by Sookster
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I'm the sort of guy that takes my gear off just to bring out the rage in the premades, you know, because it's hilarious


i can't wait for a join system for pugging operations comes!!!


im gonna pull a big group of npc's and then vanish and watch my team take it in the *** and lol cause they don't pvp instead :)

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Plus for those who are saying that you'll wait for BM... if you buy recruit gear you will get more medals and so get BM faster than if you don't. Honestly, if you don't wear Recruit gear I'll not be able to keep you up and will quickly stop wasting heals on you. Then you'll spend half the game in the respawn, not get kill and damage medals, etc. You'll also win less, which is a big chunk of comms (30-50 per game.) Honestly, just take the two hours to make the money and buy the gear so that you and your team will all have more fun. 300k is nothing, it costs more than that to buy a piece of Augmented gear, an augment and strip out the mods to put in it.
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Champion isnt so bad but Cent is the expertise on recruit makes better then cent by far but champ has more base stats so evens out a little more still the only champ you'd really what is to keep set bonus if they are useful thats about it
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No, get the gear, its 350k.. that's 1 hour of dailies, maybe 2.


There is no excuse to not have it... NONE


Here is one:


Sorcerer healers can output significantly more HPS in PvE gear than in Recruit or Battlemaster PvP gear. If the team focuses on peeling, guarding, and taunting off the healer (like they are supposed to be doing) then the healer should not wear PvP gear until they have War Hero.


Of course, if you are pugging as a healer in this game you are wasting your time. Friendly DPS see you as a decoy while enemy DPS see you as a free kill.

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Here is one:


Sorcerer healers can output significantly more HPS in PvE gear than in Recruit or Battlemaster PvP gear. If the team focuses on peeling, guarding, and taunting off the healer (like they are supposed to be doing) then the healer should not wear PvP gear until they have War Hero.


Of course, if you are pugging as a healer in this game you are wasting your time. Friendly DPS see you as a decoy while enemy DPS see you as a free kill.


That's incorrect. Same argument is used by people in PVE gear for DPS too "well as long as I don't get hit I do awesome". Great in theory, horrible in practice. Not to mention just plain wrong with how expertise works for both sides playing (more damage/healing for you, less damage taken by them, and oh look at that more healing done to you too).

Edited by hadoken
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That's incorrect. Same argument is used by people in PVE gear for DPS too "well as long as I don't get hit I do awesome". Great in theory, horrible in practice. Not to mention just plain wrong with how expertise works for both sides playing (more damage/healing for you, less damage taken by them, and oh look at that more healing done to you too).


Sorry, but it is true. Healing does get a boost from expertise, but it is nowhere near as much as you lose by trading away a secondary for expertise. The increased survivability for yourself means decreased survivability for your whole team as a result of lower HPS.


If you have a team that can support a healer, the healer should be in PvE gear for higher HPS output. If you are pugging, you should absolutely be in PvP gear and let those DPSers fend for themselves.

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