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Regarding server queues


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There is a simple and obvious solution to the issue as I see it because I don't believe any amount of servers added will solve the dilemma to those who have already invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into a character on any given server. How about BioWare giving players a very limited ability to change to a server of their choosing? Inevitably every MMO gives players this option to help alleviate issues generated from server merges, etc. So why not develop a system now before people become disheartened to the point that they do not wish continue their subscription into official launch time? A one time ability for players to switch to a less populated server or for entire guilds to find a new home after a discussion with its members will unburden quite the stress that I currently feel for having to log onto my main character. It is hardly reasonable when you can't always set aside 2 hours time just to start playing the game in lieu of real life priorities. I sincerely hope a developer in the right position will take this suggestion seriously as my frustration is slowly building towards my level of enjoyment. Once it is overtaken..........
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Lol its star wars ppl STAR friggin WARS, the game changer of the ENTIRE world what did you really expect from a MMO version of it? I mean seriously when the movies came out did you not stand in line or look at it on tv? has there not been countless references and parodies to the franchise? even RO had huge queue severs when it first came out. Probably the most anticipated game next to Skyrim this yr. Give it time, just got on my server now would tell you the name but took far less then an hr to get into my server :-P
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Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch.


Ya'll need to take both an Art and Science class ;)


I am from the "Queues are do damn high" party..... If elected I would implement higher caps on all servers, add more servers, and most likely cross server queues for PvP and PvE, that way server population management would not be needed. :D


I feel that if we want to encourage people to visit our fine game, making the wait out in the cold looking in is poor hospitality. :p


All kidding aside, can you work an agreement with PopCap games to have Bejeweld mini-game added to the wait screen? maybe use some SW themed icons? The wait screen is bland. Maybe let us view all the trailers/openers while remaining in queue?

Edited by Racheakt
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My issue, which may have already been addressed is. Why not start with more servers in the beginning?


I ask this question because: If you imported onto "my" guild's server, 100 guilds with 500 members a piece. How are the 300+ members I have comming from another game going to get into "my" guild's server? How are we going to be able to recruit members into "my" guild if you fill a server 80% up with people who are already in guilds?


So I ask as a solution... Can we guild leaders possibly have the ability to set our guild on multiple servers without having to get 4 members to level to level 10 on republic and sith side on another server, + gain the 5k it takes on each side to set our guild up on another server, and to have to set up the guild ranks, ect?


For a smaller 20 - 100 person guild, this would be an issue, but to a mid-sized one like mine, it seems we are stuck with either doing all of the above that I mentioned, or deal with huge ques and be on a single server.


Please don't take this as me bashing the dev team, I am a huge fan of the game and bioware's games in general.

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While this is obviously being considered by Bioware, I'm afraid for this game if servers already have 2-hour-long wait queues. At release, the number of people trying to get in is going to increase by five or six times at least. Bioware better do something fast to free up some room.
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Again...Really...Class Action over a video game... how old are you?....


34. Whats the point how old I am. If you like getting scammed by big companies and losing your earned money, by all means, sit by and say nothing of value. Do you just come in here to troll, and make stupid remarks about people who are pissed about spending hard earned money on a product and service that doesnt deliver?? How old are you?

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Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth;


While I understand the theory behind limiting the servers with the intention of filling the existing ones, obviously this doesn't apply here. Most servers are filled to capacity and have a ridiculously long queue. The only way to play SWTOR now is to log on to a "normal" capacity server and make a new character. Personally, I intended to level a character or two on one server, to keep in touch with my friends.

Tonight I tried logging onto "Mind Trick", watched a movie while I moved up the queue, finally got in... only to find the heavy population was causing enough lag that I couldn't even navigate doorways.

As previously stated here: please open new servers and allow character transfers. When you are limited to playing a couple hours a night (due to working for a living and such), an hour or two of queue is far too long.



I agree 100%. I joined a server that a friend of mine started on at the beginning of early access which is now inundated with a 40 minute or more queue. I don't have the time to wait that long to play so now my only option is to roll a new character on a lighter population server. So the time I've put into my first character is pretty much wasted. I'm getting seriously turned off of this game.

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The simple answer is to allow people to freely move there characters and guilds between servers to take advantage of the new, less clogged, ones.

This needs to happen Bioware, it's NO FUN waiting in line hours just to play a game we've paid (and are paying) big bucks to play!

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There is a simple and obvious solution to the issue as I see it because I don't believe any amount of servers added will solve the dilemma to those who have already invested a tremendous amount of time and effort into a character on any given server. How about BioWare giving players a very limited ability to change to a server of their choosing? Inevitably every MMO gives players this option to help alleviate issues generated from server merges, etc. So why not develop a system now before people become disheartened to the point that they do not wish continue their subscription into official launch time? A one time ability for players to switch to a less populated server or for entire guilds to find a new home after a discussion with its members will unburden quite the stress that I currently feel for having to log onto my main character. It is hardly reasonable when you can't always set aside 2 hours time just to start playing the game in lieu of real life priorities. I sincerely hope a developer in the right position will take this suggestion seriously as my frustration is slowly building towards my level of enjoyment. Once it is overtaken..........


