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Regarding server queues


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Lol its star wars ppl STAR friggin WARS, the game changer of the ENTIRE world what did you really expect from a MMO version of it? I mean seriously when the movies came out did you not stand in line or look at it on tv? has there not been countless references and parodies to the franchise? even RO had huge queue severs when it first came out. Probably the most anticipated game next to Skyrim this yr. Give it time, just got on my server now would tell you the name but took far less then an hr to get into my server :-P


your obviously on 1 of the lower populated servers.ive been waiting over 3 hours for the swiftsure and some people have said they have waitied for 5 hours to get in the the same server.i wish i only had to wait 1 hout id likly be happy with that.i am Patient but 3-5 hours is still a rediculous amount of time to wait to play swtor!

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I'm posting here to voice my opinions. I speak for myself, no one else, in the following. I want Bioware to know how their customer (me) is concerned.



I work A LOT of hours at work, my game time changes due to the nature of my job. I need to get on, when I'm at home and have the time. I play the time I'm allowed and I logoff.



If I log in and am put in a 45min que, before I can even PLAY the game I've payed for, this isn't going to be the game for me. (Tonight I can't play because 45mins of the hour I have left tonight would go towards waiting in line)



With that said, I'll give BW some "wiggle room" because I'm on "early access" and the game hasn't went live yet. I'll give BW some time to correct the obvious errors the game has. Those errors are the following:



Server sizes are waay too small.


Server wait times are clearly waay too long


If a player gets booted, which I did 4 times early this morning (6AM CST), they should not be put back into a 45 minute que.


Again, I'm going to give you (Bioware) the opportunity the time to correct these issues. I believe a month is enough time to correct things. After a months time if I'm still waiting for long ques to get in, getting booted out, then put back into the waiting line, I"ll be cancelling my subscription and writting off online games all together. I'm not going to risk spending my income, if I'm not going to get what I payed for.


I wouldnt mind a 45 min wait, im lookin at about 4 hours just like last night right now.

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They are supposed to tell you exactly what they are doing? Do you want to be included in every big business decision they make now?

Maybe they haven't decided? They may be debating.

**** did you think about that?



They don't owe you any explanation on how they are handling anything. You don't have a right to this information. You may feel some self-entitlement, but you don't have a right to it.

Right being something they legally can't take from you..

Sure I would love a better answer too, but pro tip. Threatening people doesn't make them work faster or work harder for you, it makes them resent you.


Your comments make me and most likely the rest of the people who are disappointed .... resent YOU.


Like Bioware, a company, is going to resent its players. Give me a break. We are paying customers. I could care less if Bioware resents me.


I also don't care if I have a right to know what they are doing. The point is, if they don't fix this fast, many people like me are going to cancel their subscriptions and get refunds.

Edited by Endar
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Scenario: I get home from work... tired... very tired... the only thing i want to do right now is to clear my head by playing the game i bought and waited more than 3 years to be here... as i log into the game i hit a wall by seeing that the server i am suppose to play, because thats where my guild was placed by bioware, has a 25 minutes queue line... i say: WTH? Hell no, i am going to another server, but as i scroll down the list of servers i only see queue lines, from 10 to 35 minutes...


This is a joke...

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You know, I would have more sympathy for people who had queue times of 3+ hours a month after launch , but when the game launched 3 days ago, when everybody is acting like its a Black Friday sale at Walmart and then complain that "I can't get in" What the hell did you expect? One of the most high profile and eagerly anticipated games and you think you could just walk right in? Have you ever been to San Diego Comic Con? Do you think you can just walk right in when they open the doors on the first day? You have to wait in line there.


I would rather have people exercise some patience and complain if the wait times are too long a month from on.

Sure I can year someone say "Yeah the wait times will be low because everyone will have left since the wait times are too long. "

Good, I hope the impatient "gotta have it now, now I tell you" crowd leaves and the rest of us who are patient and tolerant and know that this game is not going anywhere and will be here for a long time will be able to play the game.


I look at this as playing the long game, as it were.

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Sorry I paid for mine too. Two collectors editions one for myself and one for my wife.