I agree with this. They don't need to add more servers yet, they don't even necessarily need to raise the server cap (although that would help). All they need to do is allow free character transfers for a limited time. I think many people would gladly change servers. What most people don't want to do is start over.

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The worst part of all Bioware is that you are %%##! off your most loyal and vocal customers.




Something should have been done and needs to be done to LOWER THE CUES NOW.


The official statement that started this thread is not sufficient.

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It's not even the release date of the game you haven't payed for anything yet. Oh that 5 dollars you "paid" for early access? No you cretin you payed 5 dollars for someone to reserve a copy of the game for you (which is standard), early access was just a bonus.


Calm down I am sure they are going to sort this out, this always happens with Mmo's and expansions server ques are ridiculous. Calm down they have addressed that they know there is an issue now let them work on in. Stop being foamy mouth nerds.

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34. Whats the point how old I am. If you like getting scammed by big companies and losing your earned money, by all means, sit by and say nothing of value. Do you just come in here to troll, and make stupid remarks about people who are pissed about spending hard earned money on a product and service that doesnt deliver?? How old are you?


...How am I trolling? You are talking about a lawsuit over early access. ITS A GAME... We all are here to ***** untill we can log in...

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When you are limited to playing a couple hours a night (due to working for a living and such), an hour or two of queue is far too long.


This is a good bulk of your player base.

I have said it before, There is no excuse for several hour long queues. :mad:

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Absolutely! Im spreading the word every chance I can. This is ridiculous.


Class Action


I was wondering when those two words would show up.


Take this with a grain of salt, obviously, but IF queues continue like this after the offifcial launch, how long will it be before some young lawyer who just wants to swing a lightsaber around for an hour or two after a 14 hour day organizes a class action lawsuit over breach of contract or fraud?


In today's world, if nothing is fixed, and SOON, this seems to me to be inevitable.

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The simple answer is to allow people to freely move there characters and guilds between servers to take advantage of the new, less clogged, ones.

This needs to happen Bioware, it's NO FUN waiting in line hours just to play a game we've paid (and are paying) big bucks to play!





Come launch. Those severs too will be clogged...


People have been starting new characters on empty servers and now those servers are full....

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Seriously Please let us Xfer characters to other servers. No one wants to rebuild the same toon. This is going to be a deal breaker for this game for sure. Are you going to start kicking toons that are AFK to deal with this? Because what if someone has to use the restroom and boom they are now booted.
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It's not even the release date of the game you haven't payed for anything yet. Oh that 5 dollars you "paid" for early access? No you cretin you payed 5 dollars for someone to reserve a copy of the game for you (which is standard), early access was just a bonus.


Calm down I am sure they are going to sort this out, this always happens with Mmo's and expansions server ques are ridiculous. Calm down they have addressed that they know there is an issue now let them work on in. Stop being foamy mouth nerds.


Sorry to burst your bubble bud, but many pre-orders have been charged and paid in full.


We're beyond the reach of petty excuses now.

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So I enrolled on a server with a light load earlier this week. Played for a good two days until it became queued up beyond an hour, went ahead and started over with a new character on a new server that showed light. Had to login an hour before wanting to play tonight, thought that would be sufficient, still had to wait.


Got on for one hour before the game locked on me, and guess what? Waiting in the queue again, and now I'm back here reading about the problems others are having and finally joining in the gripe fest myself.


I'm logging off for the evening. Don't have the patience or inclination to wait tonight, and I'm so disenchanted with the whole process I may just call it a loss and move on. Sucks because I really enjoy the game, but I have limited time to play and want to make the most of it and enjoy myself.


And I'm sorry, if this is how you treat your pre-order customers, the folks that actually give a rats *** and wanted to get in because they were so excited about it, I just don't buy that it's going to improve once the rank and file start logging in on the 20th - in fact I'd say I'm expecting it to get a lot worse.


Unreal, and Insanely Disappointed. This was my first forray into a MMO and I've loved it - WHEN I'VE BEEN ABLE TO USE THE PRODUCT I BOUGHT.


This says everything i feel and has many logical points. Only difference for me is its not my first MMO. I have played many other MMOs at launch and none of them had 4+ hour queues. I saw some at 1 or 2 hours but that was max.

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The worst part of all Bioware is that you are %%##! off your most loyal and vocal customers.




Something should have been done and needs to be done to LOWER THE CUES NOW.


The official statement that started this thread is not sufficient.



See this is the problem rather than be patient you people want it NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. Do you understand how much that sounds like a little kid?

Give them time. Christ. You aren't paying to play right now, you haven't bought anything. Give it time, they will have this kind of thing fixed soon. But making demands?

**** off they don't care and neither do I. Wanna leave the game do it. It will alleviate some of the stress on the server.

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