So you have been charged already? WoW for a game that is coming out on the 20th. This early access is bonus time they gave you to play the game. BONUS time.


How can you not *********** understand that? BONUS TIME!!!!

The game you paid for comes out on the 20th, not today not yesterday. It's EARLY ACCESS....


Wow your are seriously one of the du....



Lets start.


A) This is NOT, I repeat NOT BONUS TIME. I PRE ORDERED the game for this "BONUS" time.


B) YES I've been charged ALREADY for the REAL game, as have almost EVERYONE else by this point, I dont care if it's not the 20th yet. I was emailed my code today and my card was charged.


C) How can you NOT understand. When I PRE-ORDERED the game from ORIGIN there was a seperate $5.00 pre-order FEE that guarantee'd early access. I'm sorry if you dont understand simple economics but maybe you should google it. That was a purchase. Early Access is NOT a bonus.



Please for the LOVE of god STOP talking.

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Seriously people, stop asking for Bioware to fix the queues, they can't, not if they want the server population properly balanced and spread out amongst the servers. They raise the caps to the max and you'll end up with half a dozen overcrowded servers (still with queues most likely!) and a bunch of ghost town servers which people will leave and goto.. you guess it, the overcrowded ones.


Keeping a lower server cap -temporarily- while the load balances is the best way to spread people out, don't like it? Tough, its best in the long run and giving into the complaints will cause more harm than good in the long run.


... and yes, i'm on a high pop server and have a 90min queue.

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OP was a bit vague and uninformative. What is the plan? This isn't viable, I'm sure you realize that moving forward.


I'm not buying the explanation of 'art and science' to balancing loads. With thousands of people in queue 24/7, what is there to evaluate? Don't worry, my dynamic experience is guaranteed with a maxed server. The only problem I see is guilds cannot play together because the wait times break up our play times.


Kicking me off if I'm afk? Really? Can I eat? Walk the dog? Or am I expected to plan my playtime to such an extent that I'm disallowed doing anything for the duration of my allotted time? Because once you stand up to take a piss and get a snack, that's it for the night. Do you actually WANT me to install a clicker to keep my toon moving? Or will that get me banned?


Come on guys. We all love the game, and we're patient. But this answer was almost a tad insulting.

Edited by ekaikaforge
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Please please please fix the fraking queues. I have limited time to play but now I get stuck in 1.5 hour queue non stop. Now I have to plan when I think I will have a hour to play, and then login 1.5 hours early so that when I might have a hour free I will actually be able to login.

Come on

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you need someone at home to start up your computer and game 2 hours before you get home and make sure the ppl home keep you char moving.. so you can play right when you get home :p


wow you know what? I know that is /sarcasm... but I was actually thinking that too! :/

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Seriously people, stop asking for Bioware to fix the queues, they can't, not if they want the server population properly balanced and spread out amongst the servers. They raise the caps to the max and you'll end up with half a dozen overcrowded servers (still with queues most likely!) and a bunch of ghost town servers which people will leave and goto.. you guess it, the overcrowded ones.


Keeping a lower server cap -temporarily- while the load balances is the best way to spread people out, don't like it? Tough, its best in the long run and giving into the complaints will cause more harm than good in the long run.


... and yes, i'm on a high pop server and have a 90min queue.


Yes, they can be fixed, simple as that. They've basically stated they are NOT going to fix it.

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no choice, they put the guild there.


And this guild could not have moved? Chosen a different server?


Honestly guys am I'll say this and I'm done.

The money you have "paid" is for the game that releases on the 20th of Decemeber. Right now they are giving you bonus time to play, take any time you get and don't have to pay for as a blessing and calm down. They are working on the issue, they may not have told you what they are going to do but calm down. Just because they haven't said THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING, doesn't mean they aren't doing something. My grocery store hasn't told me they are going to do something about the naked guy that runs through the store from time to time, but they are aware of it, announced that they are aware of it, and stated it will be taken care of. Some times you just have to trust and be patient.

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Seriously people, stop asking for Bioware to fix the queues, they can't, not if they want the server population properly balanced and spread out amongst the servers. They raise the caps to the max and you'll end up with half a dozen overcrowded servers (still with queues most likely!) and a bunch of ghost town servers which people will leave and goto.. you guess it, the overcrowded ones.


Keeping a lower server cap -temporarily- while the load balances is the best way to spread people out, don't like it? Tough, its best in the long run and giving into the complaints will cause more harm than good in the long run.


... and yes, i'm on a high pop server and have a 90min queue.


How about raising server caps for existing characters, while not letting new players join those servers?


How about using instancing to balance things out for the 1st 2 months?


How about having WAY more servers during early access, and having those be a little underpopulated now and letting them fill up more upon launch.


These are just a few ideas, I've only been thinking about it for 30 minutes while I continue to wait in these lines and I'm not even a professional videogame developer.


Give me a break.


This is horrendous.

Edited by Endar
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OP was a bit vague and uninformative. What is the plan? This isn't viable, I'm sure you realize that moving forward.


I'm not buying the explanation of 'art and science' to balancing loads. With thousands of people in queue 24/7, what is there to evaluate? Don't worry, my dynamic experience is guaranteed with a maxed server. The only problem I see is guilds cannot play together because the wait times break up our play times.


Kicking me off if I'm afk? Really? Can I eat? Walk the dog? Or am I expected to plan my playtime to such an extent that I'm disallowed doing anything for the duration of my allotted time? Because once you stand up to take a piss and get a snack, that's it for the night. Do you actually WANT me to install a clicker to keep my toon moving? Or will that get me banned?


Come on guys. We all love the game, and we're patient. But this answer was almost a tad insulting.


clearly this game is not for the casual... guess i'm out

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Yes, they can be fixed, simple as that. They've basically stated they are NOT going to fix it.


The "fix" is to raise caps to maximum, let people flock to a few high pop servers, screw up the load balance and end up with ghost town servers in a month or two. So no, there is no "fix" unless you recently developed hyper servers that can handle more data than any existing system on Earth; in which case, tell Bioware, quickly!

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Scenario: I get home from work... tired... very tired... the only thing i want to do right now is to clear my head by playing the game i bought and waited more than 3 years to be here... as i log into the game i hit a wall by seeing that the server i am suppose to play, because thats where my guild was placed by bioware, has a 25 minutes queue line... i say: WTH? Hell no, i am going to another server, but as i scroll down the list of servers i only see queue lines, from 10 to 35 minutes...


This is a joke...



my expireance with listed que times is usualy double or triple the estemated time!like i said in a previous post 3-5 hour wait to get in to the swiftsure and its listed as 1hour 30 min waiting time.if your only waiting 30 min to a hour to get in to your server think your self lucky!!!

Edited by akpavker
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Paying ~$15+/month. Add ~$75 for the DDCE game. That's ~$90 this month to wait several hours in a queue. When I get in, its so late I can only play for 1 hour tops. Playing 3 days a week thats a total of 12 hours a month @ $7.5 / hr (this month). Very dissapointing and by far the most expensive price per hour of any digital product I've ever purchased. Imagine if any other products you use cost this much?!?!? Spare me the details of how the price will go down next month or WHEN they fix it. @ this point I just want a reasonable queue of 15 minutes or less. :ph_danger:
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Not sure if the mods have answered this..

But is anything being done those peeps who are afk-ing in the servers? Like those using a 3rd party macro program to prevent them from logging out?


No? Lol, they could care less. They have a million people paying for a game they cant even play. There rolling around in to many piles of money right now to worry about tiny things like that.

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And this guild could not have moved? Chosen a different server?


Honestly guys am I'll say this and I'm done.

The money you have "paid" is for the game that releases on the 20th of Decemeber. Right now they are giving you bonus time to play, take any time you get and don't have to pay for as a blessing and calm down. They are working on the issue, they may not have told you what they are going to do but calm down. Just because they haven't said THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING, doesn't mean they aren't doing something. My grocery store hasn't told me they are going to do something about the naked guy that runs through the store from time to time, but they are aware of it, announced that they are aware of it, and stated it will be taken care of. Some times you just have to trust and be patient.


you're a fanboy and probably a bioware plant; not to mention that you're seriously annoying.

